"I heard that you and Emperor Zun applied to become army commanders?"Uzumaki Mito suddenly changed the topic.

She measured her body, and her watery eyes reflected the way Senju Tobi was exhaling.

"I was stupid! Senju Tobirama, who had been reminded not to use Uzumaki Mito, had already reacted, understood what she meant, and said in a deep voice:"In the future, it will definitely be an era when the emperor will rule over the Hokage and even all the worlds!""

"I understand, I will join the cabinet and be civil and military with my eldest brother!"

"Um~~"Uzumaki Mito nodded appreciatively and said nothing more.

This is what she wants!

Zhang Yan unified all countries and villages and established a unique country and existence. He also established a cabinet and a military cabinet to manage political power and military power respectively.

And he himself has the strongest strength and foundation, and he also has the power of special forces and other worlds in his hands.

His authority, after the establishment of the empire, absolutely no one can challenge.

If other families and people in the ninja world want to gain profits and develop in the era created by Zhang Yan, they must follow the strategy of this unparalleled emperor!

There is no problem if Senju Hashirama wants to join the military pavilion. He is a handsome man, brave and resourceful, and he can get a lot of credit by cooperating with Senju Hashirama.

But Mito Uzumaki, who saw the decline of the Senju clan with his own eyes, understood that politics and people's livelihood were the backbone!

Eggs cannot be placed in just one basket.

The Senju clan has failed once and must not be stubborn again. With Senju Tobirama's IQ, he will be a good hand in the cabinet.

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Mito suddenly felt that there were few people in the Senju clan who could take on important responsibilities. After thinking for a while, she said:"Determine the world to search for the relics, and resurrect some members of the Uzumaki clan in two days!""

"Emperor Zun said that there is only one chance like this. If you want to resurrect anyone in the future, you must earn merit in exchange for it."

"Um~~"Senju Tobirama nodded, the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan were not only married for generations, but now it was revealed by Zhang Yan that they were from the same family as Asura, the second son of the Six Paths Immortal.

Resurrecting the Uzumaki Clan will only benefit the Thousand Hands Clan.

Moreover, resurrecting the Uzumaki Clan can also use this as a link to strengthen the relationship between the Senju Clan and Uzumaki Kushina, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and Uzumaki Naruto, the inner Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

He can also build a good relationship with Uzumaki Nagato.

And I heard that there is a woman in Emperor Zun's family who is also from the Uzumaki clan.

This is a good investment and must be made.

Senju Tobirama understood this, and even originally planned to do this, but he didn't expect that Uzumaki Mito could think so far now.

"Sister-in-law seems to have changed a lot compared to before!"Senju Tobirama felt this.

Hearing this, Uzumaki Mito did laugh at himself:"Ha~~ After you and Hashirama died, Danzo Sarutobi and I battled wits and courage, and we also got a lot of exercise. Although we are still Just can't compare to them!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo are her cruelties!

They are also the hatred of the Senju clan!

"I understand!"A dangerous light flashed in Senju Tobirama's eyes.

Although everyone has a tutuo above them, some disputes cannot be excessive.

But in battles within the rules, as long as the superior person is happy to see the outcome.

Senju Tobirama knows this At least, he wouldn't mind having fun with this"proud" apprentice.

Thinking about it this way, he should join the cabinet.

Sarutobi will definitely join the cabinet!


Listening to the discussion between Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobi, Senju Tsunade and the resurrected Senju Nawaki were almost asleep.

They are really obsessed with things like politics.

Senju Tobirama had already begun to think about how to give Sarutobi Hiruzen eye drops, but Uzumaki Mito turned his head and glanced at Senju Tsunade, and asked meaningfully:"Tsuna, you don't have a sweetheart yet?"

"ah?"Hearing Uzumaki Mito's voice in a daze, Tsunade opened her eyes in confusion.

What Senju Tobirama and Uzumaki Mito were talking about was like listening to a book from heaven. She was about to fall asleep, but Senju Rope The tree listened very seriously

"Sister, grandma asked you if you have a sweetheart."Senju Naoki asked Uzumaki Mito's question again.

"Sweetheart? Tsunade trembled, and said with some embarrassment:"There was originally a person who was very pleasing to the eye, but recently he found out something, so he disappeared?""

"whats the matter?"Tsunade's answer made Senju Tobirama also interested. He still showed the same concern for this granddaughter who was actually older than him, but whose mental age was as frozen as her appearance.

"this..."Tsunade was embarrassed. After all, it was too embarrassing to talk about falling in love in front of her elders and younger brother.

What's more, she was deceived.

But after thinking carefully about what happened, she stopped being pretentious and explained:"That's it, when the rope tree died in the battle and the population of the Thousand Hands clan withered, I was a little unhappy!"

"At that time, I wanted to set up a medical class to reduce ninja casualties, but I was blocked by the Third Generation and Danzo."

"There is a man named Kato Dan who made great achievements in the war and also learned the forbidden art spiritual transformation technique developed by the second grandfather. He is very supportive of me..., so...."

Tsunade was embarrassed to say the next words, but as experienced people, Senju Tobirama and Uzumaki Mito both understood.

Being able to learn the art of spiritual transformation and making achievements in battle, this young man is undoubtedly outstanding. It is normal for him to support Tsunade's ideas when she was most helpless, and to gain Tsunade's favor.

Moreover, at that time, the Senju clan was withering, and Tsunade did not need to pay as much attention to the rules of intermarriage within the clan to ensure the purity of blood as before.

After thinking about this, Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobirama became even more confused, and the former asked:"What happened next?"

"Later that man died in the battle."Tsunade said calmly:"He died in the battle in front of me. He was shot directly through the heart at that time. I couldn't save him. Because of this, he also suffered from hemophobia."

"Alas~~I’m sorry for you, Xiaozang!" Qianshou Tojian sighed.

After her tribe was gradually wiped out, and even her own brother was killed, it was not easy for a woman to meet someone she could trust and rely on, but she died in front of her.

That kind of helplessness Feeling, although Tsunade said it lightly, they can all imagine

"Is that person resurrected? Tell him to come and see me!"Senju Tobirama decided to give the person Tsunade was talking about a chance.

If that person is good enough, he can give him a chance even if he is a foreigner.

This can be regarded as his compensation for Tsunade!

Uzumaki Mito heard Senju Tobirama He frowned slightly and seemed to want to say something, but finally chose to remain silent.

At this time, Senju Tsunade did smile and said:"Second Grandpa, you can't see him because I plan to resurrect him."

"Um? Why?" Qianshou Feijian asked in confusion.

"Because he doesn't deserve it! A flash of fierceness flashed in Tsunade's eyes, and she said coldly:"I can feel that that man should really like him, but I didn't know it until recently!""

"His purpose for approaching me is not simple!"

"Is the purpose not pure?"Senju Tobirama's expression was stunned, and then he thought of something, and said coldly:"Is he someone specially sent by Sarutobi?"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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