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Chapter 877: Debut = buy a bank? ? ?

  Chapter 877 Debut = buy a bank? ? ?

   "Helicopter? Can you fly in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou?"

  After hearing the other party's question, Zhou Anan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

  These second generations really know how to play, even helicopters.

   As for the million-dollar helicopter, he can naturally afford it, and it also saves traffic jams during peak hours. The problem is that flying is not allowed in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou.

  As a central city of the provincial capital, not just anyone can fly in downtown Hangzhou, at least Zhou Anan didn't see much related news in his previous life.

   "For the route problem, we will ask the relevant department for approval. The urban area may not be able to fly temporarily, but there should be no problem outside the second ring road."

   Regarding this question, everyone has discussed it before, and Feng He also answered it directly.

  Recently, the relevant departments of Hangzhou have discussed the expansion of private air routes. With the energy of Datang Club, it is not difficult to apply for the opening of low-altitude routes outside the second ring road with the relevant departments of Hangzhou.

   "Then count me in."

   I didn't expect that the second generation would be considerate, Zhou An'an naturally didn't mind having an extra means of transportation.

  The traffic in Hangzhou is pretty good now, only the morning and evening rush hours are a little congested.

   In another two years, after the number of private cars soared, the traffic in Hangzhou would be difficult to explain in a word, and there would be no restrictions on odd and even numbers.

  Helicopters, you don’t have to think about odd or even numbers.

  Thinking about others being stuck in traffic while he is flying in the sky, that feeling is very refreshing.

   "Okay, we were just discussing the debut of our Datang Club? Do you have any suggestions?"

   After taking a sip of tea, Feng He continued to talk about the topic they talked about before.

  As a founder who aspires to establish the No. 1 wealthy club in China, Feng He is planning to use his brilliant record to make their name as the Datang Club.

  Just like Li Ershao in Hong Kong City, when he founded Fengyun Club, he pushed the market value of his Youcang Electronics to 500 billion in one fell swoop by uniting the members of the Fengyun Club, which shocked the world.

   What was the concept of a market value of 500 billion eight years ago, but now it is at least trillions.

  Although the market value of 500 billion was just a flash in the pan, it also showed the powerful energy of Fengyun Club. Afterwards, the elites of Hong Kong City flocked to it, and even some rich men in Europe were proud to be able to join Fengyun Club.

   If you want to do it, you have to do it the best. Feng He also wants to use an investment project that will shock everyone in the circle to start the name of their Datang Club, and they will be the king at the beginning.

   "First show? Isn't this the responsibility of Feng Ge, the founder?"

  Hearing that noun, Zhou Anan, who thought for a second, kicked the ball back.

  Are you kidding, it is impossible for him to give advice to these top rich second generations.

   What's more, this also involves the face of the Datang Club, so it needs to be more cautious.

  Could it be that he should lead the club members into the North American stock market to slaughter crocodiles and whales, and move the world?

  Although everyone is considered to be worth tens of billions of dollars, the working capital that the rich second generation present here can use is at best a few hundred million, or even less.

   With such a size, if you are not careful, you will be eaten by predators in Europe and America, so why not talk about your debut.

"That's right, then everyone should consider my previous proposal to acquire a bank. It doesn't matter if the provincial bank is too large, then we can lower the requirements and acquire a prefecture-level city bank. Anyway, the prefecture-level bank in Jiang Province There are many city banks, some of which are poorly managed, and are looking for investment institutions to cooperate. It is not more successful to develop prefecture-level city banks to the scale of Ping An and Merchants.”

   Hearing that the great elder had no constructive opinions, Feng He revisited his previous proposal, but slightly changed the level of acquisition targets.

  At present, it is not easy for various industries to start anew and become bigger and stronger, and there are also great risks.

  Only the bank, relying on the resources in the hands of everyone, is very smart to do.

  Since it was a bit difficult for him to propose the acquisition of a provincial bank, it is definitely feasible to lower the requirements and instead acquire a prefecture-level city bank.

   Acquiring a bank, regardless of whether it is at the provincial or prefectural level, can demonstrate the influence of Datang Club in a short period of time.

  If it develops well and can even compete with several major private banks in the future, then their Datang Club will definitely be the most influential in China.

