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Chapter 898: original film leaked

  Chapter 898 The original film leaked

   "Oh, what do you want?"

   Raising his eyebrows, Zhou Anan looked at the pretty-looking cousin and girlfriend in front of him, and asked with a smile.

   "If possible, I would like to exchange that Audi car for cash. Before, I had a few little sisters who stayed in the foot bath shop together, and I planned to open a foot bath shop by myself, but I was short of funds."

  Speaking of this request, Qian Yuqin lowered her head in embarrassment.

  Of course she knew that the other party rewarded herself with a car and what she asked for in exchange for cash were two completely different concepts.

  However, she doesn't want to be a waiter with a fixed salary and a career ceiling. She needs a platform to realize her life value.

  If she had her own business and wealth beyond ordinary people, it would be much easier for Zhou Shun's family to accept her.

  The idea of ​​opening a foot bath shop has been in her mind for a long time, but it was limited to a huge gap in funds before, so she never started preparations.

   Now that such a good opportunity is in front of him, Qian Yuqin doesn't want to miss it easily.

   "Okay, I'll exchange the car for 300,000 in cash and give it to you. However, this amount of money is not enough to start a foot bath shop. I will lend you another 700,000 and pay it back within two years."

  Listening to the other party's request and ambition, Zhou An'an had a flash of approval in his eyes, and directly gave a quota of 1 million, but also gave a repayment period.

  At this point in time, the business of foot bath shops in Lizhou is the best. Foot bath shops are blooming everywhere, but it is also the time when the competition is the greatest.

  After more than ten years, the survival of the fittest, there are only two or three large-scale chain foot bath shops left, but the profit of a single store can reach millions, which is not to say that it is not profitable.

  If the other party can persevere, he will become a multi-millionaire in the future.

   At that time, his uncle and aunt, including other members of the family, will not look down on the other party's identity as a foreigner.

  Of course, these are idealized situations. Whether she can become bigger and stronger depends on her own ability.

   Giving a repayment deadline also puts pressure on the other party.

   "Thank you brother, I will work hard."

   Unexpectedly, the other party gave her 1 million directly. Qian Yuqin was a little nervous, but also ignited a raging fighting spirit.

  Hundreds of thousands and 1 million are nothing more than the difference between big and small. If you want to do it, make it big, so that those who looked down on themselves before will regret it.

  The most important thing is that getting the approval of this mysterious cousin is better than anything else.

   "Brother, I also want to try opening a franchise store by myself."

   Seeing his girlfriend working so hard, Zhou Shun no longer struggled with the stable job of a store manager, and decided to make a breakthrough by himself.

  Girlfriends can fight like this, so what right does he have to hang around comfortably there.

"Okay, the Hong Kong Kee on the Pedestrian Street is yours. But I have a request, you must open three franchise stores within a year. If it is done, I will give you a house in the urban area. As a wedding present."

  Hearing his cousin's decision, Zhou An'an smiled, and put forward his own request and reward.

  The Hong Kong Kee, which had the best business in Pedestrian Street before, has always been under his personal name. Even though his cousin Li Bin wanted to open a franchise store by himself, Zhou Anan didn't show it.

   Now that my cousin wants to work hard, he doesn't mind supporting him.

However, if you want to open three franchise stores within a year, the pressure will not be too small. After all, a Hong Kong Kee franchise store needs at least 150,000 to 200,000 yuan in capital from scratch. Profits can't be done in a year either.

  There is pressure to be motivated, which just keeps my cousin busy and saves me from thinking about things that I get for nothing.

   "Thank you brother, I will definitely not let you down."

  When he heard that his cousin gave him the milk tea shop with the best business in the pedestrian street, Zhou Shun was full of joy, nodded vigorously, and promised.

  As a practitioner in the tea industry, Zhou Shun, who has been the store manager for nearly two years, naturally knows the huge profits of the Gangji milk tea shop at the street corner. His cousin gave him a hen that can lay golden eggs.

   As for opening three franchise stores within a year, it is not a difficult problem.

  If the management is good, even if his cousin doesn’t give him a house, he can earn a house in two years.

  While Qian Yuqin, who was silent at the side, looked brighter at his cousin who casually donated hundreds of thousands of annual profits to the milk tea shop.

  Spend a lot of money, millions of cash are just a wave of hands, this is exactly the wealthy family she desires in her heart.

  As long as you urge your boyfriend to make progress, then she will become one of them and enter the upper class.

