"found it?"

"Okay, I'll go over now!"

"Liliana Kranichal, you have done a good job. When this matter is over, I will give you a reward!"

Woban was very satisfied with Liliana's ability to find out the news about Kusanagi Godou so quickly, and promised to give him a reward.

As for the reward he gave, he planned to invite Zhang Yan to the Godslayer as a guest when he had time. Liliana comes to receive her.

If Zhang Yan can fall in love with this woman, Liliana's life will be completely different. In Woban's opinion, this is definitely the highest level of reward! One reason is that Woban naturally sees through Zhang Yan's"weakness" of being a"womanizer". If Zhang Yan can fall in love with Liliana, he will also be more pleasing to Woban.

By then, he will also be more likely to become the world leader. I will make a copy~

"Luo Hao, I will never let go of any opportunity to completely defeat you!-"

"The most ancient king must also be the most powerful king!���

Woban's eyes flashed with determination.

"Thank you, Lord Demon King!"On the other end of the phone, Liliana, who was holding the phone, heard Woban's promise, and her heart skipped a beat.

For someone like her who has mastered extraordinary power, the Demon King's promise is priceless!

Wait until A series of busy signals came from the phone, and she came back to her senses, clenching her fists involuntarily:"Erica, this time, I am too far ahead of you!"

The Erica in Liliana's mouth, whose full name is Erica Browntree, is a sixteen-year-old girl from Milan, Italy. She has the title of"Crimson Devil" and is the eldest daughter of the Browntree family, a famous family in the magic world.!

Erica belongs to the Italian magic society"Red Copper Black Cross", while Liliana belongs to"Bronze Black Cross".

In the original work, Erica is in a rivalry with Kusanagi Godou. Because of his loyalty to the Demon King, the Bronze Black Cross has a demon king to follow.

In order to compete with him, the Bronze Black Cross is loyal to Woban and sends Liliana to follow him to obey his orders. After a while, she chose to leave because she was dissatisfied with the wayward and arrogant treatment of countless ordinary people by Woban!

Of course, the main reason was that she did not formally swear allegiance to Marquis Woban at that time.

Liliana was a famous figure in the magic world. The eldest daughter of the family, known as the"Sword Fairy", attaches great importance to the spirit of chivalry, and she will not betray anyone who has sworn loyalty!

And these are the so-called original paths. As for now, Kusanagi Godou is still a beginner. The third student is still some time away from becoming the Demon King, and Erica has not met him, let alone pledged allegiance to him.

At the same time, Woban found the"Bronze Black Cross" in advance in order to build the Godslayer Alliance and become the world leader. , and let them serve themselves. Naturally , they would not give up on this opportunity to follow the Ancient King, but Liliana would never have imagined that the so-called reward in Woban's mouth was actually a pimping business.

Excellent, if she can really be by your side, it will indeed be a great opportunity in life!...................

At the same time... on the other side... the world of the passerby heroine

"Wait a minute, I'll open the door right away!"Following the saliva at the corner of his mouth, An Yilun also pressed the switch, and then ran towards the door, looking a little impatient!

Before traveling to this world, there was a dead fat otaku from the island country on the planet, also named An Yilun.

Because Because of the name, he especially liked the drama"Passengers" , which made him feel very immersed in it.

At that time, his favorite character was Kasumigaoka Shiu!

The slender legs wrapped in silk were so perfect. He really couldn't understand why the manga author and the original protagonist chose Kato Megumi, but it was just that he preferred Kasumigaoka Shiha. Ah!

Because Ying Lili, a golden-haired loser, looks so much like the adopted daughter of a certain ghost father, he has watched this anime and feels the same way!

Of course, this is when the girls need to compete with An Jae. After Yi Lun actually traveled to the world of passers-by and had a system called"The Most Powerful Literary System", his goal became to open a harem.

Only children make choices....

All women want it!

Of course, his favorite is Kasumigaoka Shiyu!


The door opened, and An Yilun rushed to the door as fast as he could in his life, with a smile on his face that he thought was very charming.

"Kasumigaoka-senpai, you...."An Yilun also spoke, wanting to ask Kasumigaoka Shiyu if he wanted to teach him about novel writing techniques.

This was his plan

·····Ask for flowers···

He used his appearance as a genius creator and a stronger young novelist to attract the attention of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and impressed him with his stronger creative ability.

Especially since he has read the later volumes of"Metronome of Love", it is not easy to understand Kasumigaoka Shiu.

In addition, his previous work was silently dedicated to Kasumigaoka Shiu on the Internet, and he could win the favor after being exposed.

With a two-pronged approach, you will definitely be able to win the beauty back, and maybe something beyond friendship will happen.

But when he saw the scene at the door clearly, his expression froze on his face, and he couldn't ask what he originally wanted to ask.


An Yilun also stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

She didn't know the three women Ling Mengyin, Su Hanxue and Wanwan, but he knew the girl next to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu........

After Kasumigaoka Shiu, she is the second popular anime character that people can think of when mentioning the title of senpai, Sakurajima Mai!

How did these two seniors get together?

Could it be that this world is not simply the world of the passerby heroine, but the world of the passerby heroine plus the youthful pig-headed boy series?

Wait, wait, wait...

The little man next to Mai Sakurajima, isn't he Wu Geng Ruri?

Holy shit.

Could this world also include my sister’s world?

Thinking of my sister's world, An Yilun felt a chill in his back.

If this is really my sister's world, if Wu Geng Ruri exists, do Kousaka Kirino and Kousaka Kyosuke exist?

Then by publishing the novel"My Sister Can't Be So Cute" by yourself, wouldn't it be stepping on a thunderbolt?

I won't be retaliated by the angry Kosaka siblings, right?

Judging from the way Liuli came to find him in the fifth night, could it be that he came to settle a score with him?

And the woman in a white coat next to Wu Geng Liuli looks a bit familiar, like, like, probably...

Damn, isn't this Miyano Shiho?

Are there still death pupils and black organizations in this world?

Damn it, then he should keep a low profile, otherwise he will die without knowing it!

But what made him even more desperate was the cute woman standing on the other side of Shiyu Kasumigaoka, fanning herself. this...

Isn't it Luo Hao?

Could this world still incorporate God-killers?

But doesn’t the system say that this world is just an ordinary, everyday world?

It’s a mess, it’s all a mess! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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