Cheng Pu led the remnants and the defeated general returned to Jiang Xia. I was surprised to see Zhou Yu, and when he was shocked, he hurriedly said, "I will see the chief governor in the end!"

Zhou Yu quickly helped Cheng Pu, nodded, patted his shoulder, and exclaimed, "The old general has worked hard!"

Cheng Pu smiled and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your concern! The hard work is nothing at the end, I'm afraid I won't be able to attract Guan Yu! If he doubts anything, he will suffer!"

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "It is all up to the old general to resist, and Guan Yu has no doubts! According to the information sent by the scouts just now, they are setting up camps on the shore to rush boats and rafts!" Cheng Pu's eyes brightened and he said excitedly: "Great. Now! In this way, the general's subordinates finally did not sacrifice in vain!"

Zhou Yu nodded, and couldn't help but praised: "The old general did a great job!" Seeing Cheng Pu's body hurt, he said: "Everything is under my control! The old general can heal his injuries with peace of mind!"

Cheng Pu was anxious, clasping his fists and said, "It doesn't matter what the end general’s injury is! Please let the end general follow the general governor to defeat Guan Yu’s shame! You can also avenge the dead Jiang Dongjilang!"

Seeing Cheng Pu's resolute attitude, Zhou Yu hesitated and nodded, seeing that Cheng Pu's injury did not seem to matter. Cheng Pu was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

Zhou Yu led Cheng Pu to the sand table, pointed to Jiang Xia, and said, "Thanks to the old general's delay in the enemy's progress, all the ministries of our army are already in place. Now we are waiting for Guan Yu to attack our Jiang Xia. Lao. Does the general feel that there is still any problem with our arrangement?"

Cheng Pu looked at the situation on the two sides on the sand table, thought for a while, frowned and said: "There is nothing else, but the eagle and the army war cavalry is indeed well-deserved. It looks like a violent wind and lightning, and its power is amazing! If you follow the traditional method, you can wait for the enemy. If we attack halfway, although our army will be able to win a big victory, I am afraid they will not be able to stop their war knights! All their war knights will flee, and the infantry will also be difficult to wipe out!" Then he pointed to Jiang Xia, "The end general's thoughts. Yes, can you let all the enemy troops come to Jiangxia City and start! In this way, the enemy troops will be like turtles in the urn, with nowhere to escape!"

Zhou Yu smiled and nodded, and exclaimed: "The old general is really extraordinary! What you see is the same as me!"

Cheng Pu asked in surprise: "Does the general governor think so too?"

Zhou Yu nodded and said, "I decided to abandon my previous plan a few days ago, and build an ambush under Jiangxia City. For this reason, I have ordered Jiang Xia officials to move all the people and materials around Jiangxia into the city. ."

Cheng Pu couldn't help but praised: "The superintendent's clever plan! In this way, when the enemy troops cross the river and cut off their retreat, they will not attack them. In a few days, they will collapse on their own because of the exhaustion of food and grass! "

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "That's what I planned! You don't have to fight them hard, just trap them for a few days, and they will collapse without a fight! We can say that we have the chance to win this battle!"

Cheng Pu clasped his fists impatiently and said, "General Governor, what are you going to do in the end? Please give orders!"

Zhou Yu smiled and patted Cheng Pu's shoulder, and said: "The old general and his subordinates should take a good rest. I will give my order soon." Cheng Pu clasped his fists and retreated.

Zhou Yu looked at Cheng Pu's tall and straight back, feeling infinitely gratified, only to feel that Jiangdong has such a loyal general, no matter what kind of enemy it is. Zhou Yu smiled, full of confidence in the upcoming battle.

Zhou Yu turned and looked at the sand table in front of him, thinking, he had to think about it again to see if there was anything he hadn't considered. Zhou Yu is very concerned about the outcome of this battle, because if this battle can be won, then their Jiangdong can not only defeat Chen Lang and Ying Yangjun's attempt to go south, but also take advantage of the trend to take the entire Jingzhou! In that way, their Jiangdong will occupy a very advantageous position in the overall situation of this world competition. Thinking of this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but become excited and excited.

Realize to go to Shiyang.

Guan Yu summoned the generals. The generals reported the progress of the mission one after another. From their reports, it can be felt that the Ying Yang army is very efficient and the progress in all aspects is very rapid.

Before the generals had finished the report, Guan Yu raised his hands and said, "I'll talk about these later. I'm going to announce the lord's order now." Everyone could not help but straighten their chests and stare at Guan Yu.

Guan Yu stood up, glanced at the generals, and then announced Chen Lang's order. When the audience heard this command, they only felt that they were quite unexpected, and they couldn't help but stare at each other. Yan Xing couldn't help holding his fist and asked, "General, did I misheard? The lord actually ordered us...?" Others had the same question, Wen Pin frowned and said, "The subordinates really can't understand the lord's order!"

