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Chapter 864: It's better to go to a spa if you have time to seize power

  Chapter 864 It’s better to go to a spa if you have time to seize power


   Fortunately, watching the steaks ordered by several people, Qi Baoying silently calculated the price and felt that his small coffers could bear it.

   It was the male student who ordered the set meal with the lowest price, which impressed her.

   Come to a western restaurant to eat a Chinese-style set meal. There is nothing fancy. Saving money is the last word.

   "Teacher Qi, how should we write our graduation thesis?"

   While eating a small pre-dinner snack, Shi Mingxia asked about the direction of his graduation thesis, and Wang Min also looked over with concern.

  For the two girls who experienced graduation thesis design for the first time, they were still a little excited.

  After all, entering the program stage of graduation thesis design means that they are about to end their four-year college career and officially enter the society.

  Like people in an ivory tower, they all look forward to the colorful world outside, and imagine how they can reach the pinnacle of life and live a beautiful and happy life.

  Only those who have been beaten in the society want to go back to the ivory tower without pressure, but unfortunately they can't go back then.

   "In two days, I will send you some papers, each of you choose an English translation of 2000 words"

  Everyone was similar in age, and Qi Baoying didn't have the airs of a tutor, so he introduced the content and precautions of graduation thesis design to a few people.

  Compared to Zhou An'an's ignorance and laziness in his previous life, Shi Mingxia and Shi Mingxia were obviously much more serious, and the questions they asked were quite in place.

   During this lunch, except for Zhou Anan, who has experience, doesn’t care about graduation thesis, and has already acquiesced in postgraduate research, he has been eating seriously. The rest of the three chatted more than eating steak.

   "How much is Box 2?"

  Sneaking out of the private room under the pretext of using the toilet, Qi Baoying came to the front desk to prepare to pay the bill, so as not to let that male student get ahead of him again.

   It is agreed that she will treat her today, no matter how expensive it is, you can't break your promise.

   Otherwise, when the meal should be owed, it is impossible to treat guests in Hangcheng.

   "Hello VIP, Mr. Zhou's VIP card is free and no payment is required."

   Seeing that the other party wanted to pay for box 2, the female cashier explained with a smile.

   "Free for all? Okay, thanks."

  Hearing that there is no need to pay, Qi Baoying was taken aback for a moment, and then he was a little happy with his wallet, but also a little disappointed.

   I didn't expect this male student's VIP level to be so high, and he was free to eat western food, but thinking of Qi Baoying's experience at the golf club last time, he wasn't too surprised.

   It's just that the meal owed to the other party has to be delayed again.

  Why is it so difficult to treat someone to a meal?

"have a good meal."

  Amidst the waiter's greetings, Qi Baoying, who had previously excused himself to go to the bathroom, returned to the box.

   "I'll call the other three to come over later, let's have a small meeting to determine the division of labor."

  When they went downstairs to the parking lot together, Qi Baoying, who was about to get in the car, talked about the first step arrangement.


  Two cars drove back to school one after the other, and the other three girls in the same group were already waiting in Teacher Qi's office.

   The members of the other majors are indeed girls. Zhou Anan has a vague impression, mainly because she is not very pretty, and she can't remember any names.

   This made Zhou Anan feel deeply malicious. If you want to do an experiment for your graduation thesis, you can't let the girl come over to add water in the middle of the night, right? Do you want him to come here alone?

   What a joke.

  If the other girls were prettier, it would be fine if they had boyfriends to do it for them. It is estimated that among the three, there really is no boyfriend.

   Otherwise, why didn't I run errands in my previous life.

   ". The general process is like this. I will appoint a team leader and let him arrange specific things. How about this, let Shi Mingxia be the team leader. Mingxia, you build a TT group, so that everyone can contact. "

  After letting the six people in the same group get to know each other briefly, Qi Baoying talked about the process of the graduation thesis.

  Speaking of the candidate for the group leader, Qi Baoying's eyes lingered for two seconds on the only male student who bowed his head while texting on his mobile phone, and finally chose Shi Mingxia as the group leader.

  She is well aware of the busyness of this male classmate, and her friend Cheng Zhen has repeatedly complained about the number of times the other party has asked for leave in front of her. Seeing that the other party helped her waive the bill today, it is better not to embarrass the other party.


  When he heard that he was asked to be the team leader, Shi Mingxia did not refuse, and readily accepted.

