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Chapter 281: Rebellion becomes reinforcement

It is said that Guo Bang is leading the main force to station troops in Jieting, Lueyang, and Longxian to prepare to face the main force of the Yingyang army. Although the Eagle Yang Army was strong, Guo Ben had an offensive of the Eagle Yang Army that absolutely blocked me.

However, the urgent report came from Tianshui. The main force of the Yingyang army did not leave Longguan, but unexpectedly seized Sanguan and entered Wudu County! Guo Bang and others were shocked by the news. They couldn't react for a while, and another bad news followed. Tianshui was captured by Ying Yang army, and Taishi had fled west!

The generals under Guo Bin couldn't help panicking, like a group of headless flies.

Guo Bang shouted: "What is it?!"

The crowd calmed down and looked at Guo Bang. A general said in a panic, "Ying Yang army captured Tianshui by surprise, we, what should we do!"

Guo Bang shouted: "Our army is strong, even if the main force of the Yingyang army comes to attack, what fear do we have!"

Everyone felt that what Guo Ben said was reasonable, and his flustered heart couldn't help but calm down a lot.

Guo Bang said to the generals: "The enemy is not necessarily stronger than ours! As long as we don't mess up ourselves, it is not certain who will win or lose in this battle! All armies must guard against the dead, and do not act without my orders! "The generals clasped their fists and promised.

The news that the Yingyang army broke through Sanguan and broke through Tianshui spread among Dong Zhuo's army. For a while, people were in panic, and an atmosphere of anxiety filled the army. Guo Bang noticed the change in the mood in the army, and immediately told the army that he had already made a plan to break the enemy with the Ying Yang army so that everyone should not panic. His statement immediately took effect, and the uneasy emotions of the soldiers calmed down. But how long this effect can last is unknown.

In the middle of the night, in the quiet street pavilion, the rush of horseshoes came quickly from a distance and went straight into the street pavilion.

An urgent messenger rushed to Guo Bang and reported in a hurry: "Open to the general, Lueyang is surrounded by the enemy army. General Wu Xi ordered his subordinates to come and ask the general to dispatch quickly. Army reinforcements! It's too late if it's too late!"

Guo Ben frowned, the generals commotion, and one general couldn't help saying: "The enemy came so fast! They captured Tianshui not long ago, and now they have surrounded Lueyang!"

Guo Bang asked the messenger: "How many enemy troops are surrounding Lueyang, and who is the leader?"

"Return to the general, the enemy leader is Chen Lang himself, with hundreds of thousands of troops!"

The generals were taken aback, and Guo Yan shouted angrily: "Nonsense! The total strength of the enemy army is not 200,000. Except for the scattered troops, the army surrounding Lueyang can have 120,000 to 30,000. Hundreds of thousands of troops coming!" The messenger commander only promised.

A general couldn't help asking: "General, what should we do now? Do you want to help Lueyang?" All the generals looked at Guo Bang and waited for his decision.

Guo Ben frowned and said, "The reason why Li Que's army was annihilated was because of Chen Lang's treacherous scheme of besieging the city to fight for aid. At this time, I am afraid Chen Lang has performed the same trick again! The opponent’s sway!" The generals felt that what Guo Ben said was reasonable, and one of the generals said with anxiety: "If you don’t return the aid, Lueyang will fall short or later, and the situation of our army will also be even more disadvantaged!" Guo Ben fell into contemplation. in.

Chen Lang and Jia Xu were strolling by the creek beside the camp. At this time, although the army surrounded Lueyang County heavily, they did not attack.

Chen Lang smiled and said to Jia Xu: "There is no movement on Guo Bang. It seems that Guo Bang must have noticed our attempt."

Jia Xu laughed and said: "Guo Bang is the number one general under Dong Zhuo's account, and he is also a rare general. His subordinates didn't expect this strategy to succeed!"

Chen Lang smiled, glanced at Jia Xu, and said with a smile: "Looking at you so confidently, I am afraid that you have another trick, right?"

Jia Xu smiled and clasped his fists and said, "The lord has won the award!"

Chen Lang said in an angry manner: "Stop talking nonsense! What tricks do you have?"

Jia Xu leaned to Chen Lang's ear and said something in a low voice. Chen Lang felt a little skeptical, and said, "Can this strategy succeed?" Jia Xu smiled; "The subordinates are not sure, but might as well give it a try." Chen Lang smiled and nodded.

It is said that the triangular area where Guo Bin’s army is stationed is composed of Jieting, Lueyang and Long County. Guo Bin himself sits in the most important Jie pavilion, his general Wu Xi is responsible for guarding Lueyang, and another general, Dong Yueze. Responsible for guarding Long County. The three regions formed a seemingly indestructible iron triangle. For Ying Yangjun, the key to the current battle is to eliminate Guo Bang's army. If it succeeds, it will be a matter of time for the entire Xiliang to be in the pocket. Otherwise, if it fails, Yingyang might have to return. Go to Guanzhong.

Ying Yang army surrounded Lueyang, Dong Yue of Toilong County also received the news, and couldn't help being worried and awake all night, often awakened by nightmares in his sleep.

The genius was bright this morning, and Dong Yue fell asleep unintentionally.

