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Chapter 873: It's impossible to back down

  Chapter 873 It is impossible to shrink back

   ". The starting price is 50,000."







  After the introduction by the host, the auction started, and several people bid successively.

  However, after the two young women at the first table participated in the bidding, the rest of the people who wanted to bid put down their bidding cards.

  Wave Chacha Group's Zhong Yunli, and Woodman's Mineral Water's Li Funon, the two eldest ladies of the group worth tens of billions, are definitely among the top socialites in Jiangxi Province. No one will compete with them because of an ordinary necklace.

   With the bidding of the two, the necklace, which was originally worth only 60,000 yuan, climbed all the way to 120,000 yuan.

   But Pang Dahai, who was encouraging the young people next to him to bid, stopped abruptly.

  Of course he wasn't afraid that this young man would offend the two big ladies of the Ten Billion Group, and he was even happy to see the other party suffer. What he was afraid of was that the bidding price would really go up, and he didn't have that much cash to borrow.

  Don't look at what he said earlier that he has a net worth of three or four billion, but that includes all the fixed assets, and the discretionary working capital is at best a few million.

  Compared with those two eldest ladies, well, there is no comparison at all.


  Looking at Miss Wang's considerate and gentle eyes, Zhou Anan couldn't bear to refuse the other party's kindness, and raised her hand to quote a price.

  The price increase of 5000 is naturally in line with the bidding range of the previous two eldest ladies, and it is impossible to increase the price.

  Like in those idol dramas, it is impossible for the heroine to spend a lot of money to buy an item at a premium of tens or hundreds of times for a smile for the female blogger.

  That is just a fantasy of fishing line, if you really do that, you will be considered a fool with a lot of money.

  The premium is more than double, Zhou Anan is not short of such a small amount of money, he only hopes that a certain boss at the first table will not pay attention to his inconspicuous little role.



   Hearing that someone was bidding, Zhong Yunli and the two didn't care, didn't even look at it, and continued to increase the price.

  For the two of them, each other is the opponent.

  Anyway, the extra money should be used for charity.

   There is no premium, so what is the point of this charity dinner.

  The so-called necklace is just an excuse for a reasonable donation.

  The most important thing is not to lose to the opponent.


   "How about we don't want it?!"

  Seeing the price increase all the way up, Zhou Anan, who was speechless, looked at Miss Wang, who had an innocent face beside her.

"Brother Zhou, your girlfriend is right. Those two are the eldest daughters of Wachacha Group and Woodman Mineral Water. We don't need to worry about it. If you want to buy a necklace, you can wait to buy it at the jewelry store. Within 100,000, brother and I Help you out."

  Pang Hai next to him interjected at the opportunity, and by the way, also expressed his wealth.

  He was really afraid that this young man would be arrogant, thinking that he had made a little money, and he didn't know the seriousness.

   It is worthwhile to spend 100,000 to win the favor of that big beauty.

   "No thanks."

   Now that things are up to now, how can Zhou Anan shrink back and continue to raise a sign: "200,000."

   "Brother Zhou"

  Compared to the 150,000 offer that was Livnon's turn to raise his placard earlier, this was a sudden increase of 50,000.

  This time, Zhong Yunli, who hadn't paid attention to the bidder before, both turned their eyes to look at it, including the guests at the same table of 45 tables and the tables next to it.

   A short distance away, a middle-aged fat man with Mediterranean hair caught his eye. Seeing them looking over, the fat man even covered his face with his fat hands.

   After that, Zhong Yunli and his two turned their attention to the young man holding the placard.

   "Zhou Anan???"

   Recognizing the appearance of the bidder, both Zhong Yunli and Zhong Yunli couldn't help but widen their eyes.

  The boss of the famous celebrity group, why did he run to the back, pretending to be low-key and chasing girls?

  Looking at a beautiful girl sitting next to each other, the same thought came to the minds of both of them.

   "Okay, congratulations to Mr. No. 4503 for winning the ** necklace provided by Fat Xiaofu Jewelry for 200,000 yuan."

