
Aizen's question hit the mark as always, and it was like pouring a basin of ice water on everyone's heads, causing them to calm down.

Indeed, it is impossible to obtain such a powerful power so easily without a price.

It is impossible for Luo Hao to do charity to improve their strength.

And to exert such power, doesn't Luo Hao have to pay anything?

President Zhang Yan:"Aizen, you are wrong this time. Unfortunately, neither everyone who has become stronger nor Luo Hao himself has suffered any losses."

Aizen Sosuke:"In this case, Luo Hao Can the leader create strong men in batches?"

President Zhang Yan:"That's not true, but for union members, this power is a good thing, and it can save a lot of points!"

President Zhang Yan:"This power of Luo Hao is a good thing. , it is not something that can be used on everyone, and it is an object that accepts power. You must practice martial arts yourself, otherwise you will not be able to withstand such power and explode!"

"In addition, people who increase their strength through Luo Hao's power will absolutely obey her orders, and even without orders, they will take the actions expected by the leader."

"Therefore, this is Luo Hao's trick to cultivate loyal thugs and subordinates. As for everyone, they just have some spiritual power!"

Aizen Soyousuke:"That's it, I've learned a lesson!"

How smart Aizen is, Zhang Yan explained it like this, and he figured it out immediately.

Luo Hao's move is indeed not a free lunch.

People who eat her lunch will become her lackeys while being"full".

Even some people who are not qualified will explode and die if they are enveloped by the power of power.

This is actually an alternative attack method by Luo Hao, just like him using Kyouka Suigetsu, but

Aizen understands! However, the hearts of Kasumigaoka Shiyu and others were greatly reduced!

Is this power of Luo Hao actually capable of causing people to explode? And after walking through the gate of hell with them

, they actually improved their strength through Luo Hao's power ? If they would obey Luo Hao's orders 100%, wouldn't they all become Luo Hao's little sisters?

All the girls gave Luo Hao complicated looks....They have an extra... master?

However, facing their gaze, Luo Hao just flapped his fan, looking indifferent.

It's not that she doesn't care, well, Luo Hao just doesn't care. As narcissistic as she is, she won't care at all.

Although union members have some different weight in her eyes, it cannot change her narcissistic character.

Moreover, she knew someone would explain...

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"....So Miss Haiyuan and the others have become boss Luo Hao's subordinates?

President Zhang Yan:"Tony, have you had a chance to make a baby with Pepper recently?""

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"What do you mean?"

President Zhang Yan:"If kidney deficiency affects the brain, I think of the reason why you become stupid!"

"Have you forgotten the union protection rules?"

Union protection rules?"

Tony looked stunned and followed closely.

Yes, the union has protection rules. Members cannot hurt each other.

Luo Hao wants other members to obey her orders. This is completely impossible. The union They won't allow it. Otherwise , if Luo Hao gives the order to"commit suicide", wouldn't they be finished?


President Zhang Yan:"It seems that you have figured it out. Yes, it is impossible for the union to allow members to use control-type tricks on other members. Otherwise, how many members can resist Aizen using Kyoka Suigetsu? Wouldn't they all become puppets? ?"

President Zhang Yan:"I have actually thought that Luo Hao has a way to directly improve the strength of low-level members, but I didn't mention it because I thought the union would isolate this power!"

President Zhang Yan:"But this time, I found that I made an empiricist error, because Luo Hao succeeded in using his power!"

President Zhang Yan:"It seems that promotion and orders can be treated as two parts!"

President Zhang Yan:"This is also true! This means that everyone can let Luo Hao help and first have a powerful body!"

President Zhang Yan said:"For example, although my body has strong recovery and regeneration power, my power is enough to destroy the world. , but the physical strength is still not strong enough to withstand bullets!"

"For example, Whitebeard, if your body can be upgraded to this strength, I believe that physical diseases can be alleviated a lot, and your original combat power can be restored even more!"

"For example, Sun Ce, after your physical improvement, you can be completely unscrupulous in your era. No Lu Bu can compare to you!"

"This is equivalent to you directly practicing a horizontal kung fu to an extremely deep level!"

That's right, even Zhang Yan didn't expect that Luo Hao's power could actually be used on members.

And because of the union's protection rules, members will never explode or be controlled by Luo Hao.

This is equivalent to saying, As long as the union members ask Luo Hao for help, they can be promoted to level four in minutes and have a powerful body!


After hearing Zhang Yan's analysis, most of the members in need cast a blazing light.

Because the union exists, they don't have to worry about being controlled by Luo Hao, but they can receive benefits. This is a great thing!

But just asking Luo Hao to help seemed a little ignorant.

Although everyone is a member of the trade union, there is no reason to let Luo Hao help unconditionally, right?

And Zhang Yan had already thought of this!

President Zhang Yan:"Luo Hao, I think you can charge a symbolic portion of points and treat this as a long-term business. Everyone will spend less points, but you can earn points, which is good for everyone!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Of course, this is just a suggestion."

This is the same job as an enchanter, except that the weapon becomes the person himself!"

The pinnacle of martial arts:"I, the leader, have figured it out a long time ago. In fact, this is what I mean, and you don't need a lot of points, just one thousand points!"

Yes, Luo Hao has figured it out a long time ago.

She was also reminded by Haiyuan Ai's use of illusions, and planned to get rid of An Yilun in a relatively gentle way.

After all, this is not the world of the Godslayer. She doesn't care if she kills people at will, but it will definitely cause unnecessary (good) trouble to Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Considering her relationship with the union members, she planned to be a little more considerate.

However, she had so many means at her disposal, but she chose to use this power. At the same time, she just wanted to test it out and see if this"business" could work.

Yes, she just wants to earn points.

By accumulating little, she can earn tens of thousands of points. This amount of points is enough for her to strengthen some things. When the time comes, she will be one step closer to becoming the final king!

She never forgot the competition with Woban for a moment.

Kodong Little Overlord:"One thousand points? I've placed an order!"

Haibara Ai:"Give it to me!"

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu:"I owe you something, I'll give it to you immediately!"

I have many sons:"I want it too, wait for the leader Let's trade when we come to the pirate world!"

Yan Lingji:"Sister Luo Hao, I want to place an order too!"

Yin Xingyue:"And I want it right away!~~"

All the members placed orders one after another! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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