Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 226: Think of a way

In the heated public opinion, the 76ers' record is exceptionally stable, and they started their own winning streak.

However, Iverson's All-Star vote is somewhat unsatisfactory.

After the second and third rounds of votes were announced, Iverson's vote fell from second among Eastern guards to fifth.

East guard ranking:

1. Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls,

2. Anfini Hardaway of the Orlando Magic,

3. Reggie Miller of the Indiana Pacers,

4. Tim Hardaway of the Miami Heat,

5. Allen Iverson of the Philadelphia 76ers.

Public opinion has "too much" influence on the All-Star vote.

The Philadelphia media and fans have been trying to canvass for Iverson. It’s just weird that the number of votes just doesn’t go up, and I don’t know what went wrong.

On the surface, Iverson didn't take those public opinions seriously, but Li Nan knew that was not the case!

Iverson cares very, very much about this All-Star game. Otherwise, the number of shots won't increase suddenly. To some extent, Iverson's desire for the All-Star is higher than the championship.

Reebok's lifetime contract!

family! money! champion!

Family ranked first! For the family, this lifetime contract must be won! The All-Star Game requirements in the lifetime contract, Iverson must compete.

However, Iverson was too arrogant and a bit straightforward.

He just wanted to perform better and prove his strength to everyone. Then the fans will definitely support him and vote for him.

However, this vote is not reliable!

Iverson's apostasy has created a bad impression on some people, and some people do not want Iverson to appear in the All-Star Game.

Voting will definitely not work!

Looking at the current voting, Iverson has fallen by more than half compared with last year.

There must be something in it.

Iverson wants to start in the All-Star Game, it's impossible.

However, it seems a bit difficult to make Iverson substitute for the All-Star.

The current head coach of the top two Bulls and Pacers in the East has publicly criticized Iverson.

What should I do? How can I help Iverson make the All-Star?

Looking at the Pacers who have overtaken the Bulls and become the No. 1 Pacers in the East, their record is 24-11.

At this time, the 76ers have won 8 straight, and their record has come to 24-12.

Li Nan's eyes lit up!


Wachovia Center Arena in Philadelphia in the morning.

On the training ground, everyone is practicing seriously.

Derek Coleman is making a free throw. Over time, Coleman has lost a lot of weight. The image of the big fat man no longer exists. Now he changed back to his most handsome and unrestrained appearance, and his long-lost abdominal muscles came out. A little more than 30 years old is the peak period of his career! Coleman didn't let it fall.

Snow was alone in one half, practicing shooting under the guidance of his shooting coach. He didn't have much to do in the game, three 8-seconds, defense, open shots!

Ben Wallace is still playing with his barbell. A closer look reveals that his bench press weight has improved again. It has reached 192 kg. The distance of 200 is getting closer.

Wilkins hugged his arms, and he was quite satisfied to see everyone working hard like this.

Iverson is still absent today. However, what is surprising is that Li Nan is not there.

In the head coach's office.

"Lee, you didn't say that before!" Larry Brown frowned.

Li Nan asked him to increase playing time and shooting rights, and also to arrange special tactics.

This also caught Larry Brown off guard.

Could it be that the conflict between the two guys broke out? Is this too fast? Yesterday, I saw their **** high-five and hug.

Larry Brown looked at Li Nan and asked faintly: "Can I know why?"

"To win." Li Nan looked serious.

Larry Brown's eyes suddenly widened, "Huh?"

To win? What the **** is this?

However, it's not just a conflict between the two guys.

However, this "to win" is too far-fetched.

Larry Brown asked, "What else?"

Li Nan said solemnly; "In order to give you a taste of being an All-Star coach."

"Hen~" Larry Brown couldn't hold back either, and laughed all at once. It was an angry laugh.

Larry Brown himself didn't realize that he laughed much more often than before when he was with this kid.

Larry Brown put on a very majestic look, "Definitely not this."

"Okay," Li Nan opened his hands and confessed, "For Allen!"

Li Nan also said briefly.

Iverson, lifetime contract, All-Star Game, No. 1 in the East...

Larry Brown put his hands together and propped his chin.

He still knows some of the corners in the All-Star Game. According to Iverson, no one knows the offending.

At this time, Larry Brown considered Li Nan's previous proposal.

Li Nan meant that his shooting percentage was high, his shots increased, the team's overall shooting percentage went up, and the score went up.

After a little thought, Larry Brown said, "But, you run for almost a full 48 minutes like this, and your physical fitness can't support it."

"No! I have good physical fitness, good endurance, and I am young. 48 minutes is not a problem at all."


Larry Brown chuckled lightly, but there was approval in his eyes.

To be honest, Larry Brown really doesn't know how much Li Nan's physical fitness can persist. He only knows that Li Nan's physical stamina is good, he can persist no matter how he fights and how he runs, and his efficiency has never been low.

Larry Brown also raised his own doubts.

"But even so, there is no guarantee of winning. We may not be able to win against the Pacers."

In the next crucial week, the 76ers have 3 games, the most difficult of which is to face the Pacers.

Li Nan interrupted the old man at once, "No! We will definitely win all, and we must win!"

Seeing Li Nan so confident, Larry Brown also said, "Are young people nowadays so confident?"

Li Nan asked rhetorically, "Are the old people so unconfident now?"

"Hen~" Larry Brown smiled and shook his head.


On the training ground, there was a lot of noise. Everyone looked at the pile of small boxes in front of them, the small boxes that were well packed.

This is a gift from Larry Brown to everyone.

Everyone is cautious, for fear of something scary coming out of is this? What is MPmanF10? "

While talking, someone had opened it and looked at it.

"Wow! This turned out to be a DISKman! Oh my God! Is it such a small one?"

"This might take a lot of money to buy, right?"

"It's so cool! Such a small machine can listen to songs. Wow! And "Myheartwillgoon", which I am best at, is great."

When everyone is ecstatic.


Larry Brown's cough also made the scene instantly quiet.

The old man's impression on them is really bad. It's better not to offend him.

"Listen to me, the next few games..."

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