Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 511: Fighting skills

Sun Jian was anxious and did not dare to delay. He ordered all the troops to prepare overnight. Before dawn the next day, Lu Xun led the army to leave the southern county and rush towards Baidi City.

Chen Lang and others left the camp to attack Zhou Yu. Now Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong stay in the camp, with Pang Tong Ma Di as the assistant of the military division. Early that morning, the three of them were discussing the current battle, and the scout suddenly came to report that Lu Xun led an army to kill Baidi City. The three of them couldn't help being surprised. They hurriedly left the big tent and boarded the observation tower in the big camp to look into the distance. Sure enough, they saw the smoke and dust billowing in the distance. Wu Jun in the southern county city was afraid that it was not coming out!

Zhao Yun frowned and said: "Then Lu Xun is so cunning. It's really unexpected that he didn't go to Liuhe Village to save Zhou Yu, but went to attack Baidi City!"

Ma Di sneered, and said: "This is the way to encircle Wei and save Zhao! I waited to the effect. I didn't expect Wu Jun to attack Baidi City!"

Zhao Yun frowned and said: "Now Baidi City has only 10,000 defenders led by General Gaoshun, and things are unexpected, I'm afraid there will be some accidents! If Baidi City is lost, Kuimen will definitely not be able to keep it, then the entire Xichuan It's dangerous! I will immediately lead an army to rescue Baidi City!"

Ma Di hurriedly said: "General Zilong, I thought it was too late to mobilize the army to rescue Baidi City in such a hurry!"

Zhao Yun said decisively: "Try it before it's too late, you can't just watch Baidi City fall!" He said, he went on.

Ma Di hurriedly said, "General Zilong, don't be impatient!" Zhao Yun stopped and looked at Ma Di.

Ma Di said: "At this time, rushing to rescue Baidi City is just the next step. Baidi City will not be saved. It is hard to say, I am afraid that it will be ambushed by the enemy on the way! For things that please us, it’s better for us to rehabilitate them in a human way! Looking at the enemy’s posture, I am afraid that most of the troops in Nanjun City have already been transferred to attack Baidi City, so why don’t our troops just do it all? The army is going to attack the southern county?" Zhao Yun's expression moved, only to feel that this trick was so wonderful, like a magical pen, joyfully said: "The military master's strategy is very good!"

Pang Tong, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly said, "Although this plan is very good, but have you ever thought about it? Lu Xun is by no means inferior to Zhou Yu, and his resourcefulness is by no means inferior to Zhou Yu, and he does not have Zhou Yu's narrow-mindedness. Unexpectedly, it is possible that we might leave Baidi City to raid South County in spite of it?

Zhao Yun felt that what Pang Tong said was reasonable, so he frowned and nodded. Ma Di said with a scornful expression: "Senior Yuan praised that Lu Xun too much! Measure how much the Jiangdong kid can have, but it's just Zhao Kuo who can only talk about things on paper!"

Pang Tong shook his head and said, "Do not despise Lu Xun! If it weren't for Lu Xun's presence, our army would have occupied Nanjun long ago, and there would still be a fierce battle to this day!" Ma Di sneered, "Shi Yuan was in Jiangdong before, so does he think of his old friend's feelings when he speaks this way? what!"

Pang Tong didn't get angry when he heard this, and said with a smile: "You often speak like this, don't you think it's a loss of restraint?"

Ma Di's complexion immediately became difficult to look.

Zhao Yun hurriedly said, "The two gentlemen are important advisers under the lord, if we cannot unite, I am afraid that the lord will be disappointed!" Pang Tong has no intention of competing with Ma Di, and smiled after hearing the words: What General Long said is extremely true!" Ma Di snorted, still looking displeased, but worried that this matter would be disgraced in the Lord's ears, so he didn't accuse Pang Tong again.

Ma Di said to Zhao Yun: "General Zilong, the warplanes are fleeting. If you continue to attack the South County, you will not only miss the opportunity, but I am afraid that the Baidi City and the entire Xichuan will be in danger! General Zilong must be clear!"

Zhao Yun felt a little embarrassed, what Ma Di said was reasonable, but what Pang Tong said made him even more concerned. After hesitating for a while, Zhao Yun finally said: "The two gentlemen have all the truth. I think that with Lu Xun's ingenuity, I am afraid that it is false to attack Baidi City, but it is true to induce our army to attack the South County and ambush our army. therefore……"

Ma Di furiously said: "Since the general doesn't believe me, I won't be an eye-catcher here!" As he said, he walked off the watchtower. Zhao Yun just laughed at this, and immediately called Pei Yuanshao, Zang Ba and other generals, and ordered: "You and others will guard the camp strictly, and all follow the orders of Pang Tong!" The generals clasped their fists and promised. .

Zhao Yun turned around and hugged Pang Tong and said: "Military strategist, I plan to lead all the cavalry to help Baidi City. This camp will be left to the military strategist."

Pang Tong clasped his fist and said, "Since the general has placed this important task in my hands, I will definitely live up to what the general entrusted!" Zhao Yun nodded and asked with a fist, "Is there anything the military division has to confess to me?" Pang unified his face in admiration. He clasped his fists and said, "There is nothing to confess to the general below!"

Zhao Yun immediately ordered all the cavalry to assemble. Soon after, all the cavalry assembled, a total of 80,000 war horses. I saw 80,000 war knights like rainbows, people like tigers, and horses like dragons. The Qin army war cavalry is indeed the strongest cavalry unit in the world!

