
Looking at Senju Hashirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others standing on the giant wooden man in front of him, the giant Primordial Groudon roared angrily, took action immediately, opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of flames wrapped in lava!


The diameter of this flame reached ten meters, and soon it turned into a huge character, suppressing it towards several wooden figures~!

Seeing all this, Uchiha Madara became increasingly uneasy:"What a powerful fire escape! -"

As an expert in fire escape, he can feel the powerful destructive power contained in Groudon's attack. Even if he uses up all the Susanoo to swing the chakra blade, he may not be an opponent! What is this Zhang Yan? Where did you find these powerful assistants and powerful psychic beasts?

"Water escape, the art of waterfall!"

Facing the giant Primordial Groudon's flame offensive, Senju Hashirama and the four of them naturally couldn't stand watching. Senju Tobirama immediately used the Water Release Ninjutsu.


Zhang Yan finally saw this second-generation figure who was capable of forbidden arts and sea escape take action. The waterfall he created out of thin air was indeed huge, and could actually completely cover the big flames!

However, he ignored the relationship between himself and the giant original Groudon. The difference in strength between them was that the flames ejected by the giant Primordial Groudon could not be extinguished by ordinary water.


The large waterfall created by Senju Hashirama was evaporated almost instantly, and the large-shaped flames continued to advance forward, covering the three of Senju Hashirama.

"So strong!"Senju Hashirama became interested in the strength displayed by the giant primitive Groudon. No matter what the normal battle situation was, he stopped fighting. He immediately put his hands together and shouted:"Immortal magic, activate!"

"Immortal Art·The Art of the Great Waterfall!"

Senju Hashirama instantly activated the sage mode, and the special lines found in the sage mode appeared on his face. Immediately afterwards, no one saw him forming seals. He only heard a loud shout!


A huge waterfall suddenly appeared in the void. It was far larger than the one created by Qianju Tobijian before. Moreover, this waterfall showed that it was emitting a faint silver light, and it was obviously not ordinary water! The waterfall of immortal magic collided with the explosion of big characters. Together, they finally didn't get crushed, and they became stalemate with each other. After all, water began to restrain the fire...

"cut~~"Senju Tobirama curled his lips in displeasure, unhappy that Senju Hashirama had stolen his limelight.

He was given the opportunity to talk and use water escape to show off, so why is this big brother stealing the limelight again?

Is this the legendary Brother Is Always Your Brother series?

And he also used magic, what a foul!

But soon, Senju Tobirama was no longer in the mood to pay attention to this.

The power of the extremely giant Primordial Groudon seemed to be endless. He kept breathing flames, so Senju Hashirama could only bite the bullet and fight it.

If it weren't for the massive amount of chakra in Senju Hashirama's perfect immortal body, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

The stalemate was okay, but the giant Primordial Groudon could not open its mouth to spit fire. It suddenly raised its hands, and earth-yellow energy flashed in its eyes! next moment!

"boom! boom! boom!"

Huge round rock pillars with a height of more than tens of meters and a diameter of no less than ten meters began to appear on the ground in front of the giant Primordial Groudon, and continued to appear out of thin air, heading towards the front Senju Hashirama and others. Spread over.

This is Groudon's exclusive move, the Cliff Sword!

The giant original Groudon's move was so sudden that Senju Hashirama didn't react at all.


After a while, the earth shook and the mountains shook, the wooden figures created by Senju Hashirama were completely destroyed, and the use of the Immortal Technique and Great Waterfall Technique was also interrupted.


The huge large-shaped flames covered the front, directly turning this area into desolation!....


This move shocked everyone who was watching the battle.

In addition to shock and disbelief, they didn't know what to think about Zhang Yan.

Originally, they thought they would see Zhang Yan dying... The end of the world is coming. Leader.

But what is the truth?

Even if those invaders contacted so many Kage-level members of the Akatsuki organization, and even Payne, who later allowed Orochimaru to reincarnate all the Kages of the major ninja villages

, who could. Blocked?

Zhang Yan blocked it.

He didn't take action himself, he just found a few suspected subordinates (because he was called the president!) and suppressed Xiao and the former Kages of the major ninja villages.

It didn't matter...The god of the ninja world, Senju Hashirama, along with the forbidden arts expert Senju Tobirama, the ninja world doctor Hiruzen Sarutobi, and the yellow flashing wave Feng Minato, were actually suppressed by Zhang Yan's psychic beast with such strength....

All the shadows, elders, and ninjas of Ninja Village had a unified thought.

As long as Zhang Yan is still alive, they should forget about invading Konoha. If they don't invade, they should burn incense.

As for resistance...

If the gap between the two sides is within a certain range, even if there is a huge gap, a bloody person will not consider the issue of sneak attack.

But when the strength gap between the two sides is at the dimensional level,....

Does some persistence really mean anything?

Countless people began to ask themselves!

The emergence of these ideas was already within Zhang Yan's calculations.

At this time, he released his Haki and sensed the members of the Akatsuki organization who had gathered together and obviously had no further thoughts of taking action.

Then he looked at Orochimaru, Uchiha Obito who was hiding, and Pain who was obviously fishing.

If you sense it again, you can firmly occupy the battlefield above in five places....

He knew that his plan was just one step away from completion.

·····Ask for flowers···

"So...."Zhang Yan narrowed his eyes and now said silently:"Settlement during the live broadcast stage!"

Settlement during the live broadcast stage is really an operation where members who change the plot during the live broadcast want to replenish their points, but do not want to stop the live broadcast midway.

"Ding, President Zhang Yan has started settlement during the live broadcast stage!

Ding, member Zhang Yan has been detected and the plot has changed significantly!

1: The truth about Nagato Uzumaki's reincarnation eye

2: The generations of Kage meet in advance

3: Madara Uchiha knows about Black Zetsu's plan

4 Everyone in the Naruto world knows about the Eye of the Moon plan in advance

5: The disappearance of the fourth ninja move




Settlement completed: Reward: 50,000 points"

"Fifty thousand points!"

Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Zhang Yan still had an unconcealable blazing light in his eyes. These 50,000 points were enough to steadily raise his strength to the peak of the eighth level........

Even level nine!

This time, he didn't have to make any excuses when facing the ninth-level members!

But Zhang Yan also knew that such a good thing would never happen again.

This time, he used the world battlefield cards to gather the characteristics of everyone in the Naruto world, and used Kimura Kentaro and his team's layout to carry out global spoilers, indirectly and directly changing the plots of countless major and minor characters before he could harvest such a movie. integral!

But this is a one-time deal.

After this incident, it is basically impossible for him to earn points by changing the plot in the Naruto world.

After all, the union gives points by live broadcasting changes in the plot, not by live broadcasting changes in fate.

"One deal is enough!"

"Fifty thousand points can be considered as the 10,000 points earned by successfully placing Ling Mengyin as a spy and the 5,000 points earned by going to the Elf World. In other metaphors, I now have a total of 66,400 points!"


"Improve it!"

"Thirty thousand dollars to open a perfect immortal body is equivalent to possessing the Eye of Reincarnation!"

"Buy Amaterasu with 10,000 points!"

"20,000 yuan to upgrade to the fourth stage of Flying Thunder God!"

"Look at how far my strength can go!"........

"But before that!"

Zhang Yan looked at Madara Uchiha not far in front, also clasping his hands on his chest, his dark eyes spinning, and said calmly:"Madara, let's put an end to this competition!"


Countless golden chakras emerged from Zhang Yan's body.

The next moment, a golden armored giant appeared out of thin air.

This golden armored giant was far away from Uchiha Madara's blue armored giant!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more solemn. Corpse!

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