Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 371: Married life

Diao Chan ran to the bed, and Chen Lang caught up with her breathlessly and grabbed her. Diao Chan fell into Chen Lang's arms with a loud cry, raised Zhen's head, and looked at Chen Lang pitifully. Chen Lang was holding the nephrite jade warm and fragrant, and seeing her look like this, the animal blood boiled wildly, and he smirked: "Look where you go!" Diao Chan said helplessly: "Since I was caught by my husband, I had no choice but to let it go. It's up to the husband to deal with it!" At this time, Diao Chan turned into a delicate appearance again, making people want to ravage her severely. Chen Lang couldn't bear it anymore, he slammed his head down and kissed her red lips, Diao Chan's beautiful eyes softly groaned like a fan, and his soft body twisted in Chen Lang's arms, which made Chen Lang even more excited. Then, he picked up one of Diao Chan's legs and was about to get on the horse. Diao Chan's eyes were silky, her charming face was red, and she was obviously already extremely excited.

But at this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened with a loud noise. The two who were at a critical juncture couldn't help being startled, and stopped their movements, and Chen Lang couldn't help getting angry.

"Big Brother, are you here?" Dong Yuan's voice.

Chen Lang couldn't laugh or cry, and whispered to Diao Chan, "Don't care about her, let's continue!" Diao Chan hurriedly rejected Chen Lang and shook his head: "No, if Sister Dong sees us like this, wouldn't it be shameful!" Escaped from Chen Lang's embrace, picked up his dress, and hurried to the cubicle next to the bedroom. When Chen Lang saw Diao Chan's stubborn back and round buttocks, he couldn't help sighing that God had treated Diao Chan so much that he had carved her so perfect!

"Big brother, you are here! Why didn't you agree with me just now?" Dong Yuan turned the screen and came in.

Chen Lang came back to his senses and quickly looked at the door of the cubicle. Diao Chan was no longer seen.

Dong Yuan walked in front of Chen Lang. For some reason, her face was flushed, and she asked angrily: "What were you doing just now?"

Chen Lang laughed and said, "What can I do? I haven't had time to do anything!" Then he found that Dong Yuan, with a wallet and a ponytail, exuded a charm that was very different from that of Diao Chan in the dim light. Not as charming and seductive as Diao Chan, but full of vitality and ambition.

At this moment, when the hormones were boiling, Chen Lang couldn't help but hugged Dong Yuan. Dong Yuan immediately realized something, staring at Chen Lang, blushing and yelling: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Lang grinned and said, "If you broke my good deeds, I will replace you with you!"

Dong Yuan struggled annoyed, and shouted: "I don't want to replace anyone!"

Chen Lang grinned and said, "It's not for you!" Then he put his arms around Dong Yuan's slender waist and moved down to the top of it, and squeezed it gently. Dong Yuan was annoyed, but suddenly felt an electric shock rushing in. The strength of her whole body vanished in an instant. Dong Yuan couldn't help but fell into Chen Lang's arms with a scream. Chen Lang smirked, and joked: "This is not the eldest brother's use of force, but you take the initiative to give and hug!" Dong Yuan raised her head and glanced at Chen Lang, then her eyes showed excitement and wildness. , Slammed Chen Lang abruptly. Chen Lang didn't expect her move, and he was caught off guard and turned back and fell onto the bed.

Dong Yuan jumped up like a female leopard, and she actually rode on Chen Lang, pulling apart Chen Lang's clothes and kissing Chen Lang's cheek and lips warmly. Chen Lang couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart, feeling that the positions of the two people seemed to be reversed!

Yeah! There seemed to be a woman's exclamation in the compartment.

Dong Yuan stopped immediately and rode on Chen Lang's body, and said grumpily, "I knew there were still people in the room!" Then she shouted, "Don't hide! Come out!"

Chen Lang looked towards the door of the compartment. Seeing Diao Chan, who had already put on her dress, walked out, seeing the fragrant and beautiful scene in front of her, Diao Chan's beautiful eyes couldn't help showing excitement.

Dong Yuan smiled badly, leaned down and whispered in Chen Lang's ear. Chen Lang immediately widened his eyes and looked very excited, and couldn't help looking at Diao Chan. Dong Yuan also looked at Diao Chan with a smirk. Diao Chan couldn't help feeling a little uneasy when seeing the two looking at herself with weird expressions.

Dong Yuan jumped off the bed, rushed to Diao Chan, pulled Diao Chan back to the bed, smirked: "Today, let's have fun!" Diao Chan felt excited, but she was also a little worried. . Look at Chen Lang and Dong Yuan.

... "Ah! Sister Dong, you are too bad!..." Diao Chan's exclamations continued to be heard in the bedroom, but her tone showed that she seemed very excited, and did not complain at all. . Later, it was Dong Yuan's exclamation that replaced Diao Chan's exclamation. The room is full of spring, and the content is not enough for outsiders.


Diao Chan woke up quietly after three poles of the sun the next day. The morning sun just shone on Diaochan's eyes, and Diaochan couldn't help squinting her eyes. Subconsciously turning her head to look aside, she saw Dong Yuan lying beside and smiling at herself. Diao Chan couldn't help but think of what happened last night, and sighed: "Sister Dong Yuan, you and your husband are too hateful! You actually **** me like that!"

