"Sun Monkey?..."

"That really deserves to be killed!"

A dangerous light flashed in Zhang Yan's eyes.

If there is any disobedient god in the world of God-killers that he particularly wants to kill, regardless of the benefits that can be gained by killing gods, then the Monkey King will definitely be ranked first.

Brother Monkey , that was Zhang Yan’s favorite character when he was young.

Maybe now that he’s grown up, he still likes it when he sees some things.

But in the world of God Killer, as a god of Yanhuang, After breaking free from the myth, he ran to the small island country and was willing to accept the seal and the service of the people of the island country.

He did not deny that he was an angry youth in his previous life.

Although he did not hate the island country, he had a deep love for that pair of history.

, is very concerned about it, so Sun Wukong in the world of God Killer is very unpleasant to him.

"If the real Sun Wukong knew that there was such an existence in the parallel world, he would be so angry that he would destroy the entire planet, right?"Thinking of the Monkey King's temper, Zhang Yan smiled faintly.

This super-dimensional union is very powerful, and it may join Sun Wukong in the future. Even if there is no Sun Wukong, it is possible to join the characters in the world of Journey to the West. When the time comes, he will go to that Of course, the world can also see Sun Hou.

Sun Hou has a lot of good things.

As a gift for cheating him, this disobedient god of God Killer must be completely slaughtered in the union live broadcast room. It’s exciting.

The pinnacle of martial arts:"Ape God? This guy didn't hide in the underworld and ran out?"

Luo Hao, who had returned to the thatched house in Mount Lu, stood up again.

She once tried to kill the Monkey King because she was dissatisfied that a Yanhuang god actually hid in the island country and accepted the worship there.

If he is a real great sage , Even if Akechi loses, we still have to fight, right?

I am Marquis:"Yes, it is ridiculous to follow Mr. Yu and come out from the secluded world to besiege me, and bring a few ants with him!"

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"Siege? I seem to have discovered something remarkable."

The mistress of the Tang family:"You, your discovery is wrong!"

Tang Xiaosan stretched out his novel and touched his cheek.

Could it be that at such a young age, he is still far away from being one year old, so he is about to be slapped in the face?

This feeling is not very beautiful.

Logically speaking, his reasoning is not The problem is that Woban wants to become the world leader as the strongest god-killer. This matter is not a secret in the union, and for him, a disobedient god has special power, so he gave it to Zhang Yan. It's really harmless.

It turns out that the God of Disobedience is special?

And from what I heard, Woban was besieged.....

The pinnacle of martial arts:"Woban, it turns out that you were afraid that you wouldn't be able to defeat Husband Yu and the Monkey God when they teamed up, so you gave up, haha!"

The old man was the Marquis:"Who said I couldn't defeat him? It's just a disobedient god like the Monkey God, I think The president likes it very much!"

The top martial artist said,"If the president doesn't come, why don't you run away?"

I said:"...."

Woban suddenly fell silent.

Before joining the union, he might have been blindly confident, thinking that he could defeat the Monkey God and the Royal Husband, but not anymore.

Although the Monkey God is looked down upon by Zhang Yan and Luo Hao, his strength is unquestionable. After all, he is the incarnation of the Monkey King in mythology.

One-on-one, Luo Hao felt a little nervous. After all, the Monkey God could escape from Luo Hao's hands. Of course, he was not in vain.

As the most ancient king, he has many powers and is not afraid of trouble.

But there seems to be something wrong with this royal husband now. This guy can retire from being a god of disobedience and become a strange existence that keeps walking. He also has the attributes of the last king"steel", as well as sharp weapons such as Tiancong Yunjian..

Being besieged by these two people, plus some powerful ants beside them.

This battle is not easy.

So he thought of Zhang Yan.

He not only had the idea of finding helpers for himself, but also had the idea of gaining Zhang Yan's favor. The purpose was to kill two birds with one stone.

So what Tang Xiaosan said is not wrong.

But this matter seems to be becoming problematic now.

For the dire circumstances of Woban's situation were revealed.

It seemed like he was asking for help.

President Zhang Yan:"Okay, even if we ask for help, the price will not be reduced. After all, the opponent is the mastermind behind the scenes, the husband, and the ape god Lord"

"This ape god is not as powerful as the one in mythology, but he is indeed powerful among the gods of disobedience. It just so happens that I am very interested in killing him. Let me come over!"

After typing a line of text in the chat group, Zhang Yan turned to look at Yin Xingyue and others, and said with a smile:"Then the next thing is up to you!"

"The specific situation should be clear to those of you who have read the notes and Nine Gates Tomb Robbers!"

Compared with wasting time in the world of tomb robbers, Zhang Yan prefers to kill gods in the world of Godslayers.

If he can kill the ape god and gain his power, his strength will be greatly increased, reaching level nine. Peak is not a problem.

By then, as long as he masters any realm, breaks through the first level and becomes the second level

, he will be the most powerful existence in this union!

"Be careful, Xingyue and I will help you take care of it.."

Naturally, no one said anything when Zhang Yan was leaving. He had already contracted out the tomb robbing business, but Yan Lingji and Yin Xingyue were a little reluctant to leave. They still wanted to spend more time with Zhang Yan!

"Don’t worry, it’s just God-Slaying, nothing will happen!"

Zhang Yan gave Yan Lingji and Yin Xingyue a look of relief, and then summoned the space portal and stepped in.

However, when he was halfway through, he suddenly stopped, turned around and returned to the members. Someone from the Nine Sects said:"Everyone needs some snacks for the next tomb robbery!"

"Even though tomb robbing may seem like a bad thing, it is indeed a good way to get rich!"

"And in all the worlds, there is no shortage of people who become stronger by robbing tombs."

"According to what I pointed out, there was an ancient emperor in a big world who was an expert in tomb robbing."

"And the tombs he robbed were all those of supreme beings, emperors, and saints!"

"If the strength of these people were to be compared to those in the guild, they would be at the seventh level at least!"

"So if you have talent for tomb robbing, if you have the opportunity in the future, it may not be a ladder to heaven!"

"So you can take a good look to see if you have any talent in this area!"

After saying this, Zhang Yan's figure completely disappeared from the space portal, leaving only the shocked people on the scene.

No, even the people in the union are not calm anymore! _

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