Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 211: Xiao Li, congratulations

Recently, NBA blockbuster injuries have hit, and they are basically big inside players of each team.

During this time of the game, the referee's whistle suddenly became severe. For inside defenders, the referee's whistle is biased. This is a little care for them.

However, this did not cool the players' enthusiasm for breakthroughs. Everyone's playing style is still vigorous, and they still choose to rush inside.

With a reasonable collision zone, a breakthrough is the best way to score.

The big men on the inside still didn't have a chance to breathe. The big man who should be hurt will still be hurt.

Fortunately, all the insiders of the 76ers were unharmed. Also because these insiders are safe and sound, the 76ers' inside defense is even more competitive.

In December, the 76ers started with a 7-9 record. After winning the Knicks at the beginning of the month, they ushered in a wave of 4-1 and a record of 12-10. At the same time, they also climbed to the ninth in the East. position!

Competition in the east is fierce.

Last season, the 76ers' old rivals, Cavaliers, Wizards, and Magic, added the Nets, Bucks, and Celtics this season. These seven teams are now competing for the eighth place in the Eastern Conference!

Terrible, quite tragic!

However, with the 76ers' current winning streak, they will soon get rid of this group and successfully catch up with the Hornets in the second group.

The seventh-placed Hornets are currently 15-7. The 76ers still hope to chase.

At present, the first group in the East is the first Bulls 19-3 and the second Pacers 18-4.

This year's Bulls are still strong, but the Pacers are really fierce!

This year, Larry Brown left. After they switched to Larry Bird as the head coach, the Pacers skyrocketed.

Compared with their first group, the 76ers are already a bit worse.

Unlike the fierce competition in the east, the west is a bit clearer.

The top nine teams are struggling to win, and the next five teams are silently losing.

The Lakers, Jazz and Rockets are currently 18-4, tied for first place.

The Nuggets have sprung up this year. They got rid of their bad position and went straight to fifth place in the West, 13-8.

This is all thanks to the violent operation of the team in the summer.

They first brought in the head coach of Syracuse University, the national basketball coach, Jim Burheim.

Under the operation of Jim Burheim, they chose to organize power forward Wang Dazhi in the draft.

Later, they traded Bobby Jackson from the Bucks and Danny Fordson and other players from the Bucks.

After Jim Burheim arrived, he made systematic adjustments to the Nuggets. The changes in defense and offense improved the team's strength a lot.

In the new season, they are also suddenly new, playing a dark horse posture.

The Nuggets have such a good record, some people are particularly happy.


"Xiao Li, congratulations, you won again." Wang Dazhi said congratulations, but the complacency in his words was particularly obvious.

The Nuggets are now the dark horse of the league, just like the Pacers in the East, they are all very dazzling.

And the 76ers have just stepped out of the quagmire now.

However, Li Nan won't let this hurt friendship.

"Dazhi, I heard that you are now the third best rookie."

Li Nan pointedly mentioned a topic that Wang Dazhi didn't want to hear the most.

In the best rookie rankings, Wang Dazhi was overwhelmed by Duncan and Keith Van Horn.

The first is the Mavericks' Tim Duncan, who averaged 23 points, 12 rebounds and 2.7 blocks per game.

The second is Keith Van Horn of the Spurs, averaging 20 points, 9 rebounds and 1.7 blocks per game.

The third place is Wang Dazhi. His data is 17.2 points, 5.1 rebounds and 7.3 assists.

Wang Dazhi was unhappy when he heard this.

"Hen~ They are all the stats that the team gave them! The record is not my best? Look, the Mavericks are eighth, 11-11, Spurs sixth, 12-10. Where do they have our Nuggets Good record? This alliance is purely a platoon!..."

Wang Dazhi is really a bit chatty. I don't know if it was held in a foreign country.

After hearing so much, Li Nan also asked, "Then why don't you brush?"

"It's not old Jim, he limits my playing time!"

Old Jim restricting Wang Dazhi's playing time is actually protecting him. Wang Dazhi is too young, he is also 20 years old now. He doesn't have the strong body of a black player, he can't stand the brutality. Jim Burheim is very cautious about his use.

Of course, Wang Dazhi is also very competitive. In the limited 25 minutes of playing time, he surrendered 16+5+7 data, which is really very good.

Of course, compared to McGrady's 17 minutes per game in the Raptors, which averaged 7.1 points, 4.2 rebounds and 1.5 assists, Wang Dazhi is really lucky.

"He is also for your own good. If you are physically strong, I think Old Jim will be assured that you will play 40 minutes per game."

Wang Dazhi also couldn't figure it out. He is also a Chinese, why is he so much different from Xiao Li? "Xiao Li, how do you practice your perverted body? I eat white water chicken every day and bench press 100 kg every day, but I still can't catch up with you."

Li Nan doesn't know if Wang Dazhi eats white water chicken **** every day, but Li Nan has something to say for this 100.

"Brother, I have to push 110 now, are you still 100 steps?"

"Fuck! You are a pervert." Wang Dazhi was a little proud just now and deliberately revealed the 100 bench press. I thought he had caught up, but he found out that Li Nan was still far behind.

Speaking of the bench press, Li Nan also thought of that person again, "Dazhi, let me tell you, the newcomer to our team is the one that knocked the gorilla to the ground. That guy is now benching 188 kg."

"Fuck it! Wouldn't it be terrible for me to meet him on Christmas?" Wang Dazhi arrived a little bit. Can that guy with arms thicker than his thighs hold him?

Li Nan comforted him at the right time: "It shouldn't be a miserable I will break two ribs."

Wang Dazhi rolled his eyes, "..."

Wang Dazhi did not speak, but Li Nan suddenly hurryed to hang up. "Okay, okay, let's not talk, the phone is almost out of power, see you next Christmas. Don't cry if you lose."

"Hehe! I cry? You think too much."

What Wang Dazhi didn't know was that he was so crying that he was crying.

After hanging up the phone, Li Nan quickly called another number back.

"Hey, Yueyue, have you come to check the post again?"

"Nonsense, when did I check your post." The clear and sweet female voice came, "Oh, by the way, who was the one who called you just now? It's been almost half an hour."

After getting along for a long time, Lin Yue has also changed, becoming more lively and lovely.

"Who else? The grandson of Wang Dazhi..."

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