Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 229: Joker

The ditch is covered with tattoos, and the word "loyal" on the right side of the neck is particularly prominent.

"I'm coming."

As soon as Iverson arrived, he ran to Larry Brown and greeted him. Before Larry Brown said anything, he walked back to the technical stage and was ready to play.

Larry Brown moved his nose and frowned, but he quickly raised his finger in the field.


Snow on the court was quick and fast, and immediately fouled Mark Jackson.

Iverson was eager to enter the field, but Donaghy, the referee on the side, blocked it with a palm.


A scent came, and Donaghy glanced at Iverson in disgust.

"Drinking and competing?"

Iverson gave him a cold look, then took away the hand.

Donaghy frowned deeper.


"Allen, Allen, Allen!"

Amid the applause and cheers of the 76ers fans, Iverson clapped with Witherspoon and went on the court.

Still so cold and arrogant, still so defiant, Iverson is Iverson.

Seeing Iverson's arrival, the 76ers on the field finally had a little smile.

The Pacers' players are still watching.

"That spoiler is here."

Reggie Miller didn't like this kid who had just arrived, especially the smell of alcohol on his body, which made people nauseous.

Li Nan also frowned. Can Iverson be in this state?

However, the facts quickly proved that Li Nan's worries were somewhat redundant.

After Iverson came up, the 76ers' offense opened up.

Iverson seemed to be more fierce after drinking.

Pick up the ball and rush towards the pedestrian crowd. Even if someone doubles and defends, Iverson is unmistakable.

Mark Jackson, who defended Iverson, was a headache, and he couldn't help it.

Pacers' 224-tall power center Rick Schmitz was played by Iverson several times.

Reggie Miller was helpless, "If I were 20 centimeters shorter, where would you be for the wild?"

In this way, Iverson also liberated Li Nan, and other teammates were better involved in defense.

In 4 minutes, the 76ers were high-spirited and played 11 consecutive victories.

The score of the two sides changed from 13-6 to 19-16, and the difference was reduced to 3 points.

The fans in the stands were very happy and shouted in excitement.

"Let\'sgo! 76ers!"

However, the referee Donaghy didn't make them happy for long.

On the court, Li Nan pressed Miller tightly, holding his hands high, and explained clearly.

Reggie Miller doesn't have any angle to shoot, but when the time is coming, he can barely shoot.

At this moment~


"Thugs foul! 76ers, number 9!"

Reggie Miller just turned around and ran back after the shot to prevent the 76ers from playing a fast break, but he stopped shortly after turning around.

People who don't know thought it was Miller's foul that was whistled.

On the side, Li Nan looked at Donaghy quietly for 10 seconds.

Donaghy was not afraid. Today, he wants to blow down the 76ers' most accurate Li Nan. He wants to watch Iverson play alone, and finally see Iverson lose...

At this time, the 76ers fans in the audience also shouted, "Black whistle, black whistle, black whistle!"

However, the shouts of the fans did not change the penalty.

And Li Nan on the court turned everything into one sentence after seeing who was there for ten seconds, "What a special one!"


Donaghy and Reggie Miller heard it.

"Why do you say tomatoes? What do you mean?"

When the two of them were full of question marks, Li Nan walked to the sidelines and slapped Witherspoons who replaced him.

"Take a good rest." Larry Brown patted Li Nan, but his expression was very solemn.

In this game, Larry Brown never sat down since the opening.

The walker on the opposite side was brought up by him. Before Larry Bird came, they had already been to the Eastern Conference Finals. Had it not been for the continuous injuries in the team last year, the Pacers would not have been so miserable that they could not make the playoffs. Larry Bird entered the Pacers just to take advantage of it, completely retaining Larry Brown's team-building lineup. Only one Chris Mullin was added.

This year, the Bulls accidentally injured Langley, and the Pacers were lucky enough to be the number one in the East for a few days. Many media people said that the Pacers are now stronger than Larry Brown.

Although Larry Brown never said anything, he cared very much in his heart.

He taught a lot of those guys, and he knew them all too well.

In this game, even if there is no such thing as Li Nan, Larry Brown will have to win it!


"There is a beam jumping clown here making trouble. This game is a bit difficult to run."

Larry Brown helped his glasses and looked at the gray guy on the court. If the look in his eyes could kill, Donaghy had been hanging up many times.

After a while, Larry Brown walked to the end of the bench...

On the court, without Li Nan, the 76ers still played smoothly under the leadership of Iverson. Of course, the score leader has always been the Pacers.

At the end of the first quarter, 28-24, the Pacers led by 4 points.

In the second quarter, Larry Brown came in as soon as he came up. Iverson, Li Nan, Witherspoon, Coleman, Williams's former 76ers lineup played a fast-break counterattack. The Pacers' cumbersome center can't catch up at all.

A wave of 10-4 small rods overtook the score.

However, Donaghy's whistle came again.

Beep! Stop fouls!

Li Nan assisted and broke through Iverson's Mark Jackson. As a result, Jackson was still a short distance away from Li Nan, and the whistle sounded.


Li Nan, such a tolerant person, got up furiously.

However, some people are faster than him.

A **** hand seemed to grab Donaghy by the collar.

Rick Mahon! Rick Mahon from the bench!

"Are you deliberate? Are you deliberately trying to mess with us?"

Li Nan and the others also surrounded Donaghy at once.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? I will If you dare to move me, you will be suspended! Ouch~~"

Donaghy was dragged, pushed and shoved, his face and neck were flushed, and he didn't know how many hits he suffered.

Beep beep! ! !

There were whistles everywhere, but 76ers fans in the stands cheered the players on the court.


"Beat him to death!"

"I hate black whistle the most!"

The Pacers' players didn't dare to intervene. The 76ers are notorious. Rick Mahon, Ben Wallace, Derek Coleman, plus the vicious Chinese Li, tusk tusk, these 76ers really are.

The security at the scene was late. When Donaghy was rescued, his face was intact and his clothes were a bit messy, but he couldn't see anything.

Donaghy pointed to the 76ers not far away, "I and you all are waiting for the suspension!"

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