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Chapter 854: What do you think of the scenery of our harbor city?

  Chapter 854 What do you think of the scenery of our port city?


  Jiang Mining, who was sorting out files in the office and fantasizing about where to go on the weekend, heard TT's avatar flashing on the computer, and clicked on it casually.

   "Are you free tonight?"

  In the dialog box that popped up, the note was 'mysterious young rich man'. Jiang Mining recalled for a moment, and her mood instantly became excited. Before she could sit down, she quickly typed and replied: "I'm free."

   This, is she a little too unreserved?

  After calming down a little, Jiang Mining felt that her reply was a little too fast, as if she had been waiting for the other party to send a message.

  Hmph, it's been so long, and it's the first time the other party has sent a message.

  However, she and the other party seem to have only met once, so there is no friendship.

   Besides, it's too late to delete this message.

   "Do you have a Hong Kong and Macau Exit Permit?"

   Unexpectedly, the other party replied quite quickly, and Zhou Anan immediately remembered that the other party did not know if he had a Hong Kong and Macau passport.

  If not, then he doesn't have any suitable candidates.

  There are no fish in the fish pond, which is also a mistake of the man.


  Seeing the messages sent by the other party, Jiang Mining, who would occasionally go shopping in Hong Kong City during holidays, couldn't help but reply to the other party immediately.

   Would you invite her to Hong Kong City for dinner and shopping?

   Is she such a wealthy person that she treats guests as soon as she comes, so will she refuse or agree?

   "There is a dinner in Hong Kong City tonight. I need a female companion, so I think I only know you in Pengcheng. I don't know, does Miss Jiang have time?"

  When he typed these words, Zhou Anan couldn't help but recall the literary young woman he met when he came to Pengcheng for the first time, the woman who made him regret his whole life.

  It's a pity that things are different, and the other party is married and has children abroad.

  Except for the literary young woman who left Pengcheng, in Pengcheng, he really only knew the other girl.

   There is nothing wrong with these words.


   Seeing what the other party said, Jiang Mining couldn't help feeling a little bit more secretly happy and proud.

   "Where is it? When is it more convenient to pick you up?"

  Seeing the other party's thoughtful question, Jiang Mining checked the time, replied to the other party, and then said to the colleague next to her: "Sister Yuan, I have something to do at home temporarily"

   She told the other party that it was 4:30, but she could clock in at 3:20 and get off work at 3:20 because she asked someone else to watch the shift.

  The kind of dinner for the rich requires a female companion, so she can't lose the chain.

  The equipment at the bottom of the box is finally ready for use.


  Easily resolved the choice of female companion for the dinner, Zhou Anan looked at the time, and there was more than an hour before asking the driver to drive to a large shopping mall near the destination.

   Ask for help and always have a gift ready.

   It is also learned to buy gifts for girls.

  For example, today, the girl who had met once, because of the teacher’s status, it is not appropriate to give a bag with a price of more than five figures, and it is not appropriate to give a necklace that cannot be worn at work.

  The four-figure Chanel skin care kit is stylish, but not vulgar, and can make the other party happy.

   Cough, mainly because it is not expensive.


  At the gate of an ordinary neighborhood, Jiang Mining, who was wearing a light green dress, sat in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz S series, received the Chanel logo gift from the other party, and thanked him with a little surprise.

  Mysterious rich man is different. She sells the Chanel skin care set. She is reluctant to buy it even though it is not easy to ask her parents for money.

   "I would also like to thank you for your help. Without you, I would have gone to the banquet alone."

   After taking a close look at the figure and appearance of the female teacher of Pengcheng Primary School, Zhou Anan said politely.

  In terms of appearance and figure alone, the other party is on par with his young lady from Lucheng, and their temperament is somewhat similar. This Miss Jiang is a little sweeter.

  As a female teacher's book fragrance, his beautiful tutor is slightly better. This female elementary school teacher is more inclined to the Internet celebrity he knew in his previous life.

  Of course, this Ms. Jiang's real face value is still very durable, which is much better than those Internet celebrities who have turned on filters, thinned their faces, and slimmed down their bodies many years later.

  Comparing the comprehensive qualities of the three girls in his mind makes it difficult for ordinary people to choose.

  As for the new female secretary who was sitting next to him before, she naturally sat in the Mercedes-Benz at the back, so as not to disturb the mutual understanding between him and his female partner tonight.

   "If it's something like asking me to eat, I can help every day."

  Listening to the other party's gracious words, Jiang Mining said something playfully.

   "That's no problem."

   "Mr. Zhou, who are you going to have dinner with tonight?"

   "Lian Xiongdong of the Lianshi Group in Hong Kong and his wife."

   "Lian... Xiongdong??"

  Jiang Mining, who was a little confident in her outfit today, couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard who she was eating with.

  Peng City and Hong Kong City are separated by a sea, and the wind direction of the international metropolis, Hong Kong City has always been used as the fashion coordinate. Jiang Mining, who often goes to banquets with her little sisters, has never heard of the name of the second son Lian.

  That's the most famous young master in the circle, is this mysterious rich man with such a high status?

  In an instant, the other party's level was in her heart, and it went up several layers.

