Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 475: Triumphant

Ke Bineng and his party fled to Junji Mountain. Not long after, they learned that Su Li had already taken refuge in the Qin Army, and now he had entered the Dragon City, while the wolf in the direction of Xu Mountain had calmed down. Ke Bineng immediately left Junji Mountain and rushed to Langjuxu Mountain, summoning the fleeing tribe to prepare to regroup.

After Chen Lang defeated Ke Bineng, he led his army to the royal court at the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain. At this time, the subordinates of Ma Chao and Zhao Yun, who had been sweeping across the hinterland of the grassland, had returned to the Wang Court. The Wang Ting had already recovered its calm, but the flying flag had been replaced by the Qin flag from the Xianbei's eagle flag. The Xianbei in the royal court were trembling, not knowing what their destiny would be like, and at the same time, they felt as if they were in a nightmare, how such a powerful empire collapsed in an instant! ?

"Meet the lord!" Ma Chao and Zhao Yun came forward to pray.

Chen Lang picked up the two of them, seeing that they were all looking like they were all in the dust, and couldn't help laughing: "Meng Qizilong has worked hard! This time you have done a lot! This time you have done a great job! All the way across the grassland, you have captured the Xianbei royal family. , Great credit!"

Ma Chao said: "It's just copying people's backyard, how can it be compared to the lord and the brothers facing the enemy's main battle front!"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "General Ma Chao is too modest! If General Ma Chao and General Zhao Yun had not raided the enemy's royal court, the enemy would not have lost an inch and gave us an opportunity to take advantage of it! If it weren't for the merits of the two generals, our army Not to mention winning such a big victory, it is hard to say whether it can withstand the onslaught of the opponent's more than one million troops!"

Chen Lang glanced at the two generals and said with a smile: "Now that the war is over, you two should wash up and sleep well." Zhao Yun smiled: "I haven't slept for more than ten days, and I am not sleepy anymore. !" Everyone couldn't help laughing. Zhao Yun remembered something and clasped his fist: "Lord, there is something to report to the Lord. We not only captured all the Xianbei royal family and senior officials of the Xianbei court, but also found Wang Yun and the little emperor. Can the Lord want to see them? ?"

Chen Lang couldn't help but frowned, and muttered: "Seeing these people will only make me angry, and I will be gone." Then he remembered one thing and asked: "I remember Cui Niang came to find her son, she Where is it?" Chen Lang couldn't help but worry about Cui Niang, a poor woman from this background. Before the Qin Army and the Xianbei fought, Chen Lang received a report that Cui Niang secretly left Luoyang and headed north. Chen Lang knew that Cui Niang was looking for his son, so he did not send anyone to pursue him. Now that the palace was broken, Chen Lang couldn't help but think of Cui Niang again.

Ma Chao said angrily: "He has been killed by her son! That little beast!"

Chen Lang was taken aback, and asked anxiously: "What did you say?"

Ma Chao clasped his fists and said, "Then Cui Niang came here to find her son, but her son was afraid of being identified. He secretly sent the **** beside him to poison Cui Niang, and then took the body outside and buried it hastily. Cui Niang's tomb is on the outskirts of the east side of Wang Ting. If it weren't for the **** to lead the way, it would be impossible to find it."

Chen Lang was furious and cursed: "Beast!"

Seeing Chen Lang's murderous look, Zhuge Liang immediately whispered: "The lord's mood can be understood by his subordinates. It's just that the waste emperor was once the emperor of the Han after all, so we should be cautious about how to deal with it!"

Chen Lang said angrily: "What about the emperor? The emperor committed the same crime as the common people! The little beast committed not only the crime of mother-killing, but also the crime of colluding with foreign enemies. Fa-rectification must be done!" Ma Chao Zhang Fei loudly echoed. Zhuge Liang thought a little, and said nothing.

Chen Lang put aside these annoying thoughts, turned his attention back to the current royal court, and said to everyone: "Kong Ming suggested that I expand this royal court into a fortress in the north of town. What do you think?" Zhao Yun clasped his fist and said, "True. This is the case! With this town north fortress, you can not only shield Bingzhou, but also send troops to the grassland at any time to firmly control the grassland in our hands!" Ma Chao said: "Now Xianbei has been defeated, and the grassland has become a pile of loose sand again, waiting for us to solve it. With the affairs of the Central Plains, the grassland problem can be solved in one go!" The generals nodded in agreement.

Chen Lang smiled and nodded. He looked up at the boundless prairie in the north, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Soon after, Xu Huang received the order and felt that the Zhenbei Fortress had accepted the important task of guarding the Zhenbei Fortress. At the same time, tens of thousands of Xianbei prisoners are stepping up to build the Zhenbei fortress under the supervision of the Qin army. The situation in the north opened a new night.

Chen Lang and the main force under his command did not stay in the north for long, and soon the class triumphed.

