"Zheng~~Why did the king say this?"

Ying Zheng attacked without warning, which made Lu Buwei a little confused. He wanted to call Ying Zheng Zheng'er, but after realizing that Wang Jian and others were present, he changed the title temporarily.

"I have never had any intention of controlling government affairs."

"It's just that the king is still young, and I am your father-in-law and the prime minister of Qin, so I naturally have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of governing the country!"

"After the king has performed the crowning ceremony, he can naturally take charge!"

Ying Zheng's confident appearance made Lu Buwei feel a little wary, and his always tough attitude softened for a while!

He has a network organization in his hands, which combines assassination and intelligence collection. This organization can collect all the information in the world. Lu Buwei dare not say , but within the scope of Qin, there is no information that can be hidden from him. Most of the maids, eunuchs, and imperial guards in the Qin Palace are his eyes and ears.

Even Ying Zheng's mother Zhao Ji is his.

The government can be out of his control, but because of this, Lu Buwei is afraid of Ying Zheng's current performance and doubts that he has any support.

If he didn't have some support, how could Ying Zheng deliberately summon all the civil and military ministers and clan members of the Qin State. Come here to attack him in public?

Therefore, Lu Buwei decided to show weakness. He wanted to see what Ying Zheng had up his sleeve first!

By the way, he also wanted to try to investigate the situation!

No one saw that Lu Buwei was under the clothes. The big hand made a 313 gesture.

Then, a few people disappeared silently in King Qin's study.

"After the crowning ceremony, do you want to take charge?

Hearing Lu Buwei's words, Ying Zheng laughed angrily and asked coldly:"I wonder which law of our Qin State or the Ying clan's clan is written in this?""

"I wonder how many ancestors of the Qin Kingdom in the past dynasties succeeded to the throne at a young age and worked conscientiously for the Qin Dynasty."

"Why do you have to wait for the crowning ceremony before you can take charge of the house?"

"Prime Minister Lu, can you give me an explanation?"

As soon as the title of Prime Minister Lu came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped to the extreme.

Everyone subconsciously lowered their heads and lowered their breathing, trying to reduce their sense of presence as much as possible!

They knew that Ying Zheng was serious this time!

In the Qin King's study room today, I'm afraid there's going to be a revolution.......................

At the same time, on the other side, somewhere in the mountains and forests in the middle of Han Kingdom and Chu Kingdom



There were sounds of metal piercing through flesh. The people of the Zhurong tribe looked around and their eyes widened when they heard the sound.

They saw that all the white armored soldiers had an arrow stuck in their throats (bffj) Arrow.

It is not difficult to deduce from the fact that they still maintained their posture after falling. They all aimed their long bows at their companions and fired arrows at close range at the same time.

None of the white soldiers were spared

"this...What's going on?"

"Are they possessed by evil spirits?"

"Could it be that he was under witchcraft?"

"So, so weird..?"

The people of the Zhurong tribe who reacted started talking one after another. What happened in front of them was too strange and completely beyond their understanding.

But there are a few exceptions.

Several of the men with relatively high martial arts skills in the Zhurong tribe also saw the scene of Bai Yifei's death. Now they also discovered Zhang Yan's existence and understood that this mysterious man should be responsible for everything in front of them.

Dong Liang, the elder of the clan, is well aware of some of the secret techniques in the Vulcan Curse, such as the Fire Charm Technique, which is an illusion, so he is not surprised by these situations.

In the end, Yan Lingji understood that her brother, the president, had taken action.


At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly sounded in her ears. Yan Lingji suddenly turned her head and saw that a man who was a head taller than herself had arrived beside her at some point.

The man stood with his hands behind his back, his sword-shaped eyebrows on his temples, his phoenix eyes full of power, his appearance handsome, seven feet eight inches tall, his majestic appearance like a branch of a tree, and his bottomless black eyes seemed to be filled with stars and a sea of stars.

He was wearing a gorgeous black gown, embellished with golden patterns, revealing his majesty in his splendor.

After carefully looking at the man in front of her from top to bottom several times, Yan Lingji shouted uncertainly:"Will...Brother, President!?"

The man in front of her was naturally Zhang Yan, but his current image was different from the previous ones. Her appearance was completely different when she appeared in the live broadcast room for the first time, so Yan Lingji didn't recognize her for a while.

In fact, not to mention Yan Lingji, no one in the union recognized her for a while.

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"...Damn it, is this Hanfu? This outfit is really suitable for the president."

My son has a lot of:" Gu la la la, even dad I want to give a thumbs up!

Cihang Jingzhai is a little bitch:"It feels a bit like the clothes I wear here!"

Vice President Su Hanxue:"It feels a little different from what I'm wearing!""

President Zhang Yan:"Well, my outfit is modified according to the clothing of the Later Tang Dynasty. It is more gorgeous, comfortable and spacious. Wanwan's era is the late Sui Dynasty and early Tang Dynasty, which is a bit normal. As for Hanxue, your era At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, clothing was restricted a lot by the Yuan Dynasty."

Guild President Zhang Yan:"After all, I am coming to the Qin Dynasty. Of course I want to restore the Yanhuang clothes. I can prepare this outfit, not bad, right?"

Yin Xinyue:"Not only is it good, it's really good-looking. Zhang Yan, if you enter my room dressed like this, I will make you unable to get out of bed for three days.

Detective Black Cat:"Didi~~ This is not a car bound for kindergarten. Sister Yin, please respect yourself.""

Haibara Ai:".....Respect yourself, huh~"

The mistress of the Tang family said:"I'm still young and don't understand anything!"

Become the richest man after losing money:" Do you want Uncle Tony to teach you?"

The good man with yellow hair:"Aren't you afraid that your union will be banned when you drive like this?"

Aizen Sosuke:"Find someone to seal it, silly XXXX"

Jiangdong Little Overlord:"Aran actually cursed, it's rare. Senior sister

Kasumigaoka Shiu:"I just want to say it's terrible. When women become nymphomaniacs, there really is nothing wrong with men.""

Senior Mai Sakurajima:"It sounds like you are not a woman.

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiu:"Mai, I provoked you, and you are targeting me like this?" Senior student Mai Sakurajima:"You didn't offend me. You just said last time that I was a confused bunny girl. How could I hold a grudge?""

The pinnacle of martial arts:"Well, this dress is good, Tang costume? This leader also asked someone to get a few pieces to try!"

President Zhang Yan:"@Yin Yue, don't talk nonsense, the empress of the palace is right next to me.

Zhang Yan joked with a smile, stretched out his hand and touched Yan Lingji's head:"Yanyan, it's not too late to come here for your husband, right?""

"No, not late."Yan Lingji was so embarrassed that she couldn't even speak clearly.

She couldn't resist being treated so tenderly by Zhang Yan.

She asked herself crazily in her heart, how could this happen? She didn't feel this way before.

This damn heartbeat!

"It doesn’t matter if it’s late!"

Zhang Yan smiled softly, his eyes inadvertently sliding over Bai Yifei's body in the distance, and said coldly:"Anyway, I got rid of the bad guy who looked at Madam with that annoying look."

"It’s like making up for it."

"What do you think?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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