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Chapter 893: boss calls

  Chapter 893 Call from the boss

  For Li Yu, the boyfriends of her high school classmates are definitely the number one big clients. The working capital of their training department alone is tens of millions, which brings her tens of thousands of bonuses every year.

   Therefore, during the holidays, I will give my high school classmates the best gifts from the bank. In addition, I will choose a day when the other party is free every month. Li Yu will invite my high school classmates to a mid-to-high-end restaurant with a good environment to deepen their relationship.

   It can be said that she is now Zhu Huihui's best-connected high school classmate, bar none.

   "Huihui, have you taken your annual leave yet?"

   Quietly withdrawing his gaze towards the exit, Li Yu smiled and asked his high school classmates about another topic.

   As for whether what she saw just now was Zhou Anan himself, it doesn't matter. What is important is that the working capital of the other party's training department is always in the Haizhou bank account.

   If she was wrong, it would be the best; if she was right, then she didn't want her high school classmates to find out, so as not to cause a gap between the two, which would lead to a change in the liquidity of the champion education.

   She understands the common problems of rich men.

   "Not yet, and I have no place to go. I will apply for it when the time comes, and I can exchange it for a bonus to buy New Year's clothes."

  Shaking her head, Zhu Huihui didn't have any idea of ​​traveling, but felt that the huge bonus was more cost-effective.

  10 days of annual leave, it is not a small amount to exchange for bonuses.

  It would be the most boring if she was allowed to travel alone.

  It's a pity, that man must not have time to play with her for so long.

   "Why, your boyfriend won't accompany you?"

  Unbearable, Li Yu tentatively asked about the relationship between the two.

  If there is a real problem, she must plan ahead.

   "He is very busy all year round, how can he have time to play with me?"

   Regarding this question, Zhu Huihui answered very calmly, without any embarrassment because of the unsettled relationship between her and Zhou Anan.

  Anyway, she has already preset in her heart, if she can't become the other party's official girlfriend, she is fine now.

  In a person's life, there is no need to care about so much.

  The only thing to pay attention to may be the parents at home. It is a headache to think about it.

   "Really?! Then I'll treat you to a meal when I'm free, and get some savings from your boyfriend."

   Seeing that the other party's tone and demeanor hadn't changed much, Li Yu said with a smile.

   "Putting deposits? Then you have to think about it and see if you want to talk to him."

   "Huihui, the boat of our friendship is about to capsize."

   "If you turn it over, you will turn it over. Anyway, I can swim."

   "Tsk tsk tsk, do you want to go shopping in the afternoon?"

   "No, I have to go to work in the afternoon."


  After sending his girlfriend back to the lakeside garden, Zhou Anan got into the VW driven by Xiao Ping and rushed directly to Hangzhou.

  Since getting a full-time driver and bodyguard, Zhou An'an no longer wants to drive on long-distance journeys by himself.

  There is no beautiful girl in the co-pilot seat to chat with, the process is too boring, easy to fall asleep, dangerous.

  By the time Zhou Anan woke up from his nap, the car had already entered downtown Hangzhou, heading towards the headquarters of the Celebrity Group.

  The journey with a driver is so stable, comfortable and boring.

   "BOSS, everyone is already waiting for you in meeting room 1."

  Meeting the big boss at the elevator entrance of the underground parking lot, Huang Ying reported quickly and simply, followed by Shen Junyi who was next to him and handed over a warm towel for the big boss to wipe off his sweat.


Glancing at the beautiful secretary in a cyan short skirt and small suit and the other secretary in a black skirt, Zhou Anan only lingered on their long black silk legs for 0.03 seconds, then looked straight ahead, and wiped them off with a warm towel. sweat.

  The split of Celebrity Group went smoothly, and the financing of Celebrity Wechat also went smoothly.

  Because of the separation of several major departments, the second round of external financing of Celebrity Wechat is much lower than the estimated value of many venture capital institutions, and has received the favor of many capital tycoons.

  After several rounds of screening and communication, Celebrity Wechat has basically determined the target of the second round of financing, and is waiting for Zhou Anan, the big boss behind the scenes, to make a final decision.

  Although daily affairs are handled by the management, major matters such as financing have to be decided by Zhou Anan, the relatively controlling behind-the-scenes big boss, and the next process will only be entered after signing and confirming.


   "Boss is good."

  Seeing the big boss coming in from the door, several people who were chatting stood up to greet and pay attention.

   "Everyone sit down, this month has been hard. When the financing is completed, I will invite everyone to have a dinner in Yazhou, and I will give you a small long vacation by the way."

   Signaling everyone to sit down, Zhou Anan made a joke to ease the somewhat inexplicably stiff atmosphere.

   I don't know why, Zhou An'an, who thinks he is usually very kind, finds that several important executives are a little restrained when facing him, especially when holding small meetings.

  He didn't know that his investment decisions, which he never missed, were well-known in the domestic venture capital circle and put a lot of pressure on several executives under him.

  There is such a masterful investment **** boss, if they don't make some achievements, they are simply sorry for their high salary and shares.

   "Then when I rent a yacht, can BOSS reimburse me?"

  After hearing what the big boss said, Qi Liang responded with a smile.

   "What to rent, buy directly, I will give each person a luxury yacht, no duplicates."

   Zhou Anan, who was in a good mood, waved his big hand and gave out tens of millions of benefits.

   Zhou An'an will naturally not be stingy with these ministers who have helped him maintain the 10 billion group.

   It’s just a yacht for each person. Really wait until the celebrity micro-offer goes public, the high-level executives here will be worth billions of dollars every minute.

"it is good."

  Seeing that the big boss is so proud, An Jie, who is very capable, took the lead in applauding, and Pan Shaofu and others also clapped their hands in response.

  Yachts, men like them, women like them too.

   "Mr. Qi, tell me about the situation of several interested institutions?"

   After chatting, Zhou Anan asked the CEO to start today's agenda.

  It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. If we don't end early, dinner will have to be postponed.

   "Okay, after a period of screening."

Under the mutual selection of financing quotations and cooperation conditions, Celebrity Weike currently chooses Lien’s in Hong Kong City, Motan and HV in Europe and the United States, plus TX, Excalibur, and Hard Silver in the first round of follow-up investment. A total of $500 million was raised.

   "If everyone has no different opinions, then follow this plan."

  After CEO Qi finished speaking, Zhou Anan took a look at the five executives present, and seeing that there was no disagreement, he said something casually and decided on a cooperation plan.

  The due diligence of the three organizations has been done very well. Zhou An'an doesn't need to express his so-called opinions, he just waits to collect money to expand the overseas market of Celebrity Wechat.

   As a big boss, it is the last word to be able to make decisions, and the rest of the things should be taken care of by the subordinates.

   "Boss, after the split of the group, our technical department has a shortage of personnel, and we are preparing to start a new round of summer job fairs."

  After that, several high-level executives talked about their respective business reports, and Zhou Anan ended today's agenda.


  While Zhou Anan was sitting in the office enjoying the fingertip massage from the beautiful secretary, the phone rang. He picked it up and looked at an unfamiliar number, and answered it suspiciously: "Hello."

   "Is Zhou An'an?! I'm Li Dongcheng from the provincial government. I want to treat you to a meal. I don't know if it's convenient for you today?"

  (end of this chapter)

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