Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 366: Chance encounter

Chen Lang said: "No need, you can go down." Xiao Er replied, and went to work.

Chen Lang picked up the jug and poured himself and Dian Wei a glass of wine, put down the jug, took a sip from the glass. Looking at the hustle and bustle around him, he couldn't help saying: "This Dukang Building seems to be more lively than it was a few months ago!" Dian Wei didn't feel at all about it. He kept drinking and eating meat, and he looked like a tiger. What is the difference is breathtaking.

"Huh? Lord, brother!" A familiar female voice suddenly came.

Chen Lang couldn't help but follow his prestige, and saw Cai Yan, a woman disguised as a man, walking down the stairs quickly accompanied by a maid who was also dressed as a man. I think that the two of them, the maidservant, should have dinner in the private room upstairs.

The two rushed to Chen Lang's side, and Chen Lang smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet you again in Dukang Tower. We are really destined!"

Cai Yan couldn't help but make her beautiful face red. The maid next to her couldn't help but smile and said, "My lady and the lord, the son is predestined!" Cai Yan was too shy, and hurriedly yelled at the maid; "Don't talk nonsense!" The maid pursed her lips and smiled.

Chen Lang asked her master and maidservant to sit down. Seeing that Dian Wei had eaten more than half of the small dishes, he couldn't help but smile, called Xiao Er, and ordered several small dishes and several kilograms of cooked beef. The dishes were served quickly, and Dian Wei continued to feast on it, as if he hadn't seen Cai Yan and the others at all.

Cai Yan's servant girl couldn't help but exclaimed: "General Dian Wei can still eat!"

Dian Wei grinned at the maid and continued to eat his food. The handmaid couldn't help but grin. Chen Lang asked Cai Yan: "Has Miss Cai done any good songs recently?"

Cai Yan glanced at Chen Lang, sighed faintly, and said, "I haven't been in any mood lately."

Chen Lang teased: "Could it be that Miss Cai has a sweetheart, and thinking of her sweetheart all day long, so she has no mood to make music because she is so heartbroken?" Cai Yan blushed and said nothing.

Seeing that he had guessed it correctly, Chen Lang couldn't help asking, "Who is that man? Such a fate!"

Cai Yan raised his head and looked at Chen Lang strangely. The maid on the side couldn't help but said, "Don't you know that our young lady is right..." Cai Yan was shocked and hurriedly turned his head and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense!" The maid was startled and couldn't help closing her mouth. I was worried and puzzled.

Cai Yan was afraid to continue talking about this topic, and quickly changed the subject: "Big brother has a great literary style and style, but why hasn't he heard of new words for such a long time? The younger sister is looking forward to the new work of the big brother!"

Chen Lang smiled and said in his heart: ‘I have a ghostly literary talent! 'I smiled and said to Cai Yan: "I've been so busy these days, how can I have time to make a cifu!" Cai Yan frowned and nodded, and couldn't help but said: "Yes! Big brother is so busy fighting all over this period of time. Up!"

The servant girl couldn't help saying: "You don't know the son, when the son disappeared in the north, the lady was so worried that she didn't want to eat or drink!" Cai Yan was embarrassed and scolded: "Qiuer!!" Qiu'er vomited. Tongue, grinning.

Chen Lang looked at Cai Yan with a smile, only to feel that Cai Yan was like his own sister, with a very close feeling. Cai Yan hung his head and did not dare to look at Chen Lang, his heart was pounding, and he felt a fever like his face burning.

Seeing the good atmosphere, Qiuer hurriedly said: "My son, next month is our young lady's birthday, can you come?" Cai Yan couldn't help but become annoyed. Qiuer talked a lot, but she couldn't help but look towards it. Chen Lang's eyes showed hope.

Chen Lang thought: "I can't say this right now! If there is nothing big next month, I will definitely come and congratulate sister Cai Yan on her birthday!" Cai Yan couldn't help but bowed his head, Qiu'er also said. The deputy looked very happy.

Chen Lang remembered one thing, and quickly took out a small jade pendant from his arms. It was obtained by chance when Chen Lang was in Xiangyang. He thought it was small and cute, so he kept it with him. Chen Lang handed this jade pendant to Cai Yan and said with a smile: "Brother has nothing good, this jade pendant will be given to you first as a birthday gift!"

Cai Yan's face was burning red, her beautiful eyes wafting with a moving charm and she looked at Chen Lang in a daze. Qiu'er on the side said with infinite joy: "Miss..."

Cai Yan came back to his senses, took the jade pendant with both hands, pressed it on his chest, and said like a mosquito, "Thank you, brother!"

Chen Lang laughed, he couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't it just a piece of jade pendant?" Is it worth the excitement? "Alas, although Chen Lang has been in this era for a long time, he still doesn't understand the many customs of this era at all!

Suddenly there was a loud noise on the street outside. Chen Lang couldn't help but turned his head to look at the nearby window, frowning and said, "What's wrong? It sounds like someone is fighting!" He stood up and walked to the window. At this time, many drinkers also left their seats and ran to the window.