   "I'll wait and see."

  Seeing the ambition in his cousin's eyes, Zhou An'an smiled and patted his cousin on the shoulder.

  He is 1.75 meters tall, patting the shoulder of his 1.78 meters cousin, there is still no pressure.

  Thinking about the semi-disabled height of 165 in the previous life, it seems like a lifetime away.

   Let the two cousins ​​visit the sky garden on the top floor. It was already 1:30 in the afternoon when Zhou Anan sent them back to the pedestrian street.

  Looking at the two cousins ​​who were quickly entering the working state, Zhou Anan didn't know whether his persuasion method was effective, and he was just doing his best to obey the destiny.

  If this doesn’t work, then I can only let the uncles and aunts teach themselves.

   For the sake of this, his cousin is also benevolent.

   "Go to Hualian Supermarket."

  No other things for the time being, Zhou Anan thought of the two girls in the health school, and felt that he needed to feed the little fish in the fish pond daily.

   Swept through a bunch of junk food in the supermarket, only choosing expensive ones, not bad ones.

  Two bags of snacks cost Zhou Anan nearly 300 yuan, which is considered a pride when the price is not high.

   When they came to the gate of the health school again, Zhou Anan casually handed the guard a pack of Liqun in a hard box while waiting for someone, and got the VIP treatment among parents—a seat on the hardwood sofa.

   "Uncle, brother, why do you have time to visit me?"

  Hu Yuxuan, who received the call, was wearing a white nurse uniform, and ran into the reception room, followed by Jia Qinqian.

   "Just passing by, I'll give you some snacks."

  Looking at the young and energetic little demon girl, Zhou Anan, who stood up, subconsciously rubbed the other's head, and then nodded to the girl who propped up the upper part of the nurse's uniform in a clear arc.

  The seventeen-year-old girl looks cute no matter what, especially the two whose looks are still online.

  Comparatively speaking, the little enchantress who is still dressed in a student-like way is not at all attractive to her girlfriends.

   "Brother Zhou, are these all mine?"

   Didn't refuse the other party's annoying behavior of touching his hair, Hu Yuxuan, who looked at the two bags of snacks, asked with bright eyes.

   "Are you feeding the pig alone, this is for the two of you."

  Understanding the meaning of the other party's words, Zhou An'an mercilessly broke the other party's exclusive thoughts.

  If he eats too much fat, then the sensual little witch in his previous life impression will become a little fat pig.

   "It's okay, Qianqian just happens to lose weight, I'll just help her eat."

  Waving his hand, Hu Yuxuan directly announced his ownership of the two bags of snacks.

   "Hu Yuxuan, don't you want to be ashamed, it's you who is shouting to lose weight?! Brother Zhou, don't listen to her."

   Facing her shameless best friend, Jia Qinqian bravely exposes her and defends her sovereignty.

   "Okay, there's no need to argue, each of you gets a bag."

  Noticing the watching eyes of the guard not far away, Zhou Anan did not let the two girls overturn the boat of friendship here, and determined the ownership of the two bags of snacks before the 'war' started.

  While watching two energetic young girls scramble for each other has an inexplicable sense of accomplishment, Zhou An'an doesn't have that bad taste when there are outsiders around.

  The title of Uncle is enough for himself.

   "Brother Zhou, we will go to the People's Hospital for an internship next semester. If you want to find us then, go to the People's Hospital."

  Holding his own big bag in his hand, Hu Yuxuan talked about his next semester's movements, the meaning was self-evident, and there was no embarrassment on his face.

   "Okay, I see. You go back to class, and treat you to a big meal after the holiday."

   "Okay, see you, Brother Zhou."

   "Thank you Brother Zhou, goodbye."

   Saying goodbye to the two girls from the health school, Zhou Anan checked the time, sent a text message to her confidante in Wucheng, and made an appointment for a time and place for dinner.

   At this time, even though he returned to his hometown, Zhou Anan didn't mean to go home to see his parents, which is really hard to explain.

  Anyway, he and his parents talked on the phone almost every two days, and he didn't feel the so-called long-distance feeling at all.

   "Brother Ruan, I have received interesting things related to Blue Whale Entertainment."


   "The original films of the two TV series being filmed by Blue Whale Entertainment have not been deleted."


  Hearing Jing Wuyou's words, Ruan Chenghai, who was standing in a high-rise office of a certain building in Hong Kong City, squinted his eyes, stood up and looked at the sea level in the distance.

  (end of this chapter)

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