"Wu level?~~"

"It really takes no effort at all!"

Zhang Yan didn't expect that he could find the suspected traveler so easily, and he was even a little speechless.

"I hope Tony won't be too happy..."

Having found the target of Yin Xingyue's exclusive mission so easily, the other members naturally had no chance to contribute, and there was no need to think about sharing Yin Xingyue's points.

But thinking that Yin Xingyue is now his woman to some extent, Zhang Yan feels that there is nothing wrong with doing this.

"That’s all....I personally led them to steal the Qixing Lu Palace. Behind it, let Tony and the others take care of the Xisha Undersea Tomb, Qinling Sacred Tree, Yunding Tiangong, Snake Marsh Ghost City, Yinshan Ancient Building, Qionglong Stone Shadow, Changbai Mountain, etc.!"

"If you get good things, use points to exchange them with them, which can be regarded as supporting them!"

"After all, for me, instead of wasting time here robbing tombs, it is better to gather the tailed beasts quickly and resurrect Kaguya!"

"The Otsutsuki clan comes from the universe and is spread all over the universe. There may not be second-order existences among them. The water in the Naruto world is deeper and it is worthy of my continued exploration!"

With a hint of compensation, Zhang Yan changed some of his original plans.

But before that, he still had to make sure he had found the right person!

Thinking of this, he asked the passerby again about Wu Laogou's mansion. Direction.

Since the Wu class who is suspected to be a time traveler is a friend of Wu Laogou, we can get the information from Zhang Dafo. Maybe this passerby is a low-level person from the Nine Sects. Because he knew the Jiumen Admiral well and could answer the basic questions asked by Zhang Yan,

Zhang Yan asked Yin Xingyue to reward the man with a few pieces of gold and then hurried towards Wu Laogou's residence! While Zhang Yan was busy doing business, Yin Xingyue could no longer hide her admiration for him and went to the union group to mention what had just happened.

Yin Xingyue said:"Everyone, I seem to have found the traveler in this world, Zhang Yan is so handsome.!

Detective Black Cat:"Zhang Yan?" The detective seemed to smell something unusual!

Yan Lingji:"Brother, president, has found the time traveler?""

Yin Xingyue:"Yes, yes, Zhang Yan took me on the road with divine power. I felt Changsha from Peiping in minutes. After looking for a random person and asking some questions, I found the existence of the suspected time traveler!"

I have many sons:"The president is worthy of being the president!"

Qilin Talented Man:"My lord is worthy of being your lord!""

I want to unify the six countries:"The emperor is worthy of being an emperor!"

Emperor" was the title given to Zhang Yan by Ying Zheng in the Qin world.

The Tang family's mistress said:"Niubi~~!"

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"....Am I the only one who absolutely feels bad about this? Uncle Tony’s points are gone?"


I am a Marquis:"I suddenly feel a little happier."

The top martial artist:"Haha~~"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I want to laugh.....Suddenly I remembered that I had planned to visit the Jiumen Tomb Robbery World."

Aizen Sosuke:"Don't expose yourself if you are stupid, otherwise I, who once planned to train you to be my opponent, have shown a bit of class!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"? ? ? Aizen, what's the matter with you? Shouldn't I be the one yelling at you? Why are you always quarreling with me lately?"

Aizen Sosuke:"You used to yell because you were weak and couldn't speak to me with strength. But now you yell at me because I will become someone you can never surpass. I can speak to you with words. Otherwise, Kill you?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:.....

Okay, I'm weak, I'm rubbish, I won't talk anymore!

I'll settle the score with you when I get stronger!

Aizen Sosuke:"Don't think that you can settle accounts with me when you become stronger in the future. You can't compare with your starting point, and your IQ is even worse, and the points do not provide the service of increasing your IQ!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:........

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Aizen, I advise you to be kind!"

In the end, Ichigo Kurosaki could only helplessly shout out the line that belonged to him.

At this time, Zhang Yan was a little surprised when he saw Aizen's bludgeoning skills.

Although Aizen is a bit of a middle-class person, it is understandable that a strong man would be too lonely when he reaches the extreme, but his ability to quarrel with others can be so powerful....

It seems conceivable.

After all, he is a wise man and a scholar, and he is also a guy with high emotional intelligence who can play with people's hearts. It is understandable that he can attack like mastering language!

Well~ No matter what, Aizen seems to be closer to him like this, which is a good thing. President Zhang Yan :

"@尀头富, if nothing unexpected happens, I should have found the time-traveler!"


After getting Zhang Yan's affirmative reply, Tony gave up.

No, he was heartbroken.

Originally he had made a series of plans.

Because of the help of the memory copy, he had gathered the Avengers members in advance and formed an alliance in advance.

Although it will take a long time to cultivate tacit understanding and the like, the advantages are finally much earlier.

In addition, he also found some alien civilizations in advance, obtained knowledge support from S.H.I.E.L.D. in advance, etc...

He is confident that he will improve his armor in advance, at least when facing Thanos. Layer is not an issue.

At the same time, he also plans to inject himself with a modified super soldier serum to make himself stronger.

And all of this, whether it's upgrading the armor or making the super soldier serum 100% injectable without side effects, all require points!

And his first step in getting points.....

After Zhang Yan gave him hope, You broke it with his own hands.

He felt that there was no love in the world.

He was heartbroken.

He feels that this president is too unreliable, and he is so tired!

Then at this moment, he suddenly remembered the system prompt sound in his mind, and then saw Zhang Yan speaking again

".Ding, President Zhang Yan uploaded the miniature memory copies of"Nine Gates of Tomb Raiders" and"Notes of Tomb Raiders"》!"

"Ding, member Yin Xingyue downloads a copy of the memory..."

"Ding, member Yan Lingji downloads a copy of the memory...."


Zhang Yan uploaded the contents of the tomb robbing notes, and (so good) he modified Yin Xingyue's part, leaving only the tomb robbing process of Jiumen tomb robbing.

President Zhang Yan:"Tony, although Xingyue has no points, you can help me find valuable things from these tombs!"

"There are even many things, such as special meteorite iron, that can have an effect on you!"

"Give me something and I will exchange it with you for points, which is a way for you to earn points!"

"There are other members too. If there is something valuable, I can use points to purchase it in the future!"

Zhang Yan is someone who plans to build power. Even if he uses a lot of some things, the people under him can also use them.

And after these people use them and become stronger, they can help him with more things and help others earn money. More benefits.

This is a long-term investment!

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"President, I love you!""

Yan Lingji:"???"

Yin Xingyue:"???"

Vice President Su Hanxue:"???"

Members:"???"_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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