   "His wife used to be a teacher, you and her should have something to talk about."

   Seeing the shock in the other party's eyes, Zhou An'an smiled and comforted the other party, highlighting the other party's advantages.

  If he was looking for an ordinary female companion, it would be good for him to find Kang Yuying.

   It's just that most men are not willing to mention their women's experience in the entertainment industry, so Kang Yuying's identity is not suitable, and it may not be too late to rush over.


  Nodding foolishly, Jiang Mining came to her senses and shook her head hastily.

  Although she often goes to some banquets with her girlfriends and friends, she basically hangs out around the periphery. She may dream of marrying into a wealthy family, but she has never had contact with a real wealthy family.

  The richest person I have ever come into contact with is the demolition household in Pengcheng, who has obtained tens of millions of assets. On a yacht, she pretends to be a business owner with assets worth hundreds of millions, but a best friend of hers finds out and snatches her away.

   She was really nervous about her sudden contact with the wife of the top son in Hong Kong City, and she didn't have the confidence yet.

   "Don't be nervous, there is no one else, and it is also the first time I have dinner with the other party."

   Patted the other party's plain hand, which had no place to rest, Zhou Anan took out a bottle of Evian mineral water from the small refrigerator in the car and handed it over.

   "Well, then, where are we going to eat?"

   "Yacht, no outsiders, better privacy. What kind of food do you like?"

"I also can."

   "What about normal times?"

   "I prefer braised pork, just to lose weight, so I seldom eat it."

   "No wonder Miss Jiang maintains such a good figure. You girls are really cruel in terms of figure. Like me, I can't control my eating."

   "Why, Mr. Zhou is also in good shape, do you usually exercise?"


   During the ordinary chat between the two, the convoy quickly crossed the sea and arrived at a small port.

   There should have been many yachts parked around, but today it looks very empty, only a large luxury yacht with lights on is parked there.

   "Hahaha, Zhou Sheng, I've heard about your name for a long time, but when I saw it today, I'm sure you're a dragon and a phoenix among people."

Following a middle-aged housekeeper who was waiting there, he walked up to the luxury yacht which occupied a large area. A young beauty with good looks and figure.

   No need to ask, the other party should be the top second-generation Lian Ershao of Hong Kong City and his wife who was once popular in the entertainment industry.

   Praise when you meet, old driver.

   "Mr. Lian has flattered you. Only you and your wife can be called dragons and phoenixes. At best, I can be regarded as a downwinder."

   After shaking hands with the other party, Zhou An'an carefully observed the other party.

  The slightly thin face has sharp edges and corners, and he can be regarded as a little handsome. Under the cover of silver-rimmed glasses, his eyes are piercing and his movements are full of vigor, very successful.

  Besides the aspect of appearance, Zhou An'an, the sword-browed and star-eyed man, feels that he is still comparable. In other aspects, he feels that he needs to learn more.

   "Being famous is worse than meeting each other. I think the two of us must agree."

Letting go of the opponent's hand, Lian Xiongdong took the lead and walked inside with a smile, and introduced his wife by the way: "This is my wife Luo Xin. She has been in the shadow for many years and still wants to play with tickets. Zhou Sheng will take care of her when the time comes." .”

   "Mr. Lian, you are welcome. My girlfriend, Jiang Mining, teaches in Pengcheng."

   After everyone sat down at the dining table, Zhou Anan took the opportunity to introduce his female companion.

   "Oh, my wife also taught dance in elementary school before, they must have something to talk about."

  Hearing the identity of the other party's female companion, Lian Xiongdong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

   This Raptor from the Mainland is also very polite.

  He didn't think that the other party's female companion happened to be a teacher, so she must have inquired about his basic situation.

   What other people said about being rebellious and defiant is just spreading rumors, just to take into account the face of their elites in Hong Kong City.

   Moreover, given the other party's current age and achievements, he does have the qualifications to look down on his peers, and a little arrogance is normal.

   "What school do you teach in Pengcheng?"

   Luo Xin, who seldom spoke, smiled and asked about his female partner after her husband mentioned her, with a gentle and elegant voice.

   "I teach Chinese at Pengcheng** Primary School, Sister Luo, I'm your fan."

   "Oh, have you seen my movie?"

   "Of course, you play..."

  With the words of the two ladies, the atmosphere of the banquet quickly became active. The two chefs with Chinese and Western characteristics made all kinds of delicacies, which made the yacht linger with a mouth-watering aroma.

   After a sumptuous meal, the two ladies entered the small swimming pool in the sea that came with the yacht, and Zhou Anan followed the host to the top floor to enjoy the scenery.

   I have to say that Lian Er Shao deserves to be the second generation at the top of Hong Kong City. The so-called yacht is two sizes larger than ordinary luxury yachts.

  The body is large but not rough, and the unique luxury facilities make people feel the urge to experience it. The yachts that Zhou Anan has been on before are considered pediatrics.

   "Brother Zhou, what do you think of the scenery in our port city?"

  Pointing to the brightly lit international metropolis in the distance, Lian Xiongdong smiled and asked a question without pun.

   Thank you, Shuyou, Hanzi Wudi for your reward!



  (end of this chapter)

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