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Chapter 846: wind and cloud

  Chapter 846 Wind and Cloud

   "Okay, it's time for dinner, let's go."

   Zhou Anan, who was also not prepared to pay attention to this kind of rich second generation, said to the two female artists beside him with the highest level of disdain.

  After being barked by a dog for a while, I can't just yell back at him without thinking.

  For this kind of rich second generation who spend money to make girls their main business, ignoring is the biggest insult.


  Looking at this young rich man from the mainland who didn't change his face in the face of provocation, Liu Ci, who had a lot of affection, tentatively took the other's arm.

  Such a disregard for the other party's demeanor, compared to the swearing and scolding between the rich second generation, is a bit more restrained and indifferent. This is the background that a real nobleman should have.

  Perhaps it was because of meeting this somewhat annoying young master of the Yuan family, Wang Qifeng, who seldom took the initiative, also imitated her friend and took the other arm of the new boss.

  Double beads and jade, compared to the appearance of the other party hugging two tender models, the overall improvement is more than one grade.

   "Brother, from the Mainland?"

  Walking the two girls in his arms, he walked in front of each other, suppressing his anger, Yuan Sishen looked at each other, then looked at the bodyguard following him, and asked a question with a smile.

  This kind of young rich second generation who came to Hong Kong from the mainland and asked bodyguards to accompany them to pretend to be cool. He has met a lot, but he also knows that the other party's money seems to be blown by a strong wind, and he doesn't have much background.

  The century-old family in Gangcheng is the real big family.

  In their circle of young heroes in Hong Kong City, they look down on this kind of rich second generation from the mainland who are proud of their small wealth.

   Unexpectedly, the other party even chased after a familiar girl that he couldn't spend money on before, and even dragged two, it was an insult to their circle of young heroes in Hong Kong City.

   "Is there something wrong?"

   I also didn't expect the two Hong Kong actresses to be so 'gentle and considerate', Zhou An'an enjoyed the bright moment of hugging left and right, and asked coldly.

   Just looking at the opponent's card, it is estimated that it is not a big family.

  Yuan Family? There was no such family in his memory at all.

  The big families in Hong Kong City are not as low-key as in the mainland. Basically, big families with names and surnames will appear on the pages of major newspapers from time to time, especially the entertainment pages.

  Which son's entertainment news appears the most, it reflects the status of the other family in Hong Kong City from the side.

  If there is no entertainment news for a family for a long time, the public will instead suspect that something is wrong with the family, and even cause the stock price of the family's listed company to fall.

   Searching through the memories of more than ten years in his previous life, there is no such thing as the word "Yuan Family", and it is estimated that even the Yun Family he had a crush on last time is not as good as it.

  At least, Yunyuting's Yunsheng Jewelry is quite famous in the mainland, and Huagang Newspaper is even a big player in the industry in Hong Kong City, allowing him to easily earn more than one billion.

   "To save face, give her to me. That sports car is given to you as a gift, and you can choose one of the two."

  He raised his head to signal to Wang Qifeng who was beside him, Yuan Sishen pointed to the blue Lamborghini not far away, and the two girls in his arms, his tone was as flamboyant as ever.

  Hearing this kind of transactional contempt, the eyes of the two young models held in Yuan Shao's arms were sullen, but they didn't show it at all.

  Everyone is talking about money, so there is no need to pretend to be innocent. If this Yuan Shao is annoyed, it will really be impossible to get along in Hong Kong City.

   "I can still afford a car. Besides, I never treat beautiful women as goods, and I have no interest in the two girls around you."

  Looking at the sports car that might be worth several million and the tender model in the arms of the other party, Zhou An'an said a few words with a smile, and continued to walk forward.

   "Brother, if you don't give me Yuansan face, you don't give us Fengyun Club face. Have you thought about the consequences?"

   Didn't make any move to block the other party, Yuan Sishen saw that the negotiation could not be reached, and started a routine threat.

  The other party has bodyguards by his side, and looks stronger than him, so fighting is the lowest choice.

  Using the name of Fengyun Club is enough to scare off this country bumpkin from the mainland.


  Faced with this childlike threat, Zhou Anan didn't pay any attention to it, and continued to bring the two mature beauties into the restaurant, leaving Yuan Sishen standing there in shock.

