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Chapter 820: parking...

  Chapter 820 Parking

  Listening to Fei Meizi's description, Zhou An'an's face slowly darkened.

  In his previous life, he had seen some restaurant waiters talking about customers behind their backs on the Internet, and even had someone arrange a video to make a real beating, but he didn't expect that he would encounter it in this life, and it was still in the top restaurant in this magic city.

  The quality of the waiters in the so-called top restaurants is nothing more than that.

   "Call your manager over here."

   After pressing the call button, Zhou Anan soon saw the young female manager in purple cheongsam.

   "Sir, what orders do you have?"

  Suddenly called by this senior VIP customer, the female manager didn't know what made the other party dissatisfied.

   For simple ordering, the waiter at the door will help you at any time, so you don't need to call her the manager.

"When my sister and the others were going to the bathroom, I happened to hear your waiter talking about my order of rice. I called you here to explain to you that I specially asked for rice. The food tastes good and the quantity is also good. It's enough, it's just that I don't eat rice for dinner, I really don't feel full, I hope you don't misunderstand my sister and the little girls."

  Did not fly into a rage, nor did he criticize Huai, Zhou Anan said a few words to the other party in a calm tone, and there was also affirmation of the quality of Hongyujing's food in his words.

   "I'm sorry, sir, it must be that we have not done enough to improve the quality of employees. I am here to apologize to you and several distinguished guests."

  Hearing what the other party said, the female manager, who was thinking clearly for a moment, screamed inwardly that something was wrong, and quickly apologized.

  She wouldn't think that the other party was just stating a fact and praising the quality of their restaurant's food by the way.

  When she received a call from Hantang Yipin's highest-level personal butler, the female manager fell in love with her.

  VIP users who can own top mansions in Shanghai, their circle of friends are all potential customers of their restaurants. If they are not handled properly, it is likely to affect the reputation and future development of the entire restaurant.

  You know, Hongyujing is not the only high-end restaurant in Shanghai.

  In the catering industry, there are many lessons learned from the overturning of word-of-mouth overnight.

   "You don't need to apologize to me, I just explain to you. Now that it's clear, you can go."

   Did not accept the other party's verbal apology, Zhou Anan smiled and asked the person to leave.

   "Sir, we are very sorry for this. Please wait a moment, we will definitely give you a satisfactory reply."

  The calmer the other party's words were, the more the female manager felt something was wrong in her heart, and she quickly backed out after apologizing.

  It's okay if the other party is furious, at least there is room for communication.

  Once the mind is calm, it means that the other party has the final result in mind.

   It is necessary to calm the other party's anger as soon as possible.

   "Brother-in-law, you let her go like this?"

  Seeing the female manager leave, Li Yiyi asked curiously.

  Before, her brother-in-law completely took over the matter of ordering rice, which gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

   It's just that seeing the nervous and worried look of the female manager, the brother-in-law who had the upper hand let it go lightly.

   Such an apology felt a little less sincere, and she still felt a little uncomfortable.

  But the brother-in-law is so easy-going and looks so handsome, and her sister's vision and luck are really great.

   "Coco, what do you think?"

   Facing the question from the school belle sister, Zhou Anan, who didn't answer directly, turned his attention to Jin Meizi next to him.

"Brother Zhou's calm attitude will actually make the other party feel more nervous. A top-notch restaurant like theirs will never allow any negative reviews to appear in the circle of high-end people, or the result will go downhill or even close down. Therefore, they will show their utmost sincerity to apologize to Brother Zhou. Brother Zhou, do you think what I said is right?"

   After thinking for two seconds, Jin Ke expressed his opinion.

  The way this roommate and brother-in-law deal with the problem makes people feel a little fascinated.

   She has personally experienced such an attitude and means of facing things, and she has a sense of security.

  The kind of person who is incompetent and furious is not only useless, but also makes people feel that the quality is poor.

  Of course, everything is based on the status of the roommate's brother-in-law.


  Hearing the analysis of this golden girl, Zhou Anan felt that it was very accurate.

   As expected of being from a good family background, he is good at observing people and can analyze things. After entering the entertainment industry, he doesn't have to worry about interpersonal problems.

  It's a pity that the opponent's star fortune may not be very good.

  Many resources piled up blockbuster films that were neither well received nor popular. The only one with most positive reviews was probably the "Glory of the Tang Dynasty". Zhou An'an, who was busy with his career, only rarely watched the synopsis and the first few episodes.

   "I see. Brother-in-law, you are really amazing."

   After understanding for a few seconds, Li Yiyi gave her brother-in-law a thumbs up, and the other two women also looked at their roommate's brother-in-law with little stars.

   "Come in."

  As Zhou Anan expected, but two minutes later, the manager in purple cheongsam knocked on the door, followed by two waitresses in blue cheongsam.

   No need to guess, these two should be the waitress who secretly laughed behind their backs earlier.

  The appearance is fairly average, and the figure is also average. The appearance of wearing a cheongsam may become the 'dream' object of some otaku.

  But in Zhou Anan's view, they are just better than being young.

  Not to mention the beauties and entertainers he had exchanged with in life, even the four girls beside him could instantly kill each other in a cheongsam.

   "Sir, we have educated and punished them about the previous incident. They also realized their mistakes and came here to apologize to you and the distinguished guests."

  The attitude of the female manager is still so sincere, and she is still so prominent when she bends down to salute.

   "Several distinguished guests, I'm sorry."

  