"It's exactly what I thought."

Zhang Yan showed a clear expression on a certain big tree.

When he heard that the ancestor of Yan Lingji's clan was Zhu Rong, he had a guess in his heart.

Among the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times, the Black Emperor Zhuan Xu had a great-grandson whose real name was Chong Li. Because Emperor Ku Huozheng made the world bright and had great merit, he was appointed by Emperor Ku to be Zhu.

Chongli had a younger brother, Wu Hui, who later became Huozheng and was also given the name Zhu Rong.

From then on, the two brothers. The descendant tribes are all called - Zhurong.

In other words, the Zhurong tribe is the descendant of Chongli and Wu Hui, and Chongli and Wu Hui are the grandsons of the Black Emperor Zhuanxu among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Therefore, the Zhurong tribe has always been the Black Emperor. Directly descended from the Human Queen!

Zhang Yan had already guessed the identity of Yan Lingji’s tribe.

On the one hand, it was because Yan Lingji was born with a fire spirit body.

On the other hand, it was because Bai Yifei wanted to bring this tribe to her. Destroy it and bring the inheritance back to the Han State. The most important thing is that the tribe lives in the middle of the Han State and the Chu State. This geographical location is worth pondering.

Animation, but he became interested in this period of history, so he checked some special information. He found in"Zuo Zhuan" and"Han Shu" that the Zhurong tribe was the people of the pre-Chu Dynasty, and the initial scope of activities was in Now Xinzheng, the capital of the Han Kingdom, originally belonged to the Chu Kingdom!

However, the Zhurong tribe was destroyed during the Xia and Shang Dynasties. Only the Jilian tribe was able to retain some of its strength because of its strength. , which is also recorded in"Historical Records", and the remaining Zhurong tribe was later divided into six tribes: Ji, Zhen, Peng, Ju, Cao, and Mi, which are the six ancient surnames of the Zhurong family! Later, Dong and Peng were separated, and they were called the eight surnames of Zhurong.

The Dong tribe was called the Huilian tribe at that time. It was a branch born after some members of the Zhurong tribe joined the Yandi tribe alliance.

In other words, the Dong surname was born. Zhu Rong is a descendant of Emperor Yan and Emperor Black, and possesses the blood of two human emperors.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan couldn't help but shook his head:"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm afraid I didn't even think of it, and I casually created a Yanling Ji. The character was given the setting of someone who was born with the ability to control fire and was a remnant of Baiyue. In this real world, she actually had such an origin."

While sighing, Zhang Yan did not forget to put his analysis and historical facts into the group chat within the union.

Cihang Jingzhai is a little bitch:"....The direct descendants of Emperor Yan and Emperor Black? Although we all claim to be of Yanhuang bloodline, Yanyan might be a little too powerful."

The few want to govern:"...Isn't Yan Lingji the same ancestor as the widow?"

Ying Zheng is not trying to flatter himself. To be precise, all the royal families in the Warring States Period are direct descendants of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors! The ancestor of the Qin people was named Da Fei, who was a descendant of the Black Emperor Zhuan Xu, the grandson of the Yellow Emperor. Shun gave him the Ying surname.

In other words, Ying Zheng is the direct descendant of the Yellow Emperor and the Black Emperor, and Yan Lingji is the direct descendant of the Yan Emperor and the Black Emperor!

The Black Emperor and the Yellow Emperor are their common ancestors, which means that Yan Lingji is the direct descendant. The true descendants of Emperor Yan and

Emperor Huang, the direct descendants of Yanhuang! I want to rule:"Hahaha, I didn't expect Yan Lingji to have such a relationship with me. When the president brings Zhu Rongbu here, I will issue an edict personally. Yan Lingji is my eldest princess of Qin!"

The eldest princess is a title given by emperors and kings to their beloved daughters or sisters. It is also the highest honorary title for a royal woman!

Ying Zheng is not much older than Yan Lingji. The eldest princess is naturally not a girl. He regards her as his sister..

But as long as the Zhurong tribe has a genealogy to prove its self-unification, there will be no problem with this order.

And this is where Ying Zheng is smart. It is not painful for him to give Yan Lingji the title of eldest princess. It doesn't hurt, and it won't cost the Qin Dynasty, but it can tie the members of this union together.

