"Stop talking nonsense and deal with those two guys from me!"

Zhang Yan ignored Groudon's somewhat resentful and puzzled look, and pointed at the Zhugang Hyena and the Deep Sand God next to the Monkey God.

These two were small soldiers, and they were not worthy of her to take action. Let Gu Lado just has fun. It doesn't matter if they are killed anyway, they will return to the special world and become the god in the myth again!

And this is just the so-called manifestation of the god created by the special power of this world.

The characters in the myths appear.

I am afraid that they can destroy this universe at will.

You know, the mythical characters all come from the ancient world, and the ancient world is so big that it cannot be calculated in light years, because even those golden immortals, Daluo golden immortals, It also takes countless years to get from one place to another, and only by becoming a being above the Great Luo Golden Immortal can a small world like the God Killer be shut down in a single thought. It can't be any small secret space.

Any powerful person who becomes an immortal can destroy these easily! But for the ape god, Zhang Yan has a lot of ideas, because this is the way for him to become stronger.

The God Lord can naturally inherit countless powers from the ape God Lord, such as the flaming eyes, the magic of the sky and the earth, the god-like indestructible body, and even the seventy-two transformations...

Although these are far from being comparable to those in mythology That one can't even be compared with the one in Journey to the West, but he can be regarded as getting started and has a way to improve.

By then, as long as he has points, he will be able to upgrade all the abilities that originally belonged to Sun Wukong. The level even surpasses it, such as the flaming eyes and golden eyes that have not been destroyed by the alchemy furnace, such as the real magic power of heaven and earth!

"Got it, master...."

Although he still missed the pleasure of blasting an empty seat with a blaster, he could do this kind of thing at any time, and Groudon did not dare to disobey Zhang Yan's order.

Otherwise, one day it may become the one being hammered again.


Groudon roared at Zhu Ganghyena and Shensha God, with deep displeasure in his eyes.

It doesn't dare to do anything to its owner Zhang Yan, but it has no problem venting its anger on the two guys Zhang Yan wants it to deal with.

"Cliff Sword!"

Groudon stepped on the ground, and the power in his body poured into the ocean!

In the world of Godslayer, it can no longer rely on the power of the priesthood in the elven world, using the meaning that Zhang Yan explained in the union. In other words, he has now exited the heavenly state.

But even so, with the strength he has now strengthened in the union, he can steadily expand to level one and nine, and this strength has to deal with Zhu Gang who is in the god state. Hyena and deep, that is easy!



Huge stone pillars continued to appear on the sea surface, rushing towards Shensha God and Zhugang Hyena. Their appearance from bottom to top was very sudden, and they hit the target easily!

"Old pig, it hurts me so much~!"

Zhu Ganghe, who was attacking Zhang Yan, was accidentally hit by a rock pillar and flew backwards into the sky.

The Deep Sand God has great control over the sea surface. He immediately discovered the situation under the sea surface, and the water dragon he commanded in time blocked the rock pillars that were attacking him.

But this made Zhang Yan's body frown no longer threatening at all.

At this time, Zhang Yan's eyes condensed, and a strange space vortex appeared behind the Monkey God. Immediately afterwards, the huge whisker he had condensed disappeared directly, and he teleported to the location where the vortex appeared.

This is a combined space ninjutsu he created by combining Kamui and Flying Thunder God. As long as he can see it, he can reach it in an instant!


Coming behind the ape god, Zhang Yan did not hesitate and directly commanded Susanoo to swing out. The painted dragon halberd condensed with golden power struck down with terrifying momentum.

"What a speed!"

The ape god realized that something was wrong the moment he discovered Zhang Yan's disappearance. Now he felt the huge sense of crisis coming from behind, and immediately released the magic power in his body with all his strength.

Following that, five figures approached between the gorilla and the ape. , a monkey beast about twelve meters tall, with a strong build, long arms and short, thick legs, appeared out of thin air!

This is the real summoning power of the ape god. Each monkey beast he summons has power comparable to the God Killer World Dragon!!

Speaking of which, if Woban had just dealt with the Ape God, he would have been completely restrained!

The latter summoned by the Ape God could reach out and walk as fast as a storm, and had as much destructive power as a typhoon, and could easily cause huge disasters and blow away houses at will. Go.

With this latter reaching out, the Monkey God can summon up to 9 monkey gods at a time, each of which is made up of a hundred small monkey monkey gods.

However, because the monkey gods summoned previously were killed by Zhang Yan's Amaterasu. Most of the fire burned away, and the power of the curse seal was burned away, so now the number of monkey beasts that the monkey god can summon has decreased a lot, only five are left, but even these five monkey beasts are very powerful! Powerful.

The power of each monkey beast is not inferior to that of ordinary gods, let alone any magician or warrior.

Each monkey beast can breathe out red lotus flames and trigger holy wind with spiritual power. With one breath, they can create a storm that ravages the mountains and forests.

They can also spit out red mist, and the trees swallowed by the mist will quickly wither and produce blue blood. Each monkey beast weighs more than ten tons, and has the power and great knights. Their agility matched them.

And now, five of these monkey beasts appeared. They opened their mouths at the same time and breathed out holy wind, trying to use this move to resist Zhang Yan's attack.

However, the monkey god's idea was obviously naive, and he underestimated it.

It's just that the five monkey beasts he summoned were not his own, so how could he compete with Zhang Yan ?


Zhang Yan controlled the Susano giant, and the halberd swept downwards with a devastating force. The storm it caused could easily offset the holy wind created by the five monkey beasts, and the halberd slid over them!


Just like cutting tofu with a knife, the five-headed monkey beast was slid by the tip of the dragon-painted heavenly halberd, and its body was directly divided into two!

And this time, Zhang Yan's offensive has not diminished!

"What a rival!"

Feeling the power coming from behind, the Ape God realized that it was too late whether he used his power to enhance the divine beast or used the speed method to avoid it! There is no way to avoid it.

In this case

"If you are an interesting opponent, just use your body to resist!"

Powerful power burst out from the body of the ape god.

It wants to reveal its true form!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

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