  Different from those shopping mall rules where the auction house renders once, twice, or three times before dropping the hammer, the bidding rules for tonight's charity gala are very simple. If no one else bids within one minute, it will be sold.

   The many guests who originally thought it was just a small episode, did not expect the two young ladies of the Ten Billion Group to stop at the low price of 200,000 and give it to the young men who suddenly appeared at 45 tables.

  For a moment, many eyes focused on the young man again, and the very beautiful girl beside him.



   Coincidentally, Zhou Anan and Pang Dahai next to him both heaved a sigh of relief.

  The former is to notice that a big boss at the first table is chatting with a Tai Chi expert, and he didn't turn his head to look over. As for the gazes of others, it doesn't matter.

  When you get on the camera, you get on the camera. Anyway, it’s a live webcast. How many people can watch it, and the probability of acquaintances seeing it is basically very low.

  The latter is entirely because the two eldest ladies did not continue to bid, so there is no need to worry about the previous verbal agreement and cause trouble for themselves.

  However, relying on the courage of this young man, Pang Dahai suddenly felt that it was a bit difficult to dig into the wall.


  Wei Baochuan, who had been paying attention to the other party two tables away, couldn't help chuckling when he saw the other party's demeanor that made the two big ladies of the group quit.

   And the idea of ​​letting the two second generations next to him compete for the limelight flashed in his heart, Wei Baochuan only thought about it, but never thought of putting it into practice.

  Everyone is an adult, don't treat anyone as a fool.

   "Hey, Xiaxia, Xiaxia, come and take a look. Is this Zhou Anan from your family???"

  In a room far away in Lucheng, Wang Min, who was eating an apple, saw a figure flashing past on the computer screen, and hurriedly shouted excitedly in the direction of the bathroom.

   Knowing that Zhou An'an had gone to Hangzhou, Wang Min took the opportunity to live in his friend's three-bedroom, one-living room house, so as not to squeeze into the single apartment with three roommates.

  Of course, it is unavoidable to help the other party destroy the fruit or something, so as not to spoil it.


  Shi Mingxia, who had just come out of the bathroom with a face mask on, came to the computer and saw the close-up of the camera showing her boyfriend.

   "Hey, isn't that woman the one we met in Yintai last time, what is her name?"

   Seeing the beautiful woman sitting next to Zhou Anan, Wang Min said with some doubts.

   "Wang Xiaoxiao is An An's partner."

   Correcting what his friend said, Shi Mingxia looked at the dazzling woman in a long skirt, and felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

  Perhaps, only in that way can he be worthy of his boyfriend's current achievements.

   "Yes, it's Wang Xiaoxiao, she looks so pretty dressed up like this. I don't know, is that dress expensive?"

   Didn't notice the complex look on his friend's face, Wang Minmin took a look at his friend's pretty clothes.

  As for the deeper things, she didn't think much about it.

   It was Zhou An'an who told them to go to Hangzhou to attend the charity gala, because Shi Mingxia didn't agree to accompany him, and the other party also clearly stated that he would let his partner be his female companion.

   In this regard, Wang Min's evaluation of Zhou An'an is not bad, and he has some trust.

   "You, let's watch TV dramas. It's a charity party, what's so good about it."

  Patting the mask, Shi Mingxia pretended to be relaxed and said something.

"Hmph, I'm not helping you to see your boyfriend. I don't know good people. By the way, your account is VIP. I heard that a few new TV series will be launched at 12 o'clock tonight. Why don't we stay up all night watching dramas together? ?”

   "I don't go to bed so late, it will look different tomorrow."

   "How can it be the same."

  The host on the stage began to introduce the next lot, and felt the gazes around him leave. Zhou Anan, who had never looked at a certain boss, was finally relieved, and he was still in the mood to deal with Pang Dahai next to him.

  At this time, a young male secretary in a black suit came to the front table and whispered something in the ear of a certain middle-aged boss.

  Then, the middle-aged man turned his gaze to the side and rear.

  (end of this chapter)

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