Although he has only been in this union for a short time, Ying Zheng knows that everyone has investment value, and Ying Zheng sees it. When it came out, Zhang Yan seemed to have some differences with Yan Lingji.

Investing in Yan Lingji was a change of direction to make friends with Zhang Yan!

"Elder Princess, the First Emperor is awesome!"

Yin Xinyue:"Yes, this operation is very good!""

Wugeng Liuli:"Yanyan is now a princess all of a sudden?"

The pinnacle of martial arts:"If you really have Yanhuang bloodline, what does the title of princess mean?"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"It's true, I have seen the genealogy of this tribe!"

While the union members were chatting, Zhang Yan used a simpler method to confirm his guess.

He sensed his surroundings with the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge, and easily found the genealogy of the Zhurong tribe, which clearly recorded the inheritance of the Dong surname, and His guess was the same!

President Zhang Yan said:"Yanyan is very good. When I found the country and proclaimed myself emperor, I will grant you the position of emperor and empress!""

At this moment, Zhang Yan made no secret of his love for Yan Lingji and directly offered him the position of emperor and empress.

For Yan Lingji, Zhang Yan has always had a liking for Yan Lingji that is different from other women.

This kind of liking is shared by every man. Some, the initial throbbing!

However, although Zhang Yan is only eighteen years old physically, he is already very mature mentally, and he has always positioned himself as an emperor!

Originally, he only wanted to dominate the Naruto world. He also took the first step: becoming Hokage!

And now after joining the Super Dimension Guild, his goal is Wanjie!

·····Ask for flowers···

Therefore, it is impossible for him to pursue and fight for it like a young man who has just started to fall in love!

As long as he doesn't use inhumane methods, he doesn't mind using any means to get everything he wants!

Essentially, he has never been a good person, and he doesn't want to be a good person!

Good people don't live long...

Now that Yan Lingji's life experience has been revealed, Zhang Yan did not hesitate to accept the position of emperor and empress when he saw that Ying Zheng offered Yan Lingji the position of eldest princess.

This is a manifestation of possessiveness and a declaration of sovereignty and attitude.

He didn't care about Ying Zheng's deep meaning in giving Yan Lingji the position of eldest princess.

He only has one idea, Yan Lingji belongs to him, Zhang Yan!

However, his implicit statement cannot be seen by ordinary people except for some smart people with high IQs or political masters.

Most people in the guild are shocked by this incident itself!.......

Detective Kuroneko:"!!! What did this detective see?"

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiu:"Founded the country and proclaimed himself emperor? The president really has a heart for a harem, and now he has attacked a female member, so he won't target him All of us? I won't give in."

Senior Mai Sakurajima:"How can you not be so narcissistic? President, who is not a beauty, like Hinata, Yuhi Kurenai, and Uzuki Yugan?"

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiha:"...."

Yin Xinyue:"I agree with Senior Mai, can I sign up to be a concubine?"

Senior Sister Kasumigaoka Shiu:"....."

Vice President Su Hanxue:"O fellow Niu, you are a role model for time travellers. Be the emperor, open up the harem openly, brilliant, brilliant!"

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu:"......."

Reincarnationist Ling Mengyin:"I admire you, I admire you. I, Ling Mengyin, am willing to call you the strongest time traveler!"

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu:"........."

Cihang Jingzhai is a little bitch:"Founded the country and became emperor? The position of emperor and empress? Tsk, Yanyan just became the eldest princess, and in the blink of an eye, she became the emperor. She is a winner in life, even Aijiang can't compare!"

Huiyuan sorrow:"......admire!

Yan Lingji:" I...A little confused now!"

PS: To be honest, this plot was originally arranged just to give Yanyan's tribe a name. I didn't want to explain too much to prevent people from gossiping.

Unexpectedly, the author checked for a long time and found that the things he randomly set were still there. All of them are correct, and they are completely correct!

Please forgive me for being a bit angry, and everyone knows from the book cover that the author's position as the empress of the palace is determined.

There is no palace fighting in the book, there is a harmonious harem, no distinction between high and low, the position is just a traditional corpse! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao!

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