   Throughout the whole process, Zhou Anan was the quietest, and did not communicate with the other three non-major girls at all until the small meeting ended.

   There is no need to get too familiar with female students who are not beautiful.

   Accompanying his girlfriend to finish the two classes in the afternoon, Zhou Anan went to Hangzhou by car.

  Tomorrow is the last day of May, and it is also Saturday, the day when the charity gala will be held.

  Perhaps it was planned for Saturday night out of fear that Sunday would conflict with Children's Day. Zhou An'an, who was sitting in the car, thought about the reason why the organizer decided this day with a wicked sense of humor.

"Have you had dinner?"

  Rushing to the headquarters of the celebrity group, Zhou Anan looked at the time, it was already 6:30 in the afternoon, and casually asked the beautiful secretary who came up to him.

"not yet."

   Regarding this, Huang Ying, who had been prepared for a long time, shook her head.

  Having calculated the itinerary of the big boss, how can Huang Ying eat in advance? This is the caution that a director of the president's office should have.

  If the big boss gets interested and asks her to accompany him for dinner, it will be embarrassing for her not to be able to eat.

   "Then let the restaurant work overtime, let's eat whatever we want."

   Seeing that the beautiful secretary hadn't eaten yet, Zhou Anan made arrangements for dinner.

  No way, tonight at 7:00 and Qi CEO and others set a meeting itinerary, he can't keep others waiting.

  As for meetings during overtime hours, it does not exist for the CEO and others who own shares.

   Originally Zhou Anan wanted to postpone the meeting until Saturday morning, but was persuaded by the CEO.

   Finalized the specific plan tonight, and will hold a meeting with TX, Excalibur Capital and other shareholders tomorrow. The schedule of the CEO is more important than that of the big boss who has given up.

   "The restaurants in our group are open until seven o'clock, and the chef is still not off work. What would you like to eat?"

   "Is there wheat noodle soup?"

   "Yes, I'll let the kitchen arrange it right away."


  After listening to the boss's orders, Huang Ying picked up her mobile phone and called her subordinates.

When Zhou Anan and the others took the elevator to the restaurant on the third floor, in the not so deserted restaurant, some employees who were chatting and having dinner saw the pretty and delicious director of the president's office, and subconsciously slowed down their meals. speed.

   "It seems that your popularity is very good."

   Eating the wheat noodle soup specially made by the chef, Zhou Anan saw a few male employees who hadn't left in the distance, and joked with a smile.

  Of course he doesn't feel that the other party is looking at him, the behind-the-scenes boss who has a very low sense of presence.

  The eyes of those male employees secretly paying attention to them are very similar to the expression he had when he met a beautiful woman in the restaurant in his previous life. He wanted to look but was embarrassed.

   "They may want to wait until seven o'clock to earn overtime pay. I will ask Lao Xu and the others to carefully calculate the overtime pay, so that no one can fish in troubled waters."

   Naturally, she knew that there was no malice in what the big boss said, but Huang Ying must always keep her duties as a director of the president's office and help the big boss look after the family.

   "You should pay attention to the communication with Mr. Qi and the others, and don't cause any conflicts."

   Zhou An'an naturally wouldn't stop this kind of behavior of being responsible for the company, but just gave a little nod to prevent the new director of the president's office from expanding and seizing power.

   "Don't worry, BOSS, I just arrange someone to supervise, and I will definitely not interfere with Mr. Qi's daily affairs."

  Hearing the 'warning' in the big boss's words, Huang Ying immediately made a promise to the big boss.

  She is very satisfied with her current job, with a high salary and leisure, but she doesn't want to be rejected by the big boss because of some power struggle.

   Wouldn’t it be nice to have more spas when you have time? What kind of power do you want?

   "Don't be nervous, I'll just talk casually. Your president's office still needs to do a good job in this supervision."

  Seeing that the beautiful secretary understood what she meant, Zhou Anan smiled and said a few words of relief.

  CEO, CFO, and President's Office, the separation of powers among the three is exactly what he wants to see, so that he, the big boss behind the scenes who usually doesn't care much, can firmly control the situation.


  Suddenly a little confused about what the big boss was thinking, Huang Ying responded quietly with no change.

After a late simple dinner, Zhou Anan came to the small meeting room on the top floor, greeted several high-level officials with a smile, and then went straight to the topic after sitting down: "About the issue of the split of the group, Mr. Qi will talk about the general situation first. idea."

  (end of this chapter)

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