Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 106: Fall in love with basketball

The night was getting darker, and the streets of Philadelphia were still brightly lit and there were constant pedestrians.

   A pair of men and women stood under the street lights.

   The girl is big and tall, very beautiful. The boy wears black-rimmed glasses, neither handsome nor ugly.

   "Daniel, why are you back? Is the University of Chicago on holiday?" The girl Kelly looked at her boyfriend Daniel with some confusion and expectation.

   "Kelly, I came back because I missed you." Daniel was serious.

   The girl feels happy, but she doesn't believe it.

   "Hehe, Daniel, just a few months after going to Chicago, you know how to lie, and your face is not red and heartbeat."

   What Kelly didn't expect was that Daniel collapsed at once.

"Okay, I admit. I'm fed up with that fellow Rogers. Knowing my identity as a Philly fan, that guy blows the bull in my ear every day. I didn't hold back, punched him, and then slipped away. "

   "Your classmate is indeed a bit owed." Kelly said casually.

   Daniel also breathed a sigh of relief. "Who said no?"

   However, Kelly reversed suddenly,

   "However, Daniel, you just blinked three times, you still lied!"

   caught off guard, Daniel's eyes suddenly widened.

   Lie this is to sit down.

   This girl is still that amazing.

  Daniel accepted the plant and confessed honestly.

   "Well, I admit it. I came back for the 76ers game. Our team is in a crisis now. As a 20-year old fan, of course I have to come back and cheer for them."

  Who knows, Kelly changed her face instantly.

   "Well, you Daniel, you learned to lie. You like watching football so much, don't you? Then you can fall in love with basketball."

  DaDaDa, Kelly ran away on high heels.

   Kelly was angry. What's so good about the basketball game? What do those basketball stars admire? Isn't it just a group of guys who make grandstanding by playing basketball? Where can we high-tech intellectuals come to be decent?

   Kelly couldn't figure it out. Daniel is a top student at a prestigious Chicago university, a future barrister, and a high-level person. Why should he chase stars?

   On the other side, Daniel was stunned.

   is playing tricks like this again!

   "Oh, forget it, I'm too tired, I'll fall in love with basketball."

   Daniel stepped away in the opposite direction. Looking at his watch, the game was about to start, and he couldn't help but speed up.

   On this side, Kelly's speed is not fast, even slower. But what made her anxious was that the idiot didn't chase him.

   When Kelly turned around, she saw Daniel walking away quickly.

   "Good, you Daniel!"

  DaDaDa, Kelly quickened her pace and disappeared into the night.


   Walking into the Wachovia Center Arena, Daniel was shocked by the white ocean.

   passed through a lot of aisles, and the fans were shouting enthusiastically.

  "Let\'s  go!"

   "Come on 76ers!"

   "We will definitely win!"

   Daniel was deeply touched, and he felt like he had found home in his heart.

   I am not the only one! There are so many fans here who continue to support the home team.

   Although the team lost 4 games in a row, they are still hot.

   Many fans believe that the team’s current situation is only temporary, and when Iverson returns, they will surely regroup. They will always support the team to the end.

   Daniel is at ease, maybe he has found a sense of belonging.

   But it feels so good.

   Soon, Daniel found his place, wearing a white T-shirt on his back.

   When watching TV, he envied the fans who watched the 76ers at home. When he really put on a T-shirt and blended with the people around him, he was even more excited.

   However, there are some regrets. I guess I can’t have fun today because it might be another failure?

   "It would be great if Iverson was here."

   Just when Daniel was sentimental, the arena suddenly went dark. Here is the ceremony to introduce the players.

   is the same as the opening of the Bulls' home court, it is a trick to destroy the morale of the opponent.

   When the 76ers enter the field, the host's voice on the scene has also changed and become more loud.

   Just when the host introduced the 76ers as the starting point, a scream suddenly came from the side.


   Daniel was taken aback, turned his head and saw that this was a girl who had just arrived by the side.

   In the dim light, Daniel saw that this girl was a very quiet person. But why is she screaming so crazy? Image! Pay attention to the image!

   At this moment, the girl suddenly pulled up Daniel.

   "Hey, stand up, stand up, how can you sit and watch the ball? Like me,"

   The girl is very enthusiastic and excited. She yelled "Wow!" "let\'s  go!" "Lee! Lee! Lee!"

  Daniel was a little bit twitchy and couldn't speak.

   The fans around are all enthusiasm, Daniel is a little different.

The girl next to    cast a contemptuous look.

  Daniel was also cruel and opened his mouth wide, "ting!"

   The girl smiled with satisfaction and continued to plunge into the battle. "Let\'s  go!"

   At the end of the admission ceremony, Daniel saw her in the light.

   The girl's name is Diana, she is very beautiful, she is not wearing a white t-shirt, but the number 9 player. Turned out to be a fan of Chinese Li!

   But the most noticeable thing is her passionate smile. It is like a spring breeze, and it is warm, and I can't help becoming enthusiastic and intense with her.

   The 76ers are warming up on the court.

   "Wow! Lee, so accurate!"

   "Hey, Jerry also feels good today!"

   "Derek, please, don't throw three pointers, I'm more accurate than you."

   Diana has been paying attention to the home team There is always something to say.

   Daniel felt a little confused, "Why are they all throwing three-pointers today?"

   Diana gave Daniel a contempt.

   "Is this our 76ers weapon? Our whole team throws three pointers. What's so fuss about? Are you a 76ers fan?"

   Daniel smiled.

   The 76ers are good at shooting three pointers, of course he knows it.

   "I always feel that the 76ers today are a little weird."

   "Why is that weird?" Diana stared at him ugly. If this guy says something bad, she will definitely go crazy!

   Daniel also dare not slacken,

   "Today the 76ers changed a set of starting players, Waters replaced Williams, the 76ers are a junior and senior. Only Coleman is the highest! This lineup is so weird!"

   "Hey~ Oh! Why didn't I find out?" Dianna frowned, but suddenly asked a question, "Then you say, can the 76ers win today?"

   This is a difficult question.

   Daniel replied with a glance, "Should~"

   "Huh?" Diana looked at him hard.

   Under Diana's intimidation, Daniel suddenly said, "No, it can be, the 76ers will definitely win!"

  :. :

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