"Is this the Nine Gates Conference?"

"There is no need to doubt, this Wu class must be a time traveler!"

Zhang Yan looked at the situation below with interest.

At the same time, on the other side,..


After the private chat with Zhang Yanyou, Luo Hao opened the fan again and said calmly,"Okay, let's get down to business now."

After hearing her words, the girls all looked at An Yilun.

Now that they understand the power of Luo Hao's power, the next step should be to issue some orders to An Yilun.

I wonder what she would do?


The girls know this, and An Yilun, as a time traveler, also knows this better.

At this moment, he was not happy at all because he had mastered extraordinary power, and his face was full of fear.

He rolled and crawled to a position not far away from Luo Hao, with snot and tears streaming down his face, and said in a trembling voice:"Master Luo Hao, I definitely didn't mean to offend you!"

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

For An Yilun, now is definitely a nightmare moment.

His life as a great writer has just begun. His harem has not even started to be built, but it is already coming to an end.

"What a disgusting look!"Luo Hao picked up a fan and covered her eyes to prevent herself from looking at An Yilun.

The latter's current appearance made her feel that her eyes were offended.

"Has the system been recycled?"Luo Hao Zhaoxiazhiqiu Shiyu asked. If An Yilun didn't still have a system and the system was still very valuable, she would have been unable to help herself.

"Already recycled."Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded quickly.

System recovery usually has to wait until the time traveler dies. Unless the members are powerful, the system can also be forcibly deprived of the time traveler.

The original Kasumigaoka Shiyu's strength was low, so naturally he did not have the ability for the union to forcibly deprive him of the system. An Yilun also has the system, but now it works

"very good! Luo Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then impatiently ordered An Yilun:"Now, find a high place and commit suicide!""


This is the future that Luo Hao chose for An Yilun. It is quite useless.

This is the punishment she gave An Yilun for offending.

After hearing Luo Hao's order, An Yilun, who originally wanted to say something, also His eyes turned into chaos, and then he walked in a certain direction like a lost soul.

Seeing this scene, the expressions on the faces of the girls did not change!

Only Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes were a little sad:"Actually, Originally, you didn’t have to die!"

"But who made you swallow the original soul of An Yi!"

"Then, you can only die!"

According to the news released by the union, the time traveler does not have to be erased. If the time traveler causes any substantial impact or damage to the world of Captain America, the memory can also be erased and repatriated.

But the An Yilun in front of him also chose to erase the soul. Then you can only pay with your life!

"Everyone, I'm leaving first~~"

After casually dealing with An Yilunye, Luo Hao, Zhaoxia Hill, Shiyu and the other girls waved their hands, summoned the black whirlpool space, and stepped into it.


They had nothing to say about Luo Hao's vigorous and resolute actions. Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed. Originally, she wanted to have a good relationship with Luo Hao.

"Everyone, do you want me to entertain you to play here next?"Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Su Hanxue and others. Although Luo Hao is gone, these members are all people who can be made friends and cannot be neglected.

Oh, by the way, except for a certain bunny girl

"I want to stay, and I also want to see how this world is different from my world."Mai Sakurajima was the first to express her opinion. In addition to wanting to feel the atmosphere of carrying out a mission, her biggest purpose was to see if there was anything unique about the island country here.

"You can go shopping if you want, but do you have the money?"Seeing Sakurajima Mai's high-spirited look, Kasumigaoka Shiu immediately showed an unwelcoming attitude.

But her behavior made Sakurajima Mai firm up in her intention to stay.

"Of course I invite you, you can bring it with you before you come here!"

As she said that, Sakurajima Mai took out a wallet and shook it. The wallet was very thick and obviously contained a lot of money from her world.

As a popular actor who debuted as a child star, how could she be short of money?

"Do you have any money to spend?"Mai Sakurajima's triumphant look made Shiyu Kasumigaoka very unhappy.

"The timeline of your world is much later than mine. Do you plan to use future banknotes to transform them into the present? Then don’t be caught as someone using counterfeit money."

Kasumigaoka Shiha, who thought she had caught Sakurajima Mai's loophole, instinctively started to speak venomously.

But after hearing her words, Sakurajima Mai was not to be outdone, and retorted:"Please don't judge me with your stupid head, I have already done this. I just thought of it, so I can bring banknotes dated 10 years ago, which is earlier than your timeline!"

"Am I stupid? Ridiculous, if I were you, I would bring gold, a hard currency that exists in every world. Although we are both island countries, how can you be sure that banknotes in the two worlds can be used universally?"

"Haha, I know about the world of passers-by, and although I didn’t bring gold, I brought diamonds!"

"Diamond? Diamond?"Kasumigaoka Shiu's eyes twitched.

Is this woman so rich?

Sakurajima Mai saw Kasumigaoka Shiu's expression in her eyes, and she puffed up her chest like a victorious attack and said:"Haha, I must not have seen a bad novelist. Come on, this is hard currency that I can exchange for convenience, and it is placed in the system space. I believe diamonds can be used in any world!"

"Bad novelist? How dare you, a outdated second-rate actor who can only win by dressing up as a bunny girl, to speak nonsense? I am a scholar and you are just an actor?"

"Literary person? actor? Haha, it’s terrible to be pretentious. Do you know that there is no separation between entertainment and entertainment?"

"Don’t compare me to a past actor like you!"

"I can't bear it, Kasumigaoka, as a member of the union, now has the power, do you dare to fight in the trial field?"

"fight? I, Kasumigaoka, am not weaker than anyone else in quarreling, and so are you, come and come!"

"Hey, we are all level four, who is afraid of whom?"

"Who is level 4 like you? I'm sorry. I have one thousand points after completing the mission. I just sold the system and got ten thousand points. Even if I give Aijiang and Sister Hanxue one thousand points as a bonus, and Sister Luo Hao two thousand points, the remaining points will be used to improve my strength. , enough to beat you a hundred times!"

Mai Sakurajima:.......

How could you forget this?

Damn it, isn’t this just asking for abuse?

Give up?

That doesn't work, you can do it to anyone, but you can't admit defeat in front of Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

If you can't do it yourself, then call someone!

"Kasumigaoka, are you amazing? Believe it or not, I will seduce the president and let him deal with you!"

The corner of Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mouth twitched fiercely.

Selling your looks to ask the president for help?

You're so stupid!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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