Dong Yue stood in front of the hall looking at the sky that was gradually brightening in a daze, his brows furrowed and sadness turned. At this time, a general rushed over and reported: "General, good news! Good news!"

Dong Yue hurriedly looked at the general and said anxiously: "What's the good news? Come on!"

The general was overjoyed and said: "The leader of the rebellion, Zhang Cheng, has sent someone here. It seems that he wants to serve as the general!"

At this moment, Dong Yue was worried about the lack of strength and insecurity in his hands. He couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this. This sincerity is one of the three leaders of the vigorous peasant uprising in Xiliang. It originally occupied Lueyang and other places, but because Dong Zhuo's army retreated, they did not dare to fight and had already retreated to the mountainous area outside the city. I heard that the number of Cheng rebels is quite large, and it is said that there are hundreds of thousands of people. If they can be used for their own purposes, there is no need to worry about Chen Lang coming to attack.

Dong Yue thought of this and said anxiously; "Hurry up and call him in!"

The minister promised and went on in a hurry. After a while, he led in a middle-aged man in linen pants. The general pointed at Dong Yue and said, "This is our General Dong Yue!"

The man glanced at Dong Yue and said, "The villain pays respects to General Dong!"

Dong Yue nodded and asked, "What can I do if Zhang Cheng sent you?"

The human said: "General Zhang Cheng sent the villain to express his sincerity to the general!"

Dong Yue was overjoyed and asked suspiciously: "Why does Zhang Cheng suddenly surrender to me?"

The humanity said: "General Zhang Cheng said that we are all children of Xiliang, and our previous enemies were just internal struggles. But now that foreign enemies dare to invade Xiliang, we are obliged to wait for Xiliang men, and we should unite with the Taishi to defend our hometown!"

Dong Yue couldn't help but praised: "Well said! Unexpectedly, Zhang Cheng is also a person with general knowledge! Very good! Very good!" Then asked inexplicably, "Why don't you go to Guo Bang, but come Works for me?"

That humanity said: "General Zhang Cheng said that Guo Ben has a tyrannical character, and I am afraid that he would be murdered if he surrendered. However, General Dong is different. He is a benevolent and righteous gentleman. If you rely on General Dong, you don't have to worry about being killed!"

Dong Yue laughed, caressed his beard and smiled: "Zhang Cheng still has some knowledge of people! What he said is pretty good!" Then he said, "Go back and tell Zhang Cheng and ask him to bring soldiers and horses to him immediately. Help me defend the city! After this is done, I will definitely report to the Taishi to clarify his merits. At that time, high-ranking officials will naturally be no longer a problem!"

The man immediately bowed: "The villain thanked General Dong for General Zhang Cheng!" Dong Yue smiled slightly, and then urged: "Go and report Zhang Cheng quickly, and ask him to come over!"

The man promised and hurried away.

Dong Yue smiled, only to feel that the haze that had been in his heart seemed to disappear in an instant. No wonder Dong Yue felt this way. Although Zhang Cheng's rebellion army was poorly equipped and tactically chaotic, if it were used to defend the city, the effect of hundreds of thousands of people would definitely be incalculable.

A day later, Dong Yue received a report that a large army of rebellion had emerged outside the city.

Dong Yue hurriedly boarded the city wall and raised his eyes to look into the distance, although he saw a crowd of people coming in overwhelmingly outside the city! With a mess of flags, dressed in a mess of clothes, the weapons in his hand are messy, rakes, shovels, etc., it is really a dazzling array! At this glance, you don't need to ask, you know that it is a rebellious army assembled by the people!

Dong Daxi was overjoyed and couldn't help shouting; "Come! Come!"

Soon after, the rebellion army came outside the city, and the middle-aged man Dong Yue had seen before came out and shouted: "General Dong, my general is invited to come here!"

Dong Yue smiled and said, "Thank you! Hard work!" Then people opened the gate of the city. A general frowned and said: "General, these rebellious troops were originally enemies with us. It seems a bit wrong to put them into the city!" Dong Yue felt that what the general said was reasonable, and said loudly: " Just ask General Zhang Cheng to lead his troops and horses to station outside the city, and become a squabble with me!"

There was an uproar outside the city, and saw an exceptionally sturdy man riding out and roaring: "Dong Yue, I think we are here for Xiliang’s sake, and you are here to help me. You treat me like this. Since you are not sincere, I will leave with my army!" Then he shouted that the army was ready to return.

Dong Yue was taken aback and shouted anxiously: "General Zhang Cheng, please stay! General Zhang Cheng, please stay!"

Zhang Cheng turned around and shouted angrily; "What else can you say?"

Dong Yue hurriedly said: "I just didn't think well and offended the general. Please send the army into the city as soon as possible. Now that we are in Xiliang, the general should not be angry with me!"

Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense!" Then he shouted, and all the troops who were going to leave turned around again, preparing to enter the city.

Dong Yue hurriedly ordered the city gate to be opened. Hundreds of thousands of rebellious troops swarmed in immediately.

Dong Yue went down to the city gate to greet Zhang Cheng. Seeing Zhang Cheng riding in, he hurriedly smiled and clasped his fists, saying, "General Zhang has worked hard!"

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