Dong Yuan reached out her hand and touched Diao Chan, and said angrily: "You still said me! Later, didn't you and your elder brother toss me?" Can't help thinking of the madness last night, Jiao Yan couldn't help but flushed, and said angrily: "I was almost caught by you. Both are killed!" Diao Chan pursed her lips, her beautiful eyes flowed, and said: "This can't be blamed on me, the husband is too excited! Besides, the husband is dead, how can I disobey!"

Dong Yuan smiled, and then she got into the quilt. Diao Chan was taken aback for a moment, and then felt that he was being hugged by the other party, and the key was attacked. Xiafei immediately exclaimed on both cheeks: "You, what are you doing?" yelling and hurriedly fled out of bed to escape. Dong Yuan yelled and jumped out of the bed with a smirk and chased Diao Chan, while Diao Chan screamed and ran away, seeing the eyes of the people in the spring, but it was a pity that Chen Lang was not there, and there was no such blessing.

Diao Chan's stamina was nowhere near as strong as Dong Yuan, and soon she was hugged by Diao Chan who had caught up with her. Diao Chan struggled so hard that the two lost their balance and fell on the bed together. The two stopped their movements and couldn't help laughing. Diao Chan couldn't help but said: "I haven't been so happy for a long time!"

Dong Yuan glanced at Diao Chan's chest, she couldn't help showing a look of wonder, and said, "You can't see it in your clothes. I didn't expect it to be so big!" Diao Chan looked down at her, she couldn't help showing pride. Thinking of my elder brother's fascination with him, I couldn't help but smile. Turning to look at Dong Yuan’s slender and unreasonable long legs, she said with envy, “Sister’s legs are so beautiful!” Dong Yuan looked at her long legs and smiled: “Maybe it’s because I practiced martial arts since I was a child. That's it." Then he said to Diao Chan: "Fortunately, I still have this advantage, and I didn't lose all to you!" Diao Chan smiled and said, "Look at what my sister said. My sister, you are a stunning beauty who is all over the country!" Dong Yuan couldn't help laughing.


Early in the morning, the military camp outside the city was full of enthusiasm. A group of officers and soldiers surrounded the schoolyard, shouting non-stop, all of them were full of enthusiasm. It turned out that there were two generals competing with their bare hands on the teaching field. Although they did not use weapons, they were still fighting against each other, and people were full of enthusiasm.

The two people who competed in the field were Lu Bu, who had surrendered to Chen Lang not long ago, and General Zhang Fei on the other. Lu Bu is like a raptor, and the offensive is extremely fast; Zhang Fei is like a tiger, roaring and roaring forward. It was a great battle, and the two sides fought equally, and it was difficult to distinguish Xuanzhen.

After more than fifty rounds, the two sides won. Lu Bu couldn't help getting anxious, wondering if he couldn't hold this black servant, would it not be because his face was blank, his fists and feet attacked more and more rapidly, and he had already used his full strength behind him, and his punches and kicks were powerful, as if Zhang Fei, who could not open the mountain and crack the rocks, did not look at Lu Bu. He did his best to make Lu Bu embarrassed. However, he gradually felt the pressure increased and he was unable to sway as freely as before. Zhang Fei was anxious and angry. It turned out to have used many tactics that would hurt both sides. These tactics made Lu Bu throw a rat-in-the-mouse, and suddenly there was no way to take Zhang Fei.

The soldiers watched him fighting more and more fiercely, couldn't help being more excited, and the shouts became louder, and the shouts were like a tsunami from a mountain. However, Chen Lang found that the two had already hit a real fire. If he continued the fight, he was afraid that something would happen, so he shouted, "Enough!"

Although Chen Lang's voice was not very loud, everyone heard it. The soldiers couldn't help but stop shouting, and Lu Bu and Zhang Fei also stopped the contest and retreated. The scene suddenly fell silent.

Chen Lang applauded and laughed: "Very exciting! You two Wu Yong can be proud of the world!"

Lu Bu clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your praise!" Then he said to Zhang Fei: "Unexpectedly, your martial arts are so extraordinary, you can compete with me for so many tricks!"

Zhang Fei was furious and shouted: "Wu Nasan family slave, what is so great about you, dare to speak so loudly! Come on, let's fight another 300 rounds, and see if I don't fight you all over the floor!" Lu Bu was furious, opened his posture, and shouted: "You black guy is so rude! If you don't teach you, you won't know that the sky is so great!"

"Enough!" Chen Lang shouted angrily.

The two people who were facing each other were startled, and couldn't help feeling horrified. They didn't dare to yell at each other anymore, but they still stared at each other angrily, like the Tibetan mastiff on the mind.

Seeing the virtues of the two of them, Chen Lang couldn't help having a headache. He wondered if the two guys were against each other, or would they fight as soon as they met?

Chen Lang sternly said: "It's all brothers with the same robe, what does this look like! You two give me a hug!" The two who were staring at each other were dumbfounded when they heard this.

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