Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 293: Arrogant gentry

Chen Lang thought for a moment and smiled and said, "Don't worry! Victory will definitely belong to us!" Chen Gong's heart moved, only feeling that his worry was reduced by more than half. He clasped his fist towards Chen Lang and said, "Master, the scale of Xianbei's coming this time will be beyond imagination! I think we should concentrate as much energy as possible to deal with! Some less important places, give up if you can!" Chen Langmian Luthinking color. He raised his head and said: "I don't want this for the time being! The weather is good today, how about the public desk to accompany me to Dukang Building for a glass of water and wine?" Chen Gong smiled bitterly; "How can my subordinates feel in the mood now!"

Chen Lang grabbed Chen Gong’s wrist and said with a smile: “When the sky falls, it will be like a quilt! It’s no big deal! Come and come, let’s drink!” He dragged Chen Gong out of the study and rushed to the door. Dianwei exclaimed; "The evil is coming, take a few people to wear casual clothes and drink with me!" Dianwei's eyes lit up and he promised loudly.


Several people came out from the back door of the General's Mansion and went straight to Du Kang Building. It was afternoon, and the street was very lively.

After a while, a group of people came to Du Kang upstairs. Since it is not a meal, there are not many guests upstairs in Dukang. Chen Lang asked for a private room on the third floor and sat down by the window to drink and chat. After a few cups of yellow soup, Chen Gong also temporarily let go of his worries, drank happily, and told his past scandals as a joke, which caused Chen Lang and Dian Wei to laugh.

Melodious music and melodious singing came suddenly. Chen Lang and Chen Gong who were talking couldn't help but quiet down. At this time, I heard clearly that the singing and music seemed to be coming from the next room. The one who sang was a woman who sang exactly what Chen Lang sang "Farewell My Concubine" in Dukang Tower that day. The singing voice was clear and tactful, and the charm was far from comparable to that of ordinary singers. It felt like Chen Lang heard it. It is indistinguishable from what Diao Chan sang that day, but she has a charming charm.

Chen Lang said in surprise: "I didn't expect the singer of Du Kanglou to sing so beautifully!"

Chen Gong smiled and said, "Why don't you see what this singer looks like?" Chen Lang just meant this.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door and screaming suddenly came from the next room, and the singer's singing stopped abruptly. Chen Lang couldn't help frowning, and then he heard a young frantic voice yelling: "You singer, you are such a big air! Ignore this son, but come to sing to this son of rabbit! This son wants you to know how awesome it is today. !" Then there was the sound of manual and foot fighting, mixed with the exclamation of several women and men.

Chen Lang was furious, jumped up, and ran out of the room. Chen Gongdianwei and others hurriedly followed out.

Chen Lang rushed to the next room, pushed away the crowd watching the excitement at the door, and rushed in. I suddenly saw a handsome young man in a Confucian shirt showing off his lust. Several people fell on the ground. A woman holding a pipa had been forced to the window by him. Xiao Er tried to persuade the young man to be useless!

The young man forced the girl to say fiercely: "Are you agreeing or not? A lowly singer who dares to go against this son? Are you impatient to live!"

The girl said coldly, "I would rather die than sing for someone like you!" After she finished speaking, she turned and jumped out of the window! The crowd onlookers exclaimed! This is the third floor. If you jump out from here, you will definitely be crippled even if you don’t die!

Seeing the girl's skirt fluttering out of the window, a figure suddenly shot past like a sharp arrow! I grabbed the girl's wrist! The momentum of the girl's falling came to a halt, and she hung outside the window! When the pedestrians on the street saw this scene, they all exclaimed, wondering what happened!

The girl looked up and saw that a man with a fierce and heroic temperament with a scar on his face had already leaned out half of his body and grabbed his arm! I just felt that my arm was still motionless as if it had been clamped by iron tongs! The girl was stunned, and the man laughed and said, "Miss, you are too impulsive! When you meet a rogue, you can't even think of jumping off the building!"

At this time, the young man screamed: "Who are you? How dare you come to disturb this young man!"

The girl looked at the man and said, "My son, the man who persecuted the slave family is not an ordinary rogue. He is the eldest son of the Li family, one of the largest clans in Luoyang! Don't offend the Li family for me, otherwise there will be no good fruits. food!"

The man laughed and said, "Young Master Li? No wonder it's so arrogant! But I don't pay attention to this Li family!" He said, his whole body forcefully dragged the girl hanging outside the window!

The brother-in-law threw a silver ingot to the man, and said proudly: "You did a good job! This is your reward!" Then he came over and wanted to grab the girl's arm. However, the arm was only halfway, but suddenly it was grabbed by the palm of iron tongs! The son-in-law was taken aback, looked at the man, and shouted angrily; "Dog minion, what are you doing!" He tried to get away with his arm, but his arm seemed to be poured in the palm of the opponent, and he didn't even move.