Everyone looked at the street outside the window, and saw a **** man with a majestic figure and a fierce face and a fierce face was beating a few young men. The young men huddled on the ground and begged for mercy, but the **** man refused to follow him. No mercy, still wielding his whip and beating them fiercely, and yelled angrily: "A few **** little beasts, today your grandpa must beat you to death!" As he said, a few more whips were slapped down, and slapped. A few loud noises, even in this noisy environment, are so clear, the onlookers can't help but feel painful.

Chen Lang frowned and shouted: "Yide, stop!" It turned out that it was Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide who were in the street! I don't know what this guy is going crazy! Seeing that it was Chen Lang, Zhang Fei hurriedly flicked several whips while he was coming, and then stopped.

Chen Lang ran out of the Du Kang Building and came to Zhang Fei. Looking at the few young men who were horrified and embarrassed, they frowned, and shouted from Zhang Fei: "Yide, why are you hitting people in the street?" He took the horse whip in his hand as he said.

Zhang Fei said loudly: "I really can't see it, these beasts dare to bully an old mother in the street! If I don't beat them, wouldn't it be unreasonable!"

When Chen Lang heard this, his anger couldn't help but subside. I glanced at the young people and saw that they were all dressed as servants, seeming to be servants of a certain high-ranking official or a rich family. Turning around, he said to Zhang Fei: "Don't be excited. What is going on?"

Zhang Fei angrily told what happened. It turned out that Zhang Fei came back from the outside military camp not long ago and was about to come to Dukang Building for a drink. However, on the street in front, he ran into these servants knocking down an old mother’s vegetable stall by the roadside. Not only did the servants not apologize , But pointed to the old mother who hurriedly bent over to pick up vegetables, laughing and insulting. Seeing this scene, Zhang Fei immediately became furious, rushed up and knocked one person over. At first, several servants were still clamoring to beat Zhang Fei because of the crowds, but this kind of cricket was Zhang Fei’s opponent. After three or two, Zhang Fei was beaten up by Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei came all the way to chase and beat Zhang Fei. When we arrived downstairs in Du Kang, this was what everyone saw.

Chen Lang listened to Zhang Fei’s narration, smiled and patted Zhang Fei’s shoulder, and said, “Ying De is doing well!” Zhang Fei was very pleased and couldn’t help saying, “It’s better to be a big brother! I'm going to scold me!"

Chen Lang walked to the servants, took a look at them, and said teasingly: "You are not brave!" He pointed to Zhang Fei behind him, and smiled: "How dare you fight General Zhang Fei!" When several servants heard Zhang Fei's name, their eyes widened, and their faces immediately turned pale. The surrounding audience chattered and talked about it, and someone said as if gloating: "Dong's servants are usually arrogant! Today this group of people ate Xiongxinbaozi and dared to run into General Zhang Fei, to see how they end up!"

Chen Lang heard the comments from others and asked the servants who were at a loss: "Are you servants of Luoyang Dong's family?" Several people nodded quickly.

At this time, the officers and soldiers who patrolled the city rushed over when they saw the movement here, and the officer in the lead shouted and asked, "What happened here?"

Zhang Fei immediately stared and yelled: "I'm blinded by your dog's eyes, so I dare to yell in front of my big brother!"

The officer was furious, even if he wanted to scold him, but at this time he recognized Zhang Fei, he couldn't help but was taken aback, then he hugged his fists and saluted Zhang Fei, and then said: "Even General Zhang Fei can't make trouble in the city!" Fei froze for a moment, wanted to have a seizure, but felt like it could not come out.

Chen Lang walked up to the officer, glanced at Zhang Fei with a smile, and then said to the officer: "You are good! Even General Zhang Fei can't make trouble in the city!" The officer noticed Chen Lang. Seeing his face clearly, he was taken aback for a while, and then he hurriedly said: "The villain pays respects to the lord!!" All of his officers and soldiers hurriedly followed and fell down. Only then did the surrounding audience realize that the young man in front of him was their lord, and they couldn't help but commotion. Then I didn't know who was taking the lead, everyone bowed down, and the voices of seeing one after another suddenly appeared.

Chen Lang sighed and said loudly: "Get up all!" Everyone stood up.

Chen Lang pointed to the servants and said to the officer: "These people are provoking troubles and bullying an old mother on the street. Take them down and investigate!" The officer clasped his fists and promised, and immediately took the lead to take care of the hapless servants. Take it away.

Chen Lang saw that the people around him looked at him respectfully, and knew that he couldn't drink quietly, so he had to leave.

Chen Lang walked on the street with his hands behind his back, followed by Dian Wei Zhang Fei and Cai Yan's maidservant. Chen Lang frowned and muttered: "So many things have happened, why these gentry and powerful people are still so rampant!"

Zhang Fei couldn't help cursing: "I think these people are cheap bones! If you don't kill them, they won't know how powerful it is!"

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