Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 332: The army breaks the line

Then he rushed back to his big account and was about to report to Zhang Xun, when the horn of Ying Yangjun suddenly heard outside. Everyone couldn't help looking outside the camp, only to see that Ying Yang's army had really retreated. The general said to Zhang Xun with a face full of contributions: "General, the subordinates are fortunate enough to live up to their lives, then Chen Lang is in the game!" Zhang Xun smiled and nodded, and said in praise: "Okay!" Then he gave orders to the generals. Said: "The order goes on and the whole army will leave the camp! This time we will be ashamed!" The generals loudly promised.

Yuan Shu's army surged out of the camp, leaning against the camp, forming a large formation. Liu Bei, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw Yuan Shu's army once again go out to confront the Yingyang army, and immediately led his troops out of the new field, ready to support Yuan Shu's army.

Zhang Xun's first-class army lined up, and immediately shouted: "Beat the drums, the cavalry charge!"

Boom boom boom boom! The sound of war drums was smashing, and tens of thousands of Yuan Shujun's war knights rushed out of the large formation and rushed straight toward the Yingyang army formation, like a surging wave, it is really surging and unstoppable!

Liu Bei couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw such a scene, and said: "Great! With such a fierce battle, even if the eagle and the army cannot be defeated, the two sides will definitely be evenly divided!" Then he ordered Mi Fang and others: "Everyone, be prepared, As long as Yuan Shujun impulsively moved the enemy's position, we immediately rushed in from the flank!" The generals agreed in unison.

Tens of thousands of Yuan Shujun's war knights swept toward the Eagle and Yang army like a tide. In the blink of an eye, the crossbows were in the range of the crossbow, and the eagle and Yang army sent out thousands of crossbows, and saw Yuan Shu's soldiers turning on their backs, as if countless ripples were stirred up in the waves!

However, shooting with bows and crossbows could not stop the murderous knights. They still rode horses to rush, roaring and the sound of horseshoes were like rolling thunder, and the momentum was amazing!

Seeing that Yuan Shujun's war cavalry had rushed forward, the crossbowmen immediately retreated. Nearly ten thousand warriors in heavy armor and iron towers with swords in the blue dragon Yanyue came forward, like a dam blocking Yuan Shujun's cavalry!

The torrent of Yuan Shujun's war cavalry slammed into the Yingyang army's defense line, as if the storm was hitting the shore, with great momentum! However, this majestic momentum did not smash the Ying Yang army in one fell swoop as General Yuan Shujun expected! I saw countless knives suddenly raised in the billowing wave, and in an instant, Yuan Shuzhan's rider turned on his horse and flew around, his screams screamed! General Yuan Shujun rushed forward, but the spear did not pierce the opponent's heavy armor, and the long knife slammed on the opponent's body with a clanging sound as if it was slashing on a rock. However, every time the opponent wielded a broad sword, Yuan Shu's cavalry always screamed. Fell to the ground!

Broadsword warriors lined up in a row to advance side by side, the light of swords advancing like a wall of swords! Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and Yuan Shujun, who charged up, fell into a pool of blood instantly like fresh meat thrown into a meat grinder! The sword warrior stepped on the **** water corpse and kept advancing, Yuan Shu Zhanqi fell down one after another, unable to contend at all! In just a few moments, a corpse fell on the battlefield. Yuan Shujun was frightened and did not dare to fight any more, so he turned his horses and fled back!

Zhang Xun and the others couldn't help being stunned when they saw this scene, and Liu Bei was also stunned.

The broadsword warrior did not pursue it, and quickly entered the line. Immediately, the rumbling of war drums rang like a roar! The front lines of the eagle and the Yang army were separated, and hundreds of tanks rushed out of the big battle! Hundreds of chariots launched an assault, like a group of peaks moving forward, with an astonishing momentum! The earth is trembling, and smoke is flying all over the sky!

Zhang Xun was shocked when he saw this scene suddenly, and he urged the shieldman and the spearman to move forward, and the archer and crossbowman to prepare!

Yuan Shujun could be considered well-trained. As soon as the spearman and shieldman heard the order, he hurried forward and quickly formed a defensive line. At the same time, the bowman was ready to go behind the defensive line, waiting for the eagle to rise. Get into range!

In a blink of an eye, the smoke and dust raised by hundreds of tanks was not far from Yuan Shujun. One of Yuan Shujun's crossbows released an arrow, and the arrows passed by and fell into the group of chariots. Then tens of thousands of crossbowmen fired arrows together. Only a loud noise from Weng was heard, and the dense arrows suddenly covered it. The sky, like a torrential rain, descends toward the chariot group! The ground was filled with arrow rain in an instant, and several chariots came to a halt due to their horses being shot down! However, the chariot group continued to rush forward under the arrow rain, and Yuan Shujun's intensive arrow rain attack did not have much effect! It turns out that the horses and armor of these tanks are all wearing heavy armor, so although the arrow rain is powerful, it is difficult to injure them. Those tanks that were shot are also because the opponent's arrows were accidentally shot without armor. The protective horse yan and the horse's calf are effective.

The group of chariots rushed towards Yuan Shujun, Yuan Shugong and crossbowmen fired several rounds, unable to stop the chariot at all, Yuan Shujun couldn't help but panic a little!

A general Yuan Shujun saw that the opposing chariot group was about to rush into the battle, and he shouted sharply: "Ready to fight!"

