"elder brother!"

Uchiha Sasuke came to Uchiha Itachi, with a smile on his face that always came to Lingku.

"Sasuke!"Itachi Uchiha nodded and also smiled.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, everything was serious!

Itachi understood that Sasuke was welcoming his official return, although Sasuke was the only one to greet him. , but he didn’t feel any hostile looks from the crowd around him.

This showed that the people in Konoha Village no longer regarded him as a traitor!

What Zhang Yan had already done!

From today on, he will no longer have to look at him. He can continue to escape as a traitor and can return to live in the village he loves.

Moreover, his parents, his beloved brother Uchiha Shisui, will be resurrected soon!...........



Compared to Itachi, there were two people who greeted Orochimaru.

One was his good friend Jiraiya, and the other was his beloved disciple, Mitarashi Anko!

Unlike Itachi Uchiha, Orochimaru is still a traitor to Konoha. Forbearance, so even though many people in Konoha Village had a good relationship with him, they didn't come up to say hello. Only Anko and Jiraiya knew some of the inside stories revealed by Zhang Yan, so their attitude would have been different if Zhang Yan hadn't revealed it.

The inside story is that Asuma and Konohamaru are now afraid that they will rush forward to avenge Sarutobi Hiruzen!..........

There are relatively few people here!

Even on the Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama side, there are only Tsunade and some old people from Konoha who are still alive.

After all, the first and second generations are people who lived decades ago. Although they have high prestige, young people have nothing to do with them!

In comparison, the Third Hokage had the most people in front of him, not only Asuma and Konohamaru, but also many ninjas and civilians.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been the Hokage for dozens of years, and he didn't die fighting for the village until a few months ago. His influence and presence are the strongest!

Of course, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen is resurrected now, he will not be able to regain even an iota of power from Zhang Yan!

On the one hand, it is because the current team in charge of power in Konoha is very accepting of Zhang Yan's cabinet system, and no one is willing to hand over the power they have obtained.

But more importantly, everyone saw Zhang Yan's powerful strength.

This Godaime could destroy Konoha with one strike.

No one with this kind of strength would be crazy enough to want to be Zhang Yan’s enemy!

Of course, it's too early to tell.

Now no one knows that Zhang Yan will resurrect Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, and they themselves think that they may leave this world at any time.

Except for Sarutobi Hiruzen, there were also many people gathered here at Namikaze Minato!

First of all, everyone surrounded a drama of father and son recognizing each other!

"Yes, I am your father!"

"We finally meet, Naruto!

"You have grown so tall!"Namikaze Minato reached out and touched Naruto, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

He didn't expect that it had passed in a blink of an eye and that he and Katsuyuki were still there, and they had grown so big.

He could see the grown-up Naruto through the reincarnation of the dirty land. For him, it is also a matter of joy.

Otherwise, he would have to wait for Naruto to open the Eighth Stage one day, but that also means that Naruto has suffered a huge crisis!

Everything is great!

"Dad!"Naruto stretched out his arms and hugged Namikaze Minato, as if to hold on to this hard-won family relationship. The tears in his eyes could no longer be controlled.

Namikaze Minato admitted it himself, allowing him to let go of the last doubts in his heart.

"Naruto!"Namikaze Minato's expression changed slightly, and he reached out and patted Naruto on the back.

Originally, he had many questions to ask Naruto, such as how he has been doing over the years, whether he has studied hard, etc."

But after Naruto The moment he burst into tears, he couldn't ask anymore.

How much happiness can he have without his father and mother since he was a child?

"Minato, long time no see!"Nara Shikaku brought Yamanaka Haiichi and Akimichi Choza to Namikaze Minato to say hello.

They were from the same period and had a very good relationship.

For Namikaze Minato, Nara Shikaku and the three of them did not have anything to do with Naruto. What kind of guilt did they feel about Naruto? After all, the third generation and Danzo had issued a hush-hush order, but even so, they didn't tell their children not to play with Uzumaki Naruto, especially Nara Shikaku. I deliberately mentioned Nara Shikamaru a few words, but the latter’s IQ, even if I don’t say it clearly, actually understands a lot of things!

Seriously speaking, Nara Shikamaru was Naruto’s only friend when he was a child, and Akimichi Choji followed him everywhere. I only became friends with Naruto after listening to Shikamaru.

Of course, these were the original trajectories!

Now, because of Zhang Yan’s existence, many people have a good relationship with Naruto!

"Long time no see, Lujiu, Dingzuo, Haiyi!"Namikaze Minato smiled at Nara Shikaku, Kakashi and the others, very bright!

His smile instantly attracted the attention of countless women who were present, and a group of young girls gathered together. There's a lot of discussion

·····Ask for flowers···

The little golden sun is not just a name it deserves!

"Wow~ Is this the fourth generation? so hot!"

"As handsome as the fifth generation Konoha-sama!"

"The smile is so sunny!"

"Love it, love it!"

Hearing the cries of these girls, some women in their thirties and forties actually stood up and stood up.

"Girl, believe what your mother says, the Fourth Hokage is also a handsome guy!"

"I believe it, I believe it, Mom, you are so bad, why didn’t you find such a handsome man to be my father back then!"

"Bastard girl, without your father, how could I have you?"

"Dad, calm down~ By the way, mom, was that woman so powerful back then that she actually stole the fourth generation of adults?"

"Cough, cough, she is a terrible woman..."

A group of women and middle-aged men in their thirties and forties showed tacit expressions of fear. The wife of the Fourth Hokage was no less famous than the Fourth Hokage........

The legendary red pepper, whose husband is the Hokage and himself a Nine-Tails jinchuriki, usually hangs out with Tsunade, he is a real violent person.

Feeling the subtle atmosphere around him, Nara Shikaku scratched his head and said with a smile:"That guy in your family is still so intimidating after all these years!"

"Hahaha~" Namikaze smiled awkwardly and said,"Well~~ After all, Kushina has such a temper!"

"Ku Yukina? Naruto rubbed his eyes and asked curiously:"Is that my mother's name?""

"That's right!"Namikaze Minato nodded and said with a smile:"Your mother's name is Uzumaki Kushina, but you must remember it, otherwise if you don't know when you meet in the future, be careful she will beat you up."

"hit me?"Naruto's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, is his mother so tough?

But then again, his father's name is Namikaze Minato, and his mother's name is Uzumaki Nagato.

Doesn't his Uzumaki Naruto have his mother's surname?

This is Why, Sasuke and the others all have their father’s last name.

Thinking of this, Naruto asked curiously:"Dad, why do I take my mother’s last name and not yours?"

Naruto's question made Namikaze Minato stunned, and he asked with some confusion:"Is your name Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Yes~" Naruto nodded wildly!

Namikaze Minato:....

He silently looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi not far away, thinking that the third generation should be able to give him an answer!

At this time, Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama happened to be looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The atmosphere became quiet for a moment. Sarutobi Hiruzen:......

Sure enough, you have to pay back everything you come out to do, and you can’t escape even if you die._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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