When this victorious division appeared on Luoyang Street, the whole Luoyang was completely boiling. The alleys in Luoyang city were empty, the Zhuque Street was crowded with people, cheers were like the sea, the fragrant flowers were flying all over the sky, everyone was excited to the extreme, and they all wanted to be like a warrior on their own! The city defense army responsible for maintaining order can hardly control the excited crowd! At this moment, a family has just arrived in Luoyang and has not yet settled down. They are stuck in one place by an excited crowd, unable to move forward or backward. This family is the Qiao family who left Jiang Xia not long ago to come to Luoyang. Qiao Fu was worried that the masters would be dispersed by the crowd, and hurriedly ordered the servants and maids to take everyone under the eaves of a residential house for protection.

The Qiao family finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Qiao with the veil could not help wondering: "What happened to the people in Luoyang? So excited!?"

"Don't you know?" a passerby asked in surprise.

The Qiao family shook their heads.

The passer-by immediately said with excitement, "We have won, we have defeated the Xianbei!!!"

Everyone in the Qiao family couldn't help showing a look of surprise, Xiao Qiao hurriedly asked: "You mean this time the battle between King Qin and the Xianbei is over? King Qin has won?"

The passerby nodded and said with excitement: "King Qin is really a hero! The first battle has wiped out more than a million troops of Kebineng! We are completely victorious!!"

Everyone in the Qiao family looked at each other, and immediately couldn't help getting excited. Da Qiao couldn't help muttering: "Wang Qin really deserves to be the best hero in the world today!" Xiao Qiao immediately kept his sister's arm, and joked: "Does my sister especially want to see him?"

I don’t know if Da Qiao under the curtain has red cheeks. I only heard her groaningly: "You will say me, sister, you are not the same!" Xiao Qiao said angrily: "I don't want to see that joke. bad guy!"

There was a sudden commotion in the street, and someone exclaimed excitedly: "Come on! Here!" Everyone looked at the street, and saw an unwashed blood-stained iron armored warrior slowly approaching among the fragrant flowers flying in the sky. , Although the speed is not fast, but a torrent of weather is rushing forward, which is amazing! The people became even more excited. They clapped and shouted involuntarily and squeezed to the front, wanting to see with their own eyes the heroic figure of King Qin!

Xiao Qiao couldn't help but stared on tiptoe, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Sister, do you think he will be there?" Da Qiao couldn't help getting excited, looking eagerly through the gauze to search for the team.

After a while, the team came to nearly a thousand, all mighty and majestic, and the blood-stained armor seemed to be telling the **** battle not long ago! The feelings of awe could not help rise in everyone's hearts, and then the cheers became louder, wave after wave, like the mountains and the tsunami, and understood the whole Luoyang city!

"It's King Qin! It's King Qin!" someone exclaimed with extreme excitement. Everyone saw that in the middle of the team, one person was wearing a black iron chain armor, a blood-red cloak, and riding a huge black dragon horse. The generals surrounded him and guarded him. It was like the **** of war descending to the world, majestic and majestic! "Farewell to King Qin! To see King Qin!..." Excited shouts one after another, and the people bowed down in a row! In a blink of an eye, the crowd that had been crowded like a tide all knelt down, and the shouts of King Qin echoed over the city!

What Chen Lang disliked the most was this kind of scene. Looking at this kind of scene, he couldn't help complaining to Zhuge Liang next to him depressedly: "Kong Ming is also true. I have to lead the army into the city myself! Now it makes me uncomfortable. !" Zhuge Liang smiled: "When necessary, the people should still see the majesty of the lord!" Chen Lang smiled bitterly.

Da Qiao Xiao Qiao looked at the man in the middle of the team idiotically, at this moment, only his figure was in their eyes. The old man next to him couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "King Qin really deserves to be a hero of the world! But this kind of demeanor is heartbreaking!" Mrs. Qiao nodded with deep approval.

In fact, Chen Lang's tolerance is still that tolerance, and it hasn't changed in the slightest, but his achievements are infinitely awe-inspiring!

The hustle and bustle on the street gradually calmed down. The common people still didn't know enough. When they came to the tavern, the teahouse, or returned home, they still happily discussed the topic of King Qin and the topic of this war with the request.

Everyone in the Qiao family came to the front of a large house. An old servant bowed and said to Mr. Qiao: "Master, this is the courtyard bought according to the command of the master." It turned out that Mr. Qiao was a sleek person. Although he was in Jiangxia, he had already considered stepping back for his family. Therefore, as the development under Chen Lang's rule was getting better and better, Mr. Qiao decisively sent powerful servants to Luoyang with large sums of money to open a few silk and satin shops and tea shops, and also bought such a farm, so even though he is in a hurry today Leaving Jiang Xia and coming to Luoyang, there is also a place where the family can settle down.

Old man Qiao glanced at the manor in front of him, nodded, and praised: "Old Hu, you did a very good job!" The old servant hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you for the compliment, Lord!"

A group of people walked into the manor and found that the scale of the manor was huge, even more magnificent than their manor in Jiangxia.

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