Guan Yu took out a wooden slip and said, "This is an autograph letter sent to me by my eldest brother beforehand. My eldest brother has repeatedly urged that he must follow this order, and I will never disobey it! Okay, my eldest brother's order has been issued, everyone. Just follow the order!" The generals looked at each other and had to clasp their fists to promise. Zhou Yu paid close attention to the movements of Guan Yu, and stepped up preparations. All aspects have been prepared, and now we are waiting for Guan Yu's army to cross the river.

Zhuge Mansion. Zhuge Mengxue Zhuge Ruoxue two stunning beauties are talking with his brother Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Ruoxue said anxiously: "Zhou Yu has put down a huge pocket, just waiting for Guan Yu to slam in! Judging from the current situation, the outcome of this battle has been determined, and Guan Yu's best result is to avoid annihilation of the entire army. The end of the game! But even so, Xiangyang Fancheng and even Wancheng cannot be saved!"

Zhuge Mengxue glanced at Zhuge Liang and asked, "Kong Ming, what do you think?"

Zhuge Liang sighed: "Zhou Yu is indeed a genius of Tianzong! Although his aura is a little narrow, there is nothing to say about his ingenuity! The general decisively tuned Fancheng's army into the assault on Jiangxia, which can be said to be a magical pen! It was caught by Zhou Yu, but he was given a plan! Looking at the current situation, I am afraid that the general will lose the entire Jingzhou if Guan Yu is doomed to escape!"

When Zhuge Ruoxue saw that Kong Ming said the same, she couldn't help but feel even more worried. Zhuge Mengxue looked at Zhuge Liang and asked, "Kong Ming, do you really think so?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Does the elder sister think I have other ideas?"

Zhuge Mengxue smiled unpredictably, but said nothing.

Zhuge Ruoxue said suddenly: "No! I want to tell Guan Yu about this situation and tell him not to be fooled!" She stood up and went out. Zhuge Mengxue Zhuge Liang was taken aback, Zhuge Liang grabbed Zhuge Ruoxue's beautiful wrist and shouted, "Second sister, what are you doing?"

Zhuge Ruoxue said in an angry manner: "What are you holding me for? I can't watch the generals lose in the hands of the villains!"

Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Mengxue looked at each other. Zhuge Liang smiled suspiciously: "Second Sister, I always think you are wrong! Since we came to Jiangdong, you seem to be especially towards General Yingyang!" Zhuge Mengxue smiled and nodded.

Zhuge Ruoxue's delicate face turned blush, and said, "Don't think about it! I just don't want to see heroes like the generals being calculated by villains!"

Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Mengxue smiled slightly. When Zhuge Ruoxue saw this, she became even more embarrassed, stamped her foot, and said, "Do you not believe what I said?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and waved his hand and said, "These are not important. But the second sister really shouldn't go to tell Guan Yu."

Zhuge Ruoxue asked incomprehensibly: "Why is this?"

Zhuge Liang sighed, and said, "Second sister, did you forget that our brother is working under Sun Jian's account?" Zhuge Ruoxue remembered this matter and couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

Zhuge Liang said: "We just don't like the Sun family anymore, but since the eldest brother works for them, we have to stand on the side of the Sun family. Besides, the second sister should go to inform the Sun family if it is known by the Sun family. Tired of your eldest brother?" Zhuge Ruoxue frowned and did not speak, looking extremely depressed.

Zhou Yu, accompanied by the crowd, boarded the gate tower and looked at the north of the Yangtze River. I saw that Jiangbei no longer had the busy scene of the previous two days. Cheng Pu on the side couldn't help but worry and said: "Why has it become so quiet? Could it be that they discovered something?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "The old general doesn't need to worry. This situation is normal. The enemy has spent two days and two nights, and they must have already drove out the rafts. Now they have to take a rest to attack. At this moment they are there. If it weren't so quiet, I would be suspicious." Cheng Pu was relieved and nodded.

Zhou Yu ordered: "If the order is passed down, the enemy's offensive will definitely be at midnight today. All armies are resting now and are ready to fight after nightfall." The generals clasped their fists and promised.

Zhuge Liang and two older sisters who were disguised as men came to the street, preparing to drink in the pub where they usually drink. Zhuge Ruoxue looked at the city wall and saw a quiet scene. She couldn't help being surprised: "Why is the city wall so quiet?"

Zhuge Liang thought: "It has been two days since Guan Yu arrived at the North Shore. I think Guan Yu has finished building the boat raft. Now it is time to take a rest before launching a full-scale attack. But Guan Yu is a famous general under the general. , Will not rest for a few days like ordinary generals, and will launch a fierce attack tonight in order to catch Zhou Yu by surprise! Alas!"

Zhuge Ruoxue asked angrily: "You are very good! But why do you sigh?"

Zhuge Mengxue said: "Because Zhou Yu has clearly seen this. Now that the wall is so quiet, it means that Zhou Yu has ordered all the troops to rest. He wants the troops to replenish their spirits so that they can deal with Guan Yu at night." Zhuge Ruo Xue Xue couldn't help worrying when she heard this.

At this moment, Zhou Yu, accompanied by the crowd, passed in front of Zhuge Liang and others, and when he heard Zhuge Mengxue's words, his face was very surprised.

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