"Yes, but......"

Otto opened his mouth. He seemed to have thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to express, but when he reached his mouth, he couldn't even say a word.

The only thing I can do is sit there and stare blankly ahead.

"Is there really no possibility at all?"

Fu Hua, who had already stood up and walked towards his rebels, heard Otto's pleading voice behind him, and finally stopped.

"......Do you believe in reincarnation?"


Otto looked at Fu Hua blankly, but Fu Hua didn't even look back. He just said calmly:"Even if the body dies, the soul will still be reincarnated. Maybe ten years, maybe thousands of years, but as long as you live enough For a long time, one day you can see the person you want to see again - there was this saying in the previous era"

"Is that, really?"

"I have no idea. Fu Hua said bluntly,"But if you believe it, it will be a lot easier, right?" Many of them had this idea in the past. After all, if this were the case, they would no longer have to fear separation and death - although there were some people who did not believe in this at all."

"Past lives and past lives are all illusory things. All she believes in is the present, so she has no regard for those who place their trust in the future.......Alas, there is no point in telling you this."

"If you believe in the existence of the soul and look forward to meeting that person again, then live well and wait for the day when you can meet again. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, then hold on to her dream and let her name live in history and in everyone’s heart"

"......Thank you Immortal."

Otto stood up silently, bowed deeply to Fu Hua, who had his back turned to him, and then silently turned around and set foot on the road down the mountain.

He didn't believe in souls, but if this is the only possibility to save Lihua, then He will believe without hesitation that

Otto will live, just like Lihua said, to fight against the collapse and become the savior of this world, so that Lihua can see a better world when she is reborn.......

Long after Otto left, Fu Hua, who was standing there, let out an imperceptible sigh.

And this sigh, the hanged rebels in front of her could hear it with their extraordinary senses.

"Why, a heartless immortal can sigh at the misfortunes of others?"

The red-haired girl who was hung the highest was Su Mei, the second disciple trained by Fu Hua himself. But at this time, even though her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, she still smiled desperately at Fu Hua with a mocking smile.

But in this smile, But there is still some unspeakable sadness

"Even if a passerby who has never met encounters suffering, the immortal will feel the same. But if someone goes crazy or is unfortunate enough to encounter demonic energy entering his body, even if he is a disciple who gets along day and night, the immortal will kill him without hesitation."

Facing the dissatisfaction of his disciple, Fu Hua did not speak to refute, but silently walked towards a disciple who was hanging in the middle.

The girl lowered her head without saying a word, but there were a few strands of purple hair hanging down. He looked strangely pale, which was a sign of being infected by Honkai energy. It could even be said that he was already on the verge of becoming a dead warrior. If nothing unexpected happened, he would soon become a mindless being controlled by Honkai energy. Monster.

And this person is none other than Jiang Wanru, the fourth disciple of Taixu Mountain who believes that anyone who becomes a demon must be killed.

"master......"It wasn't until Fu Hua walked in front of her that the woman finally slowly raised her head, but her evasive eyes still did not dare to look directly at Fu Hua,"Everyone did this kind of thing because of me. I hope Master Can they only punish me for the sake of their friendship?......"

"Fellowship. Fu

Hua chewed on these two words, and then shook his head as if he was amused:"Your friendship with the same family is so good that you don't care much about the lintel itself.""

Facing Fu Hua's sharp words, Jiang Wanru could not think of any other response except silence.

"That's all, the matter is at this point, it's useless to say more."

Fu Hua didn't seem to want to say anything more to his group of rebellious disciples, and calmly raised his hand to Jiang Wanru.

The third disciple next to him, Jiang Wanxi, was even more excited when he saw that his sister was about to be killed by Fu Hua. His eyes were about to burst:"No!! Master, you can't - I beg you!!!"

Unlike her sister, Jiang Wanru herself seemed much calmer:"Forget it Wanxi, everything is fate.......It would have been treacherous to take action against Master for such a thing."

"Master, Wanru has been with us day and night for so long, you know what a good child she is!"The eldest disciple Lin Chaoyu, who was hanging aside with a deathly expression, also begged at this time,"Just let her go, even if you let Wanxi take her to a desert island far away from human habitation, at least leave her alone. life!"

Except for the fifth disciple Cheng Lingshuang and the second disciple Su Mei, almost everyone else was begging for mercy for their fellow apprentices.

But Su Mei just sneered disdainfully:"Don't you know this person's nature? This immortal's blood is absolutely cold! If you want her to let the possessed person go, you might as well pray for the sun to rise in the west and set in the east.......As long as a mere apprentice is tainted with demonic energy, she is no different from a monster in her eyes!"

As soon as these words came out, the others fell silent. As the people closest to Fu Hua, of course they knew how cold Fu Hua was when facing the possessed. What Su Mei said was that although he was very disrespectful to his master. etiquette, but they couldn’t help but agree in their hearts

"......That's it."

A rare trace of confusion flashed through Fu Hua's eyes, but he soon returned to his calm, unwavering look.

"I thought that if we get along day and night, we can understand each other without saying much, but this is just wishful thinking on my part."

Gently lifting her sleeves, the pill in Fu Hua's hand sank into Jiang Wanru's mouth accurately.

She raised her hand not to kill her apprentice from the beginning, but to give herself the anti-collapse medicine she had obtained from her comrades. The disciple just accepted it.

What he didn't expect was that his disciple's dislike and misunderstanding of him had reached this level.

"In your eyes, am I a person without blood and tears?"

Slowly closing his eyes, Fu Hua calmed down and turned to leave.

"Wanru is like a demonic energy entering her body, but she has not recovered yet. This medicine can dissolve the evil spirit, but all the internal energy will also dissipate. Please take more care of it in the future."

"You will be hanged here for ten days as punishment for the crime of killing your master. From now on, you and I, master and disciple, don’t have to see each other again."

Fu Hua left Taixu Mountain, where she had lived for thousands of years, and did not look back.

She felt that she needed to find her comrades again and talk about her hurt feelings.

Now Fu Hua is extremely lucky that what she has left in this world now She was not the only remnant of the old world.

Otherwise, Fu Hua wouldn't have known how lonely and sad he would be after encountering such a level of betrayal.

Until her figure completely disappeared on Taixu Mountain, the hanging disciples were still stunned. They could n't believe what happened.

What Fu Hua did was completely different from what they imagined.

There is no master anymore.

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