   Of course, these are his beautiful ideas.

   "Prefecture-level city bank?! I think this proposal is feasible."

  Seeing that Feng He had changed his mind, Zhang Heshan, who thought it was good, raised his hand first.

  If they can really acquire a qualified local bank, it will definitely be good news for their huge business Suge Group.

  At least it will be more convenient for their family's group to raise funds in the future, and there is no need to dredge the relationship.

"I have no opinion."

"I agree."

   Zhong Yunli and Li Funon, whose family is mainly based on industry, also immediately raised their hands in favor, who would think there was an extra convenient and quick financing channel.

   Xu Letian and Chu Tianfang, who are engaged in transportation and real estate at home, thought about it for a while and agreed to this proposal.

   After that, all eyes were on someone who was drinking tea intently.

  In other words, the people present may be rich second-generation rich people, but this young rich man who has no family background but has counterattacked to a net worth of tens of billions is not to be ignored.

   "I have no objection either, but how much capital is needed to acquire a prefecture-level city bank? What do you think about the operation and management team?"

  Feeling the betting eyes, Zhou Anan couldn't continue to be a transparent person, so he asked two key questions.

  What’s wrong with playing, buy a bank, be a playhouse?

  In case of bankruptcy, it will be cool.

  Acquisition of a local bank, at least with a billion-level capital, may not be a big problem for everyone present.

  However, how to operate and how to expand and develop after the acquisition is the most important thing.

  In his previous life, he was in the news, but he often saw the news of local banks with bad assets and forced liquidation.


   Seeing that the elder Zhou didn't object, the people present smiled easily and turned their attention to Xu Letian.

   "A cousin of mine works as the vice president of Shenzhen City Development Bank. If we acquire a bank, she can bring a team to jump over."

   When the people present looked over, Xu Letian smiled and explained to the great elder who had just arrived.

  They are not children playing house, all aspects have been considered.

   "Do you have a suitable acquisition target?"

  As soon as Zhou Anan heard this, he knew that these second generations had planned for a long time, and they just waited for him to jump into the pit himself.

"not yet."

   Shaking his head, Feng He continued: "Do you have any other questions?"


   Everyone agreed with the plan of the founder of the club. Only one person said: "I have no other problems, but in terms of funds, it may take the end of the year to have surplus."

"No problem, anyway, our acquisition is still an intention, and it will not be completed until the end of the year at the earliest. Since everyone has no objections, then raise funds and find suitable acquisition targets at the same time. Come, I will replace wine with tea and toast everyone , I wish our club every success.”

  After listening to the words of the great elder, Feng He replied with a smile, which can be regarded as setting the goal of the club's debut.

  Thinking about the acquisition of a bank, he felt extremely excited.

  Even the three top domestic clubs in Beijing, Chang'an and Luoyang do not have such a cohesive force. Presumably it is only a matter of time before their Datang Club becomes the No. 1 club in China.



   After making a small cup of tea, Zhou Anan couldn't help but smile knowingly as he looked at the lively atmosphere of the top rich second generations.

  Since these people are not afraid of losing, he doesn't mind participating in the shares.

  If all goes well, he should have a lot of surplus funds at the end of the year, and it would be a good investment to spend 100 to 200 million to be a bank shareholder.

   "Brother An, your girlfriend is so beautiful, can you rest assured that she is alone at home?"

   After talking about the business, everyone started chatting in twos and threes. Zhou Anan, who had just come out of the bathroom, was stopped by a top-notch second-generation female with a good figure and exquisite clothes.

   "What Sister Li said, I can still tie her around my waist for 24 hours."

  Slightly stunned for 0.1 second, Zhou Anan, who understood the meaning of the other party's words, replied ambiguously.

  The other party felt that Miss Wang who accompanied him to attend last night was his girlfriend, and Zhou Anan didn't need to explain.

  Speaking of which, Miss Zhong, who bought the beverage company owned by Miss Yu, doesn't know Miss Wang, so he is a little strange.

   Guessing, the two have never met before, after all, it is not uncommon for a friend who does not know a girlfriend.

   "Oh, really. I didn't bid with you last night, should I thank you?"

   Raising his eyebrows, Zhong Yunli took a step forward, with domineering movements and soft voice.

  (end of this chapter)

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