President Zhang Yan:"Are you Bibi Dong?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"Of course!"

President Zhang Yan:"Are you the current pope?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history: Douluo:"Yes, he just succeeded to the throne not long ago!"

President Zhang Yan:"Are you the youngest pope in Wuhun Palace?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"That's right!"

President Zhang Yan:"Are you one of the Killing Gods in the Killing City?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"That's right!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Are you planning to establish the Spirit Empire and become the first queen?"

The youngest in history Titled Douluo:"That's right!"

Guild Leader Zhang Yan:"I'll go, then your master is Qian Xunji, the last Pope of Wuhun Palace, right?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"That's right!"

Guild Leader Zhang Yan:"Didn't you kill Qian Xunji?"

Zhang Yan said that he was a little confused.

This is the first time I feel like this.

Didn't Qian Xunji imitate Yin Zhiping's dragon knight in causing trouble, and was eventually killed by Bibi Dong himself after he was seriously injured by Tang Xiaosan's father, Tang Ritian?

The other information is also correct, and it is certain that it is not an error. Then why would Bibi Dong resurrect Qian Xunji?

Zhang Yan was really confused.

Like him, the members of the trade unions were also confused.

Originally they thought Zhang Yan had encountered a waterloo this time, but they finally got it wrong.

But as he and Bibi 15dong had some questions and answers, they discovered that Zhang Yan seemed to be right again.

What's going on?

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"How strange, this union president, you know my achievements, your interpersonal relationships, and even my hidden identity (one of the Killing Gods in the Killing City). Even only I know it." You know what you have to do in the future, so why do you have such doubts?"

"How could I have killed my master?!"

Douluo World...

In the Wuhun Hall, a person is sitting on the holy throne, wearing a luxurious black robe inlaid with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown on his head, and holding a two-meter-long power inlaid with countless luxurious gems. The beautiful woman with the stick showed a puzzled expression.

This woman is definitely worthy of the title of"beautiful". The beauty of this woman is the combination of nobility, elegance, and tranquility. Exquisite beauty.

Every part of her facial features is top-notch, and together they look like the best in the world!

She has fair skin and a noble and divine temperament that makes ordinary people unable to help but admire her.!

He is Bibi Dong, who is just over 20 years old.

But he is already a titled Douluo! He is still one of the most powerful people in the Douluo world.

Her appearance, talent, status, and wisdom. , are not like the ones in the world.

But now, Bibi Dong is very confused.

"Strange, why does this president have such misunderstanding?"

Bibi Dong was very confused.

From Zhang Yan's inquiries, it was clear that she knew him well.

Moreover, she was now at the top of the Douluo Continent and was already aware of the existence of a higher interface, so she had no idea about the existence of the super-dimensional union. Not surprising, just surprised.

After seeing the introduction to the union and the memory copy, she got to know a lot of the members in the union, and realized that her level 8 might have explained it to her.

She could only break through the title Douluo and become a legendary god, so she was even more confused.

However, Zhang Yan was the one who was most confused now!

"how so?"


"It seems that there is no need to disguise. Even Qian Daoliu did not hide the fact that Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji. There seems to be no need to hide this here."

"Which link is the problem?"

It's very rare, and Zhang Yan is a little crazy.

The power of the super-dimensional union is very magical. It is not ruled out that it can bring people in the same world but at different points in time.

After all, there are parallel worlds!

But according to the current union, the same world According to the analysis of the members' situation, this situation has not yet occurred.

For example, Luo Hao, Wo Ban, Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo are all at the same time!

And the questions he just asked were also probing. The successor to the Pope has not yet founded the Wuhun Empire.

This means that Qian Xunji has just died, Tang Ritian has just left with the Tang family's mistress, and A Yin has just sacrificed himself.

In other words, the current Bibi Dong and Tang San are the same. Time. But this made him confused.

Logically speaking, all the tragedies had already happened, right?

Could it be that there was something wrong with this?...

Zhang Yan decided to ask more about the situation. If he didn't get it clear, he would be depressed to death~~

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Do you know Qian Renxue?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"Of course I do, the daughter of my family teacher, She is also my aunt's daughter."

President Zhang Yan:"Your aunt? Qian Xunji married your aunt?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"Yes, Xiao Renxue has just turned eight years old."

Zhang Yan:....

This Douluo world seemed to be somewhat different from what he knew.

Could it be a parallel world like Marvel?

But that's not right, Douluo has never touched upon the concept of parallel worlds at all.

This is amazing.

But if what Bibi Dong said is true, it is definitely a good thing for her and she can avoid a tragic life.

And if that's the case, wouldn't Bibi Dong...

After thinking about it, he decided to ask the last question!

This was also the beginning of Bibi Dong's tragic life as he knew it!

President Zhang Yan:"Bibi Dong, do you know Yu Xiaogang?"

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"Yu Xiaogang? It sounds familiar, let me think about it."

But it sounds familiar?

Zhang Yan realized that he might have found the truth.

Could it be that for some unknown reason, Bibi Dong did not meet Yu Xiaogang.

Then everything can be explained.

You know, the background of Douluo World is very traditional, and there is an absolute taboo between master and disciple.

Qianxunji, you have an idea for Bibi Dong, but you won't actually do it.

And he would be afraid that he would lose such a good disciple if he did it.

As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, he would not be so unwise and superficial. Even if Bibi Dong was really beautiful, he would not do that given his status.

The biggest reason why he was only second to Yin Zhiping, and even more disgusting than what Yin Zhiping did, was definitely because of Bibi Dong's unprecedented talent!

And Yu Xiaogang, who Bibi Dong originally fell in love with, was from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, a force hostile to Wuhun Palace.

How can the most talented disciple be together with the heirs of a hostile force?

So some of the darkened Qian Xunji took extreme measures.

313 may also be a way to vent your anger.

And if Bibi Dong had not met Yu Xiaogang, then everything would be explained.

With Qian Xunji's character, it was extremely possible that she would marry Bibi Dong's aunt because she valued her talent.

At this time, Bibi Dong finally gave a positive answer.

The youngest titled Douluo in history:"I remembered that the son of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect leader who couldn't deal with me in the Spirit Hall seemed to have this name. I heard that due to the malignant mutation of the Spirit, he would never be able to break through level 30 and was expelled. He left the family and was killed not long after. There was a lot of fuss about it at the time. I heard that the murderer has not been found yet. I have also heard about this."

Yu Xiaogang was actually killed after being kicked out of the family?

It turns out that the butterfly effect of everything happens here! interesting...

By the way, who did this?

This completely changed Bibi Dong's life and made her more perfect.

If he knew who killed Yu Xiaogang, he would definitely give this person 10,000 likes.

At this moment, Ling Mengyin's speech made Zhang Yan's lips twitch!

Ling Mengyin, the reincarnationist:"Yu Xiaogang, I remembered this name. On my last mission, the Lord God Space asked me to get rid of this person."

"This is the only time I have ever experienced when I didn’t understand anything. It was precisely because of this experience that I decided to join the Samsara Team."

"Could it be that these two people are the same person?"

President Zhang Yan:".......Ling Mengyin, you are great!"

So, Yu Xiaogang's death was actually the work of the Lord God Space?

Wait a minute....

It seems like this is really possible! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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