"Um! ?"

Zhang Yan's voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone below.

They were surprised that someone in Changsha City actually interrupted their nine-door meeting.

How brave is this?

But the next moment, their pupils were Shrinking, they all stood up awkwardly.

They found that the direction of the sound was not from a wall or eaves as they thought, but from a handsome man wearing Hanfu with a smile on his face. A lovely and pure-looking woman stood in mid-air....Can fly!

Flying, in this era of airplanes, is not too amazing.

But if a person relies on his own strength to conquer the void, the visual impact is completely different.

If it was just simple Qinggong, they would do it too.

None of the descendants of the Nine Sects are simple.

But this is flying...., it seems that only the legendary immortals can do it.

Could it be that the immortals have descended to the earth?

At this moment, except for Wu Ji, the eight heads of the Nine Gates were all shocked.

They said that they were tomb robbers, a team from the playground at the end of the Han Dynasty.

But to put it bluntly, they were tomb robbers, who entered the tombs of ancient royal relatives and nobles to steal, and the stolen goods were burial objects.

If there are immortals in this world, are there ghosts?

Even this immortal, could it be the ancestor or descendant of an ancient noble, who is now causing trouble for them?

Thinking of this, the eight people's scalps numbed.

However, they did not rush to say anything, because from Zhang Yan's previous words, they realized that the existence of this suspected immortal seemed to be causing trouble for Wu Ji.

At this time, Wu Ji also opened his mouth in surprise.

However, the reason for his surprise was different from that of Zhang Qishan and others. After all, he was a traverser and had a system, so he was mentally prepared for the existence of immortals. The reason why he was shocked was because he saw Yin Xingyue in Zhang Yan's arms.

He knew Yin Xingyue, and she was someone he liked. Not long ago, he was thinking about finding an opportunity to pick her up. But now he actually saw her.

This was the way he saw her, which was really surprising.

And he could feel that Zhang Yan had bad intentions!

"Are you here to find me?"Wu Jie asked in a deep voice, with tension hidden in his eyes.

He was already secretly communicating with the system and asking the system what was going on.

Didn't he agree that this was just a simple thief?

Although because of the time-travel incident, he deduced that there must be other There can be a famous person in mythology in this world, but logically speaking, you can't fight with him, right?

However, what makes Level 5 desperate is that the system that used to respond to some of his questions now seems to be dead. , completely disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Yan did not answer Wu Jie's words, but looked at Zhang Qishan and others, and said with a smile:"Zhang Qishan, Zhang Dafo, February Red.........Huo Xiangu, Qi Tiezui, Jie Jiuye, eight of the Laojiu Sect"

"You eight are good, I am the master of Daqian"

"I don’t know if you have any idea of joining me."

Zhang Yan reported his family status and wanted to find people like Zhang Qishan and others.

These people are all blessed with good luck and being under his command will help him better grasp the world and facilitate some tomb robbing matters.

Professional matters should be left to him. Let the professionals do it.

As for Wu Ji, the time traveler, he was already a dead person in Zhang Yan's eyes. Originally

, Wu Ji didn't have to die because he had little impact on the tomb robbing world, at least he hadn't been discovered by the world's will yet.

After using self-search to find him, Tomb Robber World Will suddenly sent a request to the Super Dimension Union, hoping that Wu Jie would die.

The reason was that Wu Jie killed Chen Pi Asi, not only affecting many things in Jiumen, but also affecting the future notes. The trajectory of the world of tomb robbers, so Zhang Yan has no interest in saying anything about this time traveler who must be killed.

"The Lord of Daqian?"

"Join Da Gan?"

"Is this solicitation?"

Zhang Qishan and the others suddenly looked at each other.

In this era, in the land of Yanhuang, regardless of financial resources or influence, they are definitely a group of people who are at the top. They know far more information than the average person.

But they can guarantee that they have never heard of it. Qian is a country.

In the history of Yan and Huang, there seems to be no dynasty with Qian as its national name.

Is this a country in the fairy world?

"Yes, I am recruiting you, and I am also giving you a chance at a new life.

Seeing everyone's expressions in his eyes, Zhang Yan said sternly:"Daqian is the country I established. It has already ruled a world, or a planet!""

"In addition, in many new worlds, my people are also expanding their territories."

"My goal is all realms!"

"And the world you are in is also a country that I am about to conquer. I just came here to take a look first, and will soon look at the influx of life."

"You people are special. If you are willing to join Daqian, I welcome you. After all, to rule this world, I need someone to help me take care of it!"

Yes, Zhang Yan plans to find some people to help take care of the world he rules and work for himself.

As for the candidate for this wage earner, it is undoubtedly best to choose someone who is lucky enough to be reincarnated, so that he can gain the recognition of the will of the world.

Anyway , In the future, he will be the master of the realm and the true master of the world, letting whoever takes care of the world do whatever he wants.

"Rule a world, a planet?"

"Are you going to conquer this world soon?"

"As long as you take refuge, you can manage the world in the future?"

Zhang Qishan and others' hearts beat with dissatisfaction.

Although they are local masters and tomb robbers with a bad reputation, they yearn for a good reputation and status.

This is why the nine sects have upper and lower sects. The existence of the Nine Sects!

This is the process of their transformation into a famous sect. They want to clear their name!

If the"immortal" in front of them really wants to give them such an opportunity, they will never refuse it. It 's a troubled time now!

Looking at the expressions of these people, he easily understood their thoughts, and immediately smiled and said:"Before I do it again, let me let you see some interesting things."

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Members who plan to earn points can come to the world of tomb robbers now, and then choose anyone to rob the tomb!"

President Zhang Yan:"@尀富富, Tony, remember to bring some modern weapons and be good at getting started. I plan to let Zhang Qishan cause trouble!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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