There are still ten minutes left, what should we do?

Li Bei's brain was thinking rapidly about ways to solve the current situation.

The Demon of the Gun, this demon who had no chance to appear in the story that he had changed, although it does not sound like a domineering, dark or high-end style, but in terms of the lethality shown, it is undoubtedly the strongest..

Every time this guy appears, he counts the time by seconds and the death toll by tens of thousands, and he can kill across the globe from Asia to the Americas in just a few minutes.......As long as it appears, it means huge casualties, just like a natural disaster.

Hayakawa Akira even suffered a lot of ridicule because his goal was to kill the Gun Demon, because many people thought his idea was a daydream, and it was impossible for anyone to kill the Gun Demon.

And this is in a world where everything related to firearms is strictly controlled, and many people don't have a deep understanding of how harmful guns are. Once the Gun Demon comes to this world, regardless of the people in war-torn areas, the fear of guns among the people of the White Eagle Kingdom who are shot every day will probably make the Gun Demon evolve one level in place!

This time the problem is really troublesome. I originally thought that at most it would be a few guys who are stronger than the Minotaur, and they would be on the same level as the Great Fox of Corrosion that I fought before, but in the end, there is such a giant Buddha.......

Subconsciously moving his wrist, Li Bei could feel that the silent Honkai in his body could burst out at any time and turn everything nearby into a sea of fire - but is this really enough?

Li Bei was not sure that he could kill the Gun Demon in an instant, or even if it was too early. If the Gun Demon was strengthened too much due to the earth's fear of firearms, it would not be impossible for him to be dragged into a protracted war or even overturn.

The most terrifying thing about the Gun Demon is its destructiveness, and what's even more coincidental is that Li Bei's Herrscher of Fire power is not something suitable for protecting other people. Its greatest trait is also its terrifying destructive power.

Once the two go to war here, not to mention the tens of thousands of people in the square now, Li Bei thinks that even half of the Japanese island may be leveled.

When the time comes, including earthquakes, tsunamis, fires and other situations caused by the fighting, the casualties may not be calculated in hundreds of millions.......

For Li Bei, the easiest thing now is of course to just run away. With his strength, if he didn't start a war with the Demon of Guns, leaving this place of right and wrong would be a matter of a blink of an eye. It would even be easy to take Gao Ming and Liu Yue away and protect their safety.

As for the others, just pray that the Gun Demon will disappear on its own, or wait a few more days until Fu Hua, the big boss who destroyed the world, comes.

He will definitely not sit idly by when he sees the Gun Demon wreaking havoc.

When the time comes, let the Red Kite Immortal compete with the Demon of the Gun, and then ask Lihua to come over and do some self-destruction to help.

If you are lucky, a few decent and powerful people will come through time travel.......

Isn’t this gun demon solved?

Li Bei's identity will not be exposed, nor will any of his interests be harmed. None of his friends will be injured. It is simply a perfect solution.

It's just that a little more people will die. Just treat it as a misfortune caused by a natural disaster like dimensional fusion.


After thinking silently, Li Bei finally sighed.

No, sleeping on top of billions of human lives, I'm a little worried about being haunted.

"Do you two believe in the light?"Li Bei suddenly asked

"of course? Gao Ming smiled crookedly,"I became a light with Diga when I was a child!""

"No one can resist the Super Mountain Giant. Liu Yue said seriously,"Whether it's a man or a woman,"

"But if possible, I really don’t want to see Diga and Lihua suddenly appear and fight with monsters.

Gao Ming looked at the crowd around him and shrugged nonchalantly:"There is no victory team here to help with early warning and evacuation. I'm afraid we won't all be crushed.""

"Sure enough, I still want to see the Paper Man Wife more, but unfortunately, although I have seen some high-quality cosplayers in these venues so far, I don’t have the feeling that I can identify with Lihua at a glance......."

"What paper man are you looking at? Are you going to betray the light for a woman?!"Liu Yue was furious.

Don't worry, this time both the paper man and Tiga will let you see that two wishes are fulfilled at once.

The divine light stick was originally used to press the bottom of the box, but I didn't expect that such a piece would come in handy.

But he should forget about transforming in public, and leave it to the guy who likes to be lively.

Looking at the many people around him with guns and cannons, and even cameras with TV station logos, Li Bei felt that maybe. After this incident, the whole world will know about the dimensional fusion.

It may be difficult to hide this news.


In a McDonald's restaurant next to the venue, a figure who was beautiful enough to attract anyone's attention firmly opened the toilet door and walked out.

Under the gaze of the people around her, she thought for a moment, picked up a cheap bag from the side, poked two holes in it, put it on her head, and then walked out of Medici's door with her head held high.

This girl is naturally Xiangzi, the clone of Xun No. 2 that Li Bei just summoned.

Now that it has been decided to use the Divine Light Rod to transform into Tiga and destroy the gun demon, it doesn't matter whether the transformed person is powerful or not.

In this situation, Li Bei doesn't want to expose himself yet, and by watching from the side, he can have more energy to decide whether he needs to intervene in the battle. So his final choice was to let Xiangzi transform into Tiga and fight.

It just so happens that the two of them are fellows who came from the world of Chainsaw Man, and the Gun Demon may have chewed on the idea some time ago.

Although Xiangzi is so weak that he could be crushed to death by a bullet from the Demon of the Gun, the light of Tiga is a force that is diametrically opposed to the essence of the existence of the demon. That kind of hopeful light has no influence on the demon. The presence of fear has a naturally suppressive effect.

In the hell of those days, Xiangzi could create a realm where even the devil of darkness would not want to step into it by just using his wish to gather some of the aura from the Divine Light Rod. Now, he transformed directly into Diga and wielded a small gun. Wasn't the devil captured by hand?

This is also the best way to solve the current problem. Let the gun demon be blown up directly before he can even take action, thus minimizing casualties.

The only pity is that Li Bei's life-saving trump card is gone.......

He has no light, how can he charge this thing?

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