  Fengyun Club, what stuff?

   I haven't heard of it, so I guess it's not very good.

   Arguing with this rich second generation at the door is a bit too embarrassing, and it doesn't fit his low-key and restrained temperament.

   "Mr. Zhou, that Fengyun club was founded by the second youngest of the Li family. Many rich second generations in our Hong Kong city are members of the club. Don't be tricked by villains."

   When walking into the elevator, Liu Ci, who didn't let go of the opponent's arm, reminded the new boss with a little worry.

  Just one Yuan family, she is not worried that the new boss will not be able to deal with it, but Fengyun Club is not a small club.

  That can be called the two rich clubs together with the Hong Kong City Elite Club, claiming to be able to influence the economic direction of Hong Kong City, and the energy contained in it is extremely huge.

  Even among the female artists in Hong Kong City, they are proud to be in the circle of the two clubs.

   "That's quite exciting."

   Smiled, Zhou Anan didn't care at all on his face, but secretly raised his vigilance in his heart.

   After all, he is alone in Hong Kong City, so he still has to be careful of the so-called 'traps', but on the surface, there is no need to worry too much.

   When he returns to the mainland, that will be his home court. Many so-called small families here in Hong Kong City have little influence.

   On the other hand, the second youngest of the Li family, the founder of the club, presumably with the huge name of the Li family who was once the richest man in China, would not make a move for such a small rich second generation.

   "I'm sorry to bother Mr. Zhou."

  Wait until the friend finished speaking, Wang Qifeng apologized a little embarrassedly, and wanted to withdraw her arm but found that it was stopped by the other party's strength, and it was difficult to force it back.

   "It is my honor to solve the trouble for Miss Wang."

   Without letting the opponent's arm leave, Zhou Anan said with a smile.

   Not to mention, Ruowu Ruowu told him that this female star who was famous for her peerless long legs at the end of the last century was not weak in some ways.


  Hearing this rather common compliment, Wang Qifeng felt a slight ripple in her heart after being lonely for a long time.

  For more than ten years since entering the entertainment circle, Wang Qifeng has heard countless words of compliments from men, but she has an inexplicable feeling about the identity and age of the man.

   Could this be the special mentality of women over thirty?

  Han and Tang Linjiangju mainly serves Cantonese cuisine, and also serves Jianghui cuisine, which is a bit sweet, but the taste made by the master chef here is sweet but not greasy, with moderate saltiness.

  If it wasn’t for the company of beauties and celebrities, and the view of the port city from the window, Zhou An’an really felt that the four-digit price was not in line with the three-star Michelin logo.

   "Worriless, how long will you be in Hong Kong City this time?"

  On a private luxury yacht in the harbor city bay, a handsome young man with glasses who was about twenty-six or seventeen smiled and asked a young man next to him who was a little less interesting than him.

   "About two days."

   Shaking the red wine glass in his hand, Jing Wuyou unconsciously moved his arm around the popular actress in the second-tier port city next to him, and the corners of his mouth raised to express his inner joy.

The "Liulu milk powder" incident that had been raging at first did not affect the negotiations between Qinghai Investment and foreign milk companies. Jing Wuyou, who expected to make a fortune from it, came to Hong Kong City, planning to take advantage of the downturn in the stock market to acquire a suitable listed company. The company later let its Wuyou Technology go public through a backdoor.

  Of course, first acquire the controlling stake in the listed company, and wait for the stock market to recover before Wuyou Technology goes public.

   "So urgent, Luo Luo and I will get engaged in three days, and I want to invite you to the banquet."

  After listening to the other party's answer, Li Youcang tenderly looked at the girlfriend next to him.

   "Oh, then I want to join in the fun."

   Unexpectedly, the second youngest of the Li family would have **** with this female star, so Jing Wuyou changed his itinerary with great interest.


   At this time, the mobile phone on the table vibrated, and Liang Jingluo next to her picked it up and handed it to her fiancé.

   "Ha, it's better to come early than coincidentally. Today, a boy in my club made an interesting bet. Let's go and have a look."

   After reading the message, Li Youcang smiled and said to this mainland friend.

  (end of this chapter)

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