After Hayakawa Qiu solved his confusion, the Hayakawa family lived a rare peaceful life.

There is no need to think about invading hell, and there is no need to be wary of anyone. Every day everyone goes out to patrol, go to work to deal with demons, and eat and quarrel together when they come back. rest.

The crusade against the gun demon that the police had been promoting had recently calmed down and was rarely mentioned at first. From Machima's words, everyone also knew that the Gun Demon had actually been killed long ago, and its body parts were stored in different countries, and were now used as some kind of deterrent.

Previously, the President of the United States seemed to be planning to use the Gun Demon to cause trouble, but now that Machima was no longer interested in accompanying them to fool around, she solved the matter in advance - using some methods of controlling the demon.

And when he discovered what he had been striving for all along, and when he discovered that the enemy's gun demon had long since ceased to exist, Hayakawa Akira not only did not feel disappointed, but felt a rare sense of joy.

It's great that there is no Gun Demon, because then the people he values no longer have to risk their lives to defeat the Gun Demon.

The days passed leisurely like this

"Denji's birthday is coming soon."

In the Hayakawa family, Soko tore off a calendar, looked at a certain day on it and thought:"It seems that we are going to celebrate his birthday."

"Birthday?......Before I know it, another year has passed."Hayakawa Qiu took a sip of tea and said,"I have to think about what birthday gift I can prepare for Denji."


Pava immediately became excited when he heard the word:"Is there a birthday cake to eat?"!

Pava's focus made Xiangzi laugh and rub her head:"Of course, invite all your friends and buy a big cake for everyone to eat together.""

"This should be Denji's first serious birthday celebration, so he needs to be well prepared. Xiangzi walked to the window and looked downstairs at Dianci who had just returned from the supermarket with shopping bags. He chuckled and said,"I couldn't celebrate his birthday last time, so I'll make up for it this time." It’s just that the gift I prepared for him didn’t seem to be used in the end.......What a pity."

Hayakawa Akira couldn't help but fall silent when Soko mentioned the last time she helped Denji celebrate his birthday. If I remember correctly, the reason Denji's birthday didn't go through two years ago was because of his relationship with the police.......

[Energy +8100]

"Don't be so sad, Qiu, you have to prepare a gift for Denji that he likes this time."Xianzi turned to look at Hayakawa Qiu, covering her mouth and laughing,"Just think of it as your apology to him before, right?"

"......Ah, that's how it should be."Hayakawa Qiuya also laughed.

Only Pava opened his bright eyes and didn't know what happened.


Denji felt that everything seemed strange today.

Qiu and Himeno left in a hurry early in the morning. It was said that Makima gave them an urgent mission, and they needed to go to Osaka immediately to carry out a crusade against the devil.

Pava was called into the headquarters and was told that the Blood Demon's power had recovered too well recently and he needed to drain blood regularly to prevent him from going berserk.

Xiangzi was also asked by that Makima to play with her.......

In short, Denji was now alone. Although he got a day off because his partner couldn't work, he didn't know what to do.

Even if you talk about finding friends......He doesn't seem to have many friends either.

Although I got along surprisingly well with the shark demon Bim and the bomb girl Lacy in my recent work and contacts, it was impossible to go to them to kill time during the working day. After all, they also had to work as demons.

If you go to the shore......That old man only knows how to drink.

In the end, Denji, who had nothing to do, could only go home alone, lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

"It's obviously my birthday, but no one seems to remember it, Pochita."

Muttered to himself with some disappointment, Denji yawned and decided to sleep through the day.......

In his sleep, Denci saw the long-lost orange figure.

Pochta, it seems like I haven't dreamed about it in my dreams for a long time. Is it because I live too full a life and fall asleep as soon as I touch the pillow? Is it the reason why I don't have dreams?

But no matter what, Denji was very happy to see Pochita again, and immediately opened his hands for a reunion hug.

But Pochita did not throw herself into Denji's arms like before, but stood there and looked at him seriously.

"Dianci, are you living happily now?"

"......happiness?"Denji was stunned. He didn't know why Pochita suddenly said such a thing.

Ah, could it be because he made a contract with Pochita at that time and wanted to show it his dream?

"I think I'm doing pretty well. Denci thought about it and said,"It's just that everyone has forgotten my birthday."......But I think life is still great now! Soko is also back, it would be great if you, Pochita, could join us."

Unexpectedly, despite getting a positive answer from Denji, Pochita's eyes did not become happy because of this, but instead looked a little sad.

"Please don't say it out loud."Pochita looked at Denji with an unprecedented serious expression and said seriously,"You must not say those words."

Pochita's strange look made Denci a little worried. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to Pochita, and then - grabbed the air.

He woke up

"It's a dream......"

Seeing the darkened room that had been processed for some time, Denji knew that he had slept through the night.

"Haven't you come back yet?"

Stretched, Denji stood up and prepared to turn on the light. Just as he stepped into the living room, the sudden light made him squint his eyes instinctively. Finally, the continuous explosions sounded, which made him almost subconsciously pull the switch.

But Denji didn't do that in the end because he realized that the series of explosions were not gunshots, because the bullets that fell on him were not painful bullets. It was colorful ribbons falling all over the sky.

And after adapting to the light, the figures around him couldn't help but widen his eyes:"Xianzi, and - everyone?! Why are you all here?"

That's right, whether it's Hayakawa Akira and Himeno who are on a business trip, Pava who was pulled to the headquarters, Soko and Makima, or even the demons who have a good relationship with him such as Lesse and Bim are all gathered here. He entered this small living room, and everyone looked at him with smiles.

"Of course it's because of you, Denji." Xiangzi smiled,"Happy birthday"


Denji never imagined that one day he would be surrounded by family and friends like this, celebrating the birth of his life.

"You don’t really think everyone has forgotten your birthday, do you?"

Looking at Denci who had received the gifts carefully prepared by everyone, but his expression was still dull, Pava took the lead and laughed without hesitation:"You actually believe it, you are so stupid!"

"That gift the uncle bought for you will come in handy. Just read more and learn to grow your brain!"

Before Denci took action, Pava had already skillfully unwrapped his gift and stuffed it into Denci's hand. It was nothing else but a collection of brain teasers.

"Pava, the gift should wait until the end for Denci to open it by himself."Hayakawa Qiu said helplessly.

But Pava has already refrained from stealing Denji's birthday cake today, so let's not talk about her for now.

"birthday party......This is my first time participating in something like this."Lese smiled and said,"But it feels pretty good."

Although he was beaten up by Denji at the time and had to be caught working for Makima's men, during these contacts, Lesse unexpectedly found that she and Denji had a good compatibility.

Maybe it was because the two of them had a good relationship.

She's a very similar person, and since working under Machima, she found that working under this dominating demon is actually more humane than working under those guys in the Soviet Union who don't regard demons as human beings.

Now, looking at it like this, she has to thank Denci for catching her back.......

"To be able to attend a birthday party with Madame Makima, Denji-sama, Lesai-sama and so many important people is so worth it!"Shark Demon Bim was so excited that his hands were trembling.

"There should be no drinking at underage birthday parties......But can Chainsaw and Majin be considered minors?"Jiye looked very confused.

The birthday party seems quite interesting. Do you want to organize one next time?

Makima sat in her seat and glanced at everyone present indifferently - hmm , it was really too noisy, I could just invite Soko.

So many people were crowded in the room chattering, everyone talking about their own things, it was indeed very noisy as Makima said, but it was so noisy. The situation made Denci feel particularly warm in his heart. There had never been such a warm time in his life as now.

"Okay, everyone, let’s give in. It’s time for today’s protagonist to make a wish~"

Soko held the huge custom-made cake and passed through everyone, all the way to Denji’s side.

She skillfully took out the candle and inserted it into it. Then he turned off the lights in the room and the surroundings became dark again, with only the warm orange candlelight illuminating Denji's cheeks.

"It's time to make a wish, Denci.

Xiangzi smiled and said,"After you make your wish, I will give you the gift I prepared?""


Looking at the exquisite cake in front of him and the soft eyes around him, Denji suddenly felt like crying.

Denji rarely cried, whether it was when he knew that he was forced to bear tens of millions of debts; or when he learned that he was terminally ill and would not live to be an adult; or when he was betrayed and chopped into pieces by those gangsters.......He didn't even shed a tear.

Even when he watched Soko being killed by a gun in front of him, Denji didn't shed any tears. He was more interested in revenge for Soko.

However, the countless pains in life have not made Denci shed tears, but now happiness has easily done it.

"I......I have no more wishes, everyone"

"Because my wish has already been realized."

Yes, I have only one wish from beginning to end: to live a happy life with my family and friends.

Denci lowered his head, not wanting his embarrassing tears to be seen by others.

"My life is really, really happy now!"

"Everyone, thank you——"

However, when Denci raised his head, he did not see the figures standing in front of him.

The familiar Hayakawa family also disappeared, replaced by that cozy but small hut.

In front of him is the closed door

"Here we go again?

Denci scratched his hair helplessly:"Pochita, I know I won't open this door!" After all, as long as I can live happily, it doesn't matter to me if I don't remember some things......."

"So put me back first, I'm still celebrating my birthday"...... no answer.

Pochita, who usually stopped Denji once he appeared outside the door, seemed to disappear at this time, making no sound.

The next moment, under Denci's unprepared gaze, the small door suddenly fell down.

All the unhappiness behind was revealed.

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