The Shield Captain Yuan Shujun couldn't help but grasp the weapon in his hand tightly, press his lips, and his eyes widened. Seeing the menacing chariots rushing in front of them, everyone couldn't help but put their hearts in their throats!

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of armored chariots slammed into Yuan Shujun's line of defense! As if the stormy waves hit the shore, almost at the same time, it seemed as if the embankment collapsed! Yuan Shujun’s shieldmen and spearmen couldn’t withstand this fierce impact that looked like Tianwei. Many people were knocked out by the huge and impeccable impact. In an instant, the entire line of defense was pierced and torn by the armored chariot. The odds and ends!

The group of chariots broke through Yuan Shujun’s defensive line in one fell swoop, rushed into the crowds, and rushed forward. Many Yuan Shujun were knocked down by the powerful impact and then run over by the wheels of the chariot; many Yuan Shujun were swept away by the blades of the chariot wheels. The next piece fell down; the scene was chaotic, and the screams and the roar of the chariot rang together!

Zhang Xun was shocked when he saw this scene and urged all the troops to hold on!

At this moment, Ying Yangjun's war drums rang loudly again! Zhang Xun and the others were startled, and hurriedly looked towards the Yingyang Army, and they saw that the entire Yingyang Army was dispatched, with cavalry in front and infantry in the back, sweeping like a tide! Zhang Xun was so shocked that he didn't know what to do for a while!

The Xiliang War Cavalry first broke into the enemy's formation, followed the **** road from the chariot and sprinted forward. Where could the chaotic Yuan Shujun be able to withstand it, and the corpses flew around and fled after being killed! Immediately after the Yingyang Army's large infantry army smashed, they rushed and smashed like a tide. Yuan Shujun fell one after another, panicking to the extreme, involuntarily retreating again and again!

Seeing such a sight, Mi Fang was shocked and inexplicably shocked, and hurriedly asked Liu Bei: "Master, what should we do?!"

Liu Bei looked at the scene in front of him, panic and at a loss. At this moment, I saw that Yuan Shujun could no longer withstand the fierce rush of his opponent like a violent wind like a huge wave, and the army was defeated like a mountain! Liu Bei was shocked, and anxiously ordered: "The whole army retreat into the new field!" Then Liu Bei and his 30,000 soldiers and horses hurriedly turned and fled back to the new field.

Ying Yangjun ignored Liu Bei for the time being, just flooded and killed Yuan Shujun! As the armies moved forward, Yuan Shujun was smashing and crawling, and only hated his parents for having two fewer legs! The corpses were everywhere on the battlefield, and the blood water dyed the original grass into a sauce!

Yuan Shujun escaped into the barracks, and the Ying Yang army attacked! It seems that surging waves continue to hit Yuan Shujun's line of defense! Yuan Shujun was terrified, and soon couldn't resist it. Ying Yang's army broke through many places and rushed into the camp! Seeing that Zhang Xun couldn't hold his footing, he had to flee in a hurry. The army broke out from the camp like a bereaved dog, running around the mountains and plains, and the Ying Yang army chased after him. Yuan Shu's officers and soldiers only felt that there was nowhere to go!

Liu Bei and others, who had retreated into the new wild, looked at this scene with trepidation in their hearts. Mi Fang stammered and said: "Eagle Yang Jun is too terrible! Yuan Shujun will inevitably come to attack us when he collapses. We must not be able to defend it!" Mi Zhu anxiously said to Liu Bei: "Lord, the situation is very bad. Persevering in Xinye is definitely not done by the wise, we should immediately abandon Xinye and retreat to Fancheng!"

Liu Bei hesitated for a moment and frowned: "My brother told me to stick to Xinye. It took me a few days to abandon Xinye and flee. What is my face to see my brother!" Mi Fang yelled, "But we can't keep it at all." !"

Liu Bei sternly shouted: "My heart is determined, and those who retreat will be dealt with by military law!" Mi Fang couldn't help closing his mouth, feeling depressed. Mi Zhu frowned and asked, "Does the lord want to hold on until Liu Biao's reinforcements arrive?" Liu Bei nodded and frowned: "Liu Biao's army will arrive in a few days. I don't believe you can't keep it in just a few days. Live!" Mi Fang couldn't help but want to speak, but was stopped by Mi Zhu's eyes.

Liu Bei said to the two of them: "You immediately go down and make arrangements for the defense." The two clasped their fists to promise, and hurried away.

On the way, Mi Fang couldn't help but said to Mi Zhu: "That eagle Yangjun is much more powerful than the legend! It is truly invincible in the world! Our 30,000 old and weak remnants rely on such a small county to fight against them?" Mi Zhu yelled: "You have to talk more! Since the lord has made up his mind, we can only execute it, and there must be no wavering!" Mi Fang couldn't help sighing.

Liu Bei had been standing on the wall and watching the movement outside the city. When the sun was about to set, the hustle and bustle outside the city had calmed down. Mi Zhu came to Liu Bei's side, clasped his fist and said, "Lord, I have already arranged the defense affairs according to the lord's instructions!"

Liu Bei couldn't help sighing, and said: "Zhang Xun's 200,000 army has completely collapsed! It's just one day! I can't believe this is true now!"

Mi Zhu couldn't help but glanced outside the city, and saw that the war outside the city had ended. Teams of Yuan Shujun prisoners were escorted by the Yingyang Army to gather in one place. He couldn't help but said: "The Eagle Yang Army is extremely powerful, it is indeed beyond expectation! "

Liu Bei looked back at Mi Zhu and asked, "Do you think we can defeat them?"

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