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Chapter 851: Does mobile phone TT have a future?

  Chapter 851 Is there any prospect for mobile TT?

   "President Qi, what did they say?"

   Without thinking too much about the reasons, Zhou Anan asked the CEO and others about the countermeasures.

  He is not worried about this kind of problem.

  Who’s game has not been advised several times by the superiors. If there is no dissuasion, it means that the game you made has no influence, and the superiors are too lazy to talk to you.

  Just like a TT game, the proposal documents received in one year can be stacked as high as one person, and they are still flourishing and lasting for a long time.

  Well, if you have time, you should pay attention to the stock price of TX. When it falls to a certain level, you can buy the bottom.

   "Boss Qi and the others are going to use the backup template and suspend it for two days in the name of system upgrade. In addition, find someone to make a theme song and MV for "Super Elite" to start a new round of promotional activities"

  Huang Ying, who had been prepared for a long time, reported the response plan of the senior management of the celebrity group in a simple and clear manner.

   At the beginning of the official launch of "Super Elite", there were two different templates. Because of the search for innovation and the evaluation results of many players, the senior management chose a more realistic template screen.

  This move did win the real support of some players, but it was also criticized by some players for complaining that the scene was too real, dissuading a small number of people.

  This rectification is nothing more than bringing up the second alternative, and there is no need to waste too much time updating it.

   "Well, I see."

   Hearing that CEO Qi and the others had already made a decision, Zhou Anan didn't interfere too much.

  As a layman in the IT industry, he interfered too much, which would be counterproductive.

  He is not like some entrepreneurs who are unwilling to delegate power, and finally fell in the brutal market competition.

   Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone else help you make money, why bother doing everything yourself.

   "According to an important message received by the Gangcheng Branch of the Celebrity Group, Lian Xiongdong, the second young master of Lianshi Industrial, would like to invite you to a get-together!"

  After reporting the main incident, Huang Ying talked about another matter.

   "Did the Gangcheng branch receive it?"

   Frowning, Zhou Anan thought for a moment, and then accepted the invitation: "Okay, arrange a dinner."

  Under normal circumstances, when outsiders want to contact him whose itinerary has not been made public, they use the contact information of the Excalibur Guard.

   And the Second Young Master Lian directly contacted the Gangcheng Branch of the Celebrity Group. The implication was thought-provoking.

   It's okay to meet this second young master of Hong Kong City who is married to a certain mainland female star.

   "Our president's office has sent a full-time secretary from Hong Kong back to Hong Kong to help you with Hong Kong-related affairs. He should be at Hong Kong Airport now. Should she contact you proactively, or wait for you to contact her?"

  Director Huang, the new president's office of Celebrity Group, smiled and asked about the needs of the big boss.

   With the expansion of the group's business, she also has subordinates.

  Some less important affairs can be left to the subordinates to do.

  Of course, the big boss's important trips in the mainland must be made by her, the director of the president's office, so as not to know when she will be replaced by someone else.

   "Ask her to contact me."

  Seeing that the beautiful secretary arranged so well, Zhou Anan naturally had nothing to say.

  He may come here a few times this year in Hong Kong City, and he really needs a secretary to help with affairs, at least he can understand the customs here.

  Just like him who was alone for lunch yesterday, he came across two Hong Kong actresses while shopping. The possibility of the next encounter like this is too low.

  Well, of course he is not looking for a company to play with because his career is the most important thing, he just needs a dedicated secretary to follow.


  With the permission of the big boss, Huang Ying immediately contacted the subordinate who had just got off the plane, and gave the boss the private number of the big boss in Hong Kong.


  Gangcheng Airport, a young woman who received the message quickly replied with a text message.

  As a native of Hong Kong City, Shen Junyi, who has fairly average grades, chose Pengcheng University across the sea, regardless of her family’s advice to persuade her to study at Hong Kong City University.

  Pengcheng University is about to graduate, and Shen Junyi, who wants to stay away from the control of her parents, did not return to her hometown in Hong Kong to apply for a job. With her high education and qualifications, she broke through the siege and got a high-potential position as an assistant to the president's office of the celebrity group.

  However, this position with an initial annual salary of more than 150,000 yuan is not as busy as Shen Junyi's impression, and it can even be said to be a little free.

  Because the big president served by their president's office seldom showed up, so she hadn't seen the legendary president for more than two months after joining the company.

  Xiami Dongdong, she actually met that kind of 'president' who doesn't go to court!

   This money is too easy to earn, and it is not too challenging.

   Can't see the president, the promotion space for this position is too small.

   Unexpectedly, relying on her own experience in Hong Kong City, Shen Junyi was sent back to Hong Kong City by Director Huang, who was not inferior to her in appearance and figure, to serve the young president who only existed in legends.

  As soon as she got off the plane, Shen Junyi received a message from her boss, which contained the contact information of the mysterious president.

   Promotion and salary increase are waving to her.

   "Is it Assistant Shen?"

  While Shen Junyi was imagining what the young president looked like, a black Mercedes-Benz S-series sedan stopped in front of her and slowly lowered the driver's window, and the young man in a black suit asked her a question.


   "Get in the car, Mr. Zhou has already gone to Pengcheng, I will take you there to meet him."


   Pengcheng? ? That young president is so good at running?

   No, the young president is indeed busy all the time, no wonder he has no time to go back to the company.

  Until crossing the Hong Kong-Hai Bridge, Shen Junyi, who caught up with a certain Mercedes-Benz convoy, watched the cars in front of him not stop, and continued to contemplate the etiquette of meeting the young president for the first time.

  First impressions are crucial.

"This is the main information of the Lian Group. Tonight, I will have dinner with the second young master of the Lian Group. I will give you half a day to summarize what I need to know, and give me a feasible suggestion for meeting him. "

  Getting off the car at the entrance of a teahouse, Zhou Anan saw the new female secretary sent by the beautiful secretary, and pointed to two stacks of 30 cm high folders in the car and said.

  The figure is not bad, the appearance is not bad, I don’t know how to take off the glasses.

  In general, except that he is a little taller than his girlfriend, the rest is remarkable. It is a bit like the female secretary in the movie of the richest man in a certain city in his previous life.


   Unexpectedly, Shen Junyi, who had the first impression of the mysterious president being so young and steady, heard the other party's order, and quickly responded.

  Looking at the back of the young president walking into the teahouse, and looking at the many folders in the car, Shen Junyi knew that her first important challenge since joining the company had begun.

   "Uncle Mai, eat it so soon, don't wait for me."

   Regardless of the efficiency of the new female secretary, Zhou Anan, who walked into the teahouse box, saw the middle-aged man in his forties who was eating, and joked with a smile.

   It is rare to come to Pengcheng, so he naturally wants to meet the company's important partners.

   "I ate a little bit in the morning. I'm old and I can't afford to be hungry, so I won't wait for you to eat first."

   Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Mai Jiachan poured a cup of tea for the other party with a smile, and a series of movements showed elegance.

   "What's worth Uncle Mai being so busy that he can't even take care of eating."

   After taking a sip of tea, Zhou Anan asked casually.

   "It's about mobile TT. Do you think the mobile version of TT has a future?"

   Everyone is an important partner, and Mai Jiachan didn't hide it, and asked the other party a very professional question.

  (end of this chapter)

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