
"What's the meaning! ?"

Yan Lingji's exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

Originally, everyone was nervous because they saw the soldiers sizing up the mountains, but suddenly they heard the words"disaster of genocide" and became more nervous.

Dong Yue's expression changed wildly, He asked displeasedly:"Yanyan, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense!"Yan Lingji changed her usual obedient and well-behaved demeanor and replied in a very irritable tone.

"you!"Dong Yue was frightened by his daughter's uncharacteristic behavior and did not react for a moment.

Yan Lingji ignored Dong Yue's expression and walked straight to the high platform in front of everyone.

Standing on the high platform was a 100% old man. He was The clan elder of the Zhurong clan is in charge of all major affairs within the clan.

Yan Lingji greeted the clan elder politely, and then boldly said:"Brothers, clan elders, clan aunts and sisters-in-law, please listen to me!"

Yan Lingji knew that the Han Kingdom army had arrived, and Bai Yifei might show up at any time.

Now the situation has reached a point where there is no need to wait.

Before Zhang Yan arrives, she must gather everyone in the clan, otherwise if a tragedy occurs, there will be no There is no way to save it!

"Elders, please quickly gather all your relatives at home to resist the foreign enemies, otherwise today will be the day when our Zhurong clan will be exterminated!"

Yan Lingji said it very seriously, I just hope everyone can take it seriously.


"What's the meaning?"

"Will my surname Zhu Rong be exterminated today?"

"I do not believe!"

"But Xiao Yan'er seemed very determined!"

"Where did the news come from that she was a little girl?"

"But Xiaoyan'er has always been a good boy, so she shouldn't lie to others, right?"

Hearing Yan Lingji's words, everyone present was shocked and confused. If a large number of soldiers did not appear outside the mountain forest, they would definitely think that the little girl was talking nonsense and alarmism.

Even now, they feel curious, Yan Lingji Why did Ling Ji say this was a disaster that would annihilate the entire clan?

"Yanyan, don’t talk nonsense!"Dong Yue finally reacted at this moment.

He was secretly annoyed that he was frightened by the girl Yan Lingji. He took a few steps forward to pull Yan Lingji down.

What kind of genocide is this? It's nonsense!

It's really like this How could Yan Lingji, a little girl who had never left the clan, know?

"don't want~~"Yan Lingji circled the clan elder to avoid Dong Yue's hand, and said in a firm voice:"Elders, please listen to Yan Yan!"

"Yanyan just received a dream from a god"

"The god told me that he was a friend of our ancestor Zhu Rong!"

"He said that this time the Han royal family wants to destroy our clan and seize all the inheritance of the Zhu Rong clan, everyone must believe me!"

What Yan Lingji said was the excuse he had prepared a long time ago.

The so-called friend of ancestor Zhu Rong is Zhang Yan's fabricated identity.

Anyway, with the strength Zhang Yan has shown, it is not a problem to say that he is a god.

"Yan Lingji!"

Dong Yue, who didn't know the truth, looked at his daughter who kept dodging, and he was a little angry at this time. He even stopped calling Yan Lingji by her nickname.

What the gods said in dreams and returned to the ancestor Zhu Rong was getting more and more outrageous.

But just At this point, the tribe elder who had been silent suddenly picked up his crutch and knocked on the high platform. A strange flame appeared out of thin air and swirled around its body.

At this scene, Dong Yue stopped what he was doing and obediently. He returned to the crowd below.

But there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes when he looked at Yan Lingji.

However, Yan Lingji ignored Dong Yue's gaze and said to the white-haired old man beside her:"Uncle, you must. Believe Yanyan, Yanyan didn't say anything!"

"If you don't take action, it will be too late!

The white-haired old man turned to Yan Lingji and asked with a serious expression:"Xiao Yan'er, there is no room for carelessness in this matter. Do you dare to make a clan oath?""

The so-called clan oath is a kind of oath unique to a very few tribes. They swear by their own blood.

Only ethnic groups with the blood of ancient emperors can do it.

"Uncle clan, I can do it!"Yan Lingji nodded firmly. She 100% believed in the memory copy Zhang Yan showed her.

"Is it.."The white-haired old man pondered for a moment, then said:"Uncle, I don't want you to swear, I just want you to answer a question!"

"Uncle, you say."Yan Lingji hurriedly urged.

Time waits for no one.

"Very simple! The white-haired old man touched his long beard and asked:"Since you keep saying that there is an immortal who entrusts you with dreams, and that person is a friend of the ancestors, do you know what the true inheritance of our Zhurong tribe is?""

The real inheritance of the Zhurong tribe?

Now everyone is shocked.

What is the so-called real inheritance of their Zhurong tribe?

How come they don't know?

Everyone looked at Yan Lingji, wanting to see if she could tell anything.

"inherited?"Yan Lingji was stunned. The copy of memory sent to him by Zhang Yan did not mention this.

Regarding today's events, she only knew that Bai Yifei massacred the entire clan, and she was the only survivor.

Yan Lingji was immediately stunned. She was anxious, she didn't know anything.

But how could she convince her clansmen if she couldn't say anything?

At this moment, a notification sound suddenly sounded in her mind.

".Ding! President Zhang Yan sent you a private message."

Private message from the president's brother?

Is the president's brother coming over?

Yan Lingji felt relieved immediately and quickly opened the content of the private message.

President Zhang Yan:"Tell your uncle that the inheritance of your ethnic group is the fire charm technique!"

Yan Lingji:???

Fire Charm Technique, isn't this the Korean princess Honglian, the palace secretary of the Han Kingdom who will be learned by Chi Lian in the future?

It is also the technique she will major in in the future.


Yan Lingji suddenly realized something was wrong.

How could he, an orphan from the Zhurong tribe, learn the art of fire enchantment before Princess Honglian, the Palace Secretary of the Cold Kingdom? is it possible...

Bai Yifei originally obtained this fire charm from her tribe, and finally dedicated it to King Han. That's why the Han King's royal family had this so-called palace secretary?

Yan Ling (very good) Ji is indeed Bingxue smart. Zhang Yan only gave a little reminder, but she actually thought of so many things at once.

And her guess is really Zhang Yan's current guess.

In fact, she had already arrived in the world of Qin Shi from the Naruto World when Yan Lingji arrived here.

After arriving in the world of Qin Shi, he released his powerful energy to look for Yan Lingji, but he happened to find out what was happening here.

So he was not in a hurry to show up, but planned to show up at the critical moment.

But now, when he saw the flames released by the Zhurong tribe elder, he thought of some of the things he was more curious about at the beginning, and decided to investigate some of the punishments!

For example, the true origin of the fire charm technique!

And the tribe that Yan Lingji belongs to can actually give birth to a fire spirit like her who is born with the ability to control fire, and may also inherit the fire charm technique.

What will be special about it?

And he clearly heard Yan Lingji mentioning his ancestor Zhu Rong just now.

This gave him a bold guess! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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