The man smiled and said, "You can be regarded as a person with status. What does it look like when you use your hands? What's more, it's illegal to bully citizens like this!"

Brother Young Master cursed: "What are you, dare to take care of this Young Master's business!"

The man smiled and asked, "I can't control it, can't the law also control it?"

Brother Young Master said contemptuously: "That's what you guys do! What are you doing with this Young Master?" He made a little more while talking, but still couldn't break away from the opponent's grasp. The son-in-law was furious and shouted: "Come here! Come!" There was a commotion at the door, and five or six men with the appearance of servants rushed in fiercely. rude!"

Brother Young Master pointed at Chen Lang with the palm that was not clasped and shouted, "Kill this reckless thing!"

Five or six servants rushed up immediately, and the man grabbed his brother's wrist while attacking. The crowd watching the excitement at the door only saw the figure shaking, and the five or six evil servants who charged up aggressively turned back one by one! Hit the wall, fell to the floor, horribly humming, unable to move! Everyone was dumbfounded. The son-in-law looked at the man with horror, and when he saw that the man looked at him with an unkind expression, he was startled and cried out anxiously: "I am Li Qian! If you dare..." Before they finished speaking, everyone only heard a loud bang, and saw that Li Qian flew upside down from the window and fell heavily to the ground! Everyone came back to their senses, and they all changed color in horror! There was also an exclamation from the street downstairs!

"You, why are you here?" A familiar and pleasant voice suddenly came.

The man followed the reputation and saw two women pretending to be men, it was Cai Yan and her close servant. The man smiled and said, "So it's you!"

At this time, Chen Gong Dianwei came in with a crowd of civilian guards. Everyone suddenly realized that they were so many and powerful, all majestic and sturdy. Someone gloated with misfortune and said: "Young Master Li kicked the iron plate this time! It really deserves it!"

Chen Gong smiled and whispered to the man; "Lord, you made too heavy a move!" It turned out that it was Chen Lang who saved the singer in time and taught Master Li.

Chen Lang scolded, "I really want to kill him for this kind of scum!" Chen Gong smiled and said, "I'm afraid he won't survive this time!" As he went to the window and looked down, he saw Li. The Lord Qian Li was lying in the middle of the street and he was not dead. A large group of passersby were watching and talking, so he raised his voice: "This son of the Li family, openly molested the girl, was prevented and resisted the law by force. This is a serious crime. Illness! I am a government official, and I am now officially arresting Li Qian, the son of the Li family!" People on the street were relieved when they heard what was going on, and many people yelled for okay.

Cai Yan walked to Chen Lang and bowed involuntarily. Seeing that there was a bruise on her cheek, Chen Lang could not help frowning, apparently because of the fist of the Li family. He reached out and touched Cai Yan's cheek. Cai Yan was embarrassed and flushed his cheeks. Chen Lang asked: "Is it beaten by the surname Li?" Cai Yan thought of what happened just now, showing a lingering expression, tears in his eyes, a very aggrieved appearance. Her handmaid said angrily: "The Li family son is simply too barbaric! As soon as he breaks in, he fists and kicks the young lady!"

Chen Lang smiled and said: "These young scholars of the Confucian clans are usually arrogant!"

Chen Gong walked to Chen Lang and arched his hands towards Cai Yan; "Miss Cai!" Cai Yan hurriedly responded, "Master Chen!"

Chen Lang said to Chen Gong: "Take these all back to the mansion, and interrogate them carefully. There are a lot of things committed so unpredictably." Chen Gong clasped his fists and promised, leading a group of fang guards with evil servants down. When he got outside, he caught Li Qian, who was groaning endlessly, and went to the mansion together.

Chen Lang is going to leave here and go home. Seeing Cai Yan looking like he wanted to say something, he couldn't help but ask with a smile; "Is there anything wrong with Miss?" Cai Yan panicked and didn't know what to say. Cai Yan's maidservant was very anxious and couldn't help crying: "Miss has something important to tell the lord!" Cai Yan yelled at the maid anxiously; "Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Lang saw that Cai Yan seemed to be really in trouble, and smiled: "This is not a place to talk, you can go back with me." The handmaid exclaimed joyfully: "Okay, okay!" Cai Yan was blushing. Looks at a loss.

Chen Lang smiled and led Dian Wei and others to leave. The maid hurriedly dragged Cai Yan to follow.

A group of people came out of Du Kang Building and walked towards the General's Mansion. Not long after he left, Chen Lang found that the singer had been holding Pipa behind him. So he stopped and turned around and asked, "What are you doing with me?" The singer immediately knelt down holding the pipa, and said gratefully: "The strong man's salvation, the little girl has nothing to repay, and I wish to be a strong man for life. The servants and maids serve the strong men!"

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