Yin Xingyue:"Hey~ Do you want to come to my place?"

If there is any union member who has not complained, then Yin Xingyue is definitely one.

When she originally saw Zhang Yan saying that he would perform tasks according to his level, she thought she would not be able to see her sweetheart this time, and she couldn't help but show disappointment on her face.

Now that she saw Zhang Yan's"change of heart", she was very happy.

For her, completing the task was secondary, seeing Zhang Yan in person was more important.

But of course Zhang Yan would not slap himself in the face and break the rules he had just established. He suddenly changed his mind and planned to go to the Jiumen Tomb Robbery World, and he also had new considerations.

On the one hand, of course, Yin Xingyue couldn't let her heart go cold. Wouldn't such an excellent exclusive nympho be stupid?

Of course, it’s mainly for the benefits!

President Zhang Yan:"When I go to the Jiumen Tomb Robbery World, I don't need to participate in the distribution of points. There are just some good things there that I want to get. Tony, it is dangerous for you to go to the Pirate World, but going to the Tomb Robbery World, with your strength It’s best to be able to go wild and make money steadily."

Before some members were about to complain, Zhang Yan revealed his plan.

But when he said these words, many people were shocked.

Master of Martial Arts:"Isn't the Nine Gates Tomb Robbers World a very ordinary world that tells the story of tomb robbers? There is actually something that can make your heart beat, President?"

Senior student Mai Sakurajima:"It's so surprising, yes. You are a level 9 boss. Is there anything in the world of nine-door tomb robbers that makes you excited?"

Qilin Talent:"The world is ordinary, based on the strength of the strong and the civilization system. Maybe there is something special in it."

Aizen Sosuke:"Is the method of tomb robbers special, or is it the things they unearth that are special?"

Aizen can always find information contained in simple words.

President Zhang Yan:"I have no intention of hiding anything from you. To put it bluntly, there is no particularly powerful power system in the Nine Gates World, and even the strongest person cannot stop a few bullets, but there are indeed some things worth exploring in it. For example, Qilin Jie, Guixi, Jade Maid, and special bloodline, the tomb robbing skills are just so-so."

Yin Xingyue:"Qilin Jie, Guixi, Jade Maid, special bloodline, what are these?"

As a world of nine-door tomb robbers ? As an aborigine, Yin Xingyue said that she had never heard of what Zhang Yan said.

Although as the eldest lady of Xingyue Hotel, she has been a smart business expert since she was a child, and she has seen countless good things at the auctions held by her family.

But she really didn't know what Qilinjie and Guixi were, and he had never heard of special bloodlines.

But she hadn't heard it, and neither had the other members.

Including Su Hanxue and Ling Mengyin, they didn't know much about the world of tomb robbing.

President Zhang Yan:"These are all special things. For example, Kirinjie is a special medicinal material. After swallowing it, it can protect you from all poisons and make your blood repel insects and avoid poisons. After eating it, mosquitoes will be gone." I dare not get close. It can be said to be a walking mosquito coil. Of course, what I value is the effect of being immune to all poisons."

I want to be in power:"Is it immune to all poisons?"

Jiangdong Little Overlord:"This is a bit powerful!"

Qilin Talented Man. :"It's indeed very powerful!"

Yan Lingji:"I didn't expect that there is such a thing in the world of tomb robbers!"

Cihang Jingzhai is a little bitch:"I'm excited!"

In fact, most people in the union are excited..

The special ability of being immune to all poisons is very effective sometimes.

After all, things like poison are sometimes impossible to guard against.

Aizen Sosuke:"It is indeed a very good ability to be invulnerable to all poisons, but the world of tomb robbers is an ordinary world after all, and the efficacy of Kirinjie in it is still very limited!"

As a spiritual being, Aizen I didn't care about the so-called ability to be immune to all poisons, so I saw through its limitations right away.

Qilin is indeed a good thing, but in the final analysis it is still for the world of tomb robbers.

If it were placed in a stronger world, even a more powerful poison wouldn't be able to do anything, right?

President Zhang Yan:"Aizen, you are limited. Have you forgotten that the union has the ability to strengthen?"

Seeing Zhang Yan's answer, Aizen lowered his head slightly, and a strange light reflected on his lenses.

He understood what Zhang Yan meant.

Zhang Yan wants Qilin Jie, but he just wants an"entry channel" that is invulnerable to all poisons.

As long as his blood has a specific type that is invulnerable to all poisons, he meets the prerequisite for improvement with points.

And with points, this characteristic can be continuously improved.

Then, it is only a matter of time before we become truly invulnerable to all poisons, or even invulnerable to all poisons, and become immune to all poisons!

Even later, a drop of Zhang Yan's blood will be the antidote.

Thinking of this, Aizen narrowed his eyes:"From this point of view, even low-level time is not worthless at all."

Originally, after Zhang Yan's proposal, he had completely given up his interest in the low-level world, but now it seems , the rules still need to be followed, but you cannot relax your attention.

There's no telling what special ability can make his heart flutter.

·····Ask for flowers···

The next moment, Aizen's guess came true.

President Zhang Yan:"As for the Ghost Seal, it is a special prop that allows people to control ghosts, that is, souls and spiritual bodies. Although it sounds a bit fantasy, I plan to get it and experiment with it!" The

Ghost Seal can allow people to control ghosts. , if it is operated well, it will definitely be regarded as a magic weapon.

"A special prop that allows people to control spirits, Guixi?"Aizen's eyes have completely changed.

If Guixi really exists, it is a huge threat to a Shinigami like him, or to all spiritual beings.

As long as you spend points to upgrade this item, you can control all spiritual beings. Well!

If he can get Guixi, he might become the strongest in the world.

"It seems that I need to have a private chat with the president."

Lan Ran was moved. Guixi's ability was very tempting to him........

But he has the character of planning and then acting.

He had to plan the opportunity first and act after Zhang Yan had indeed obtained the Ghost Seal.

President Zhang Yan:"I won't talk about the Jade Servant. I'll get it and study it first. There is also a special bloodline that can enhance various functions of the human body and even give some special abilities. But in the end, they are just a little more powerful than ordinary people. Not too unique"

"The only thing that makes me excited is that if special blood vessels are activated well, it seems that it can keep people young forever, prolong life, and increase life span, so I plan to do some research on it!"

"After all, Orochimaru, Ai-chan, and Aizen are all good at research!"

"Maybe by then everyone will be able to have such special abilities!"

Whether it's the Qilin bloodline that inspired me or Zhang Qishan's Qiongqi bloodline, these are all of great research value.

Orochimaru, the scientist who aspires to immortality in the Naruto world, and Haibara Ai who invented the semi-finished rejuvenating drug APTX in the Conan world, are now

But what if the Daqian researchers who have joined Zhang Yan find some time? If they really find a way to achieve immortality and eternal youth, it will also be a help to his rule!

Zhang Yan:"So let me make arrangements. If I go to the world of pirates this time, Whitebeard and I have made an agreement. Aizen, Bibi Dong, Luo Hao, Woban, three of the four of you will be chosen. Groudon. Don't go either, I'm going to do a role!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Jiumen Tomb Robbery World, Tony, come and help, other members are free to do as they please!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's side, Han Xue and Ai Jiang can make a trip, and the other members can die at will!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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