Pang Tong rushed to Zhao Yun's horse and said, "General Zilong, the mountain road to Baidicheng is rugged. I expect that Lu Xun will lay ambush on various mountain roads to delay our army, General Zilong must not be careless! Rescuing soldiers is like a fire, but you should not rush into the army. It is advisable to use a small unit to explore the way, and ensure that the large unit can pass!" Zhao Yun held his fist and said, "Thank you for the military division's teaching, I have written it down!" Pang Tong said again. A kit was handed to Zhao Yun, and he instructed: "General Zilong has arrived under the Baidi City. If you don't meet the main enemy force, you can take it apart." Zhao Yun nodded, put the kit into his arms, and waved his hand. Yang said: "Go!" The gate opened wide, and 80,000 war horses rushed out.

In Nanjun City, Sun Jian was standing in front of the sand table frowning and thinking. At this time, a scout rushed in and reported in a hurry: "Enlighten the lord, then Zhao Yun personally led 80,000 war knights to leave the camp and head towards Baidi City!"

Sun Jian was startled and couldn't help frowning: "Lu Xun was expected to be wrong this time!" Then he said to the scout in a hurry, "Quick! Go and report this news to Lu Xun!" The scout promised and hurried away.

Why did Sun Jian say that Lu Xun was wrong this time? It turned out that the strategy that Lu Xun and Sun Jian discussed not long ago was to pretend to be the Baidi City, but in fact they really wanted to induce the main force of the Qin army to attack the southern county. According to Lu Xun's inference, the Pang Tong Ma Di and others who stayed behind in the camp were very resourceful people. When these people learned that they did not rescue Zhou Yu but aggressively attacked Baidi City, they would have thought that this was a plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao. With the ingenuity of Pang Tong Ma Di and others, it is bound to see the emptiness of troops in the southern county at this moment, so they will never deploy troops to save the Baidi City, but will gather a large army to seize the southern county. Lu Xun was anxious for this kind of inference, so he formulated a plan to pretend to be Baidi City and ambush the main force of the enemy under Nanjun City. According to Lu Xun's inference, if this plan is successful, it will definitely damage the Qin army. At that time, the Qin army camp was in danger, and the Fancheng in Xiangyang was in danger. Chen Lang had no choice but to rush back to help Zhou Yu! At that time, not only the siege of Zhou Yu was lifted, but the situation in Jingzhou as a whole would also be reversed. It's just that Zhao Yunmen's reaction once again exceeded Lu Xun's expectations. How will Lu Xun respond this time?

When Lu Xun received the urgent report from the scout, he was leading the army forward in the mountain road. You may be surprised to see this. Wasn't Lu Xun planning to ambush Qin Jun under Nanjun City? How could he really lead his army to Baidi City?

It turned out that Lu Xun knew that the opponent he faced was definitely not an ordinary opponent. For ordinary opponents, he might be able to use small troops to pretend to deceive. It is a man of extraordinary resourcefulness, and the small troops feigned that they would be self-defeating and be seen through by their opponents. At that time, the gains would outweigh the gains. Rather than creating such an illusion, it is better to mobilize large forces. Anyway, the road from Nanjun to Baidi City is very complicated and not only one road can pass. By then, they can stretch across the mountains and turn back and forth from the small road. When the Qin army concentrates on attacking the southern county, a surprise attack on the Qin army will determine the universe!

Lu Xun received the report and learned that Zhao Yun actually led 80,000 war knights to chase him. He couldn't help but be surprised. The opponent's actions were different from what he had previously expected.

Lu Xun sat thinking for a while, seeing all the generals looking at him, smiling and saying: "Since the enemy is really chasing after him, it's not a bad thing!" The generals were shocked and didn't understand what Lu Xun meant.

Lu Xun immediately said to General Pan Zhang: "General Pan Zhang, you led 20,000 horses under your command to ambush in various mountain roads. If you find Zhao Yun, immediately summon all the horses to come over, and you must do your best to stop Zhao Yun!"

Pan Zhang asked incomprehensibly: "What is the truth?"

Lu Xun smiled and said: "I want to make the other party really think that my army is going to fight Baidi City!" Then he told Pan Zhang: "General Pan Zhang, the longer you resist Zhao Yun, the greater the chance of our army winning! I hope you can do your best. Hold Zhao Yun on the ground!" Pan Zhang nodded, clasped his fists and promised.

Lu Xun immediately sent the army to bypass the two hills in front and return to Nanjun from the two small roads to the south. The army rolled forward, bypassing the two hills, turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, and returned to South County from the two paths almost submerged in thorns and weeds. Qin Jun didn't plan to attack Nanjun. What did he want to do when he returned to Nanjun at this time?

While Lu Xun led the army back to the South County, Pan Zhang dispersed his 20,000 soldiers and horses, guarding the official road leading to Baidi City and various mountain roads, only waiting for Zhao Yun to arrive.

Zhao Yun didn't know that Lu Xun had led the army back. He just wanted to hurry to rescue Baidi City and lead 80,000 war knights to rush forward. Soon after, they entered the mountain forest with complex terrain.

Pan Zhang tried to ambush Zhao Yun, seeing that the enemy's small troops were coming forward with a large troop to explore the way, and immediately sent the officers and soldiers to calm down and let the opponent's small troop go over. Seeing the opponent's small unit riding a horse from the shadow of the tree below the mountain road, the officers and soldiers of the Wu army hidden among the thorn bushes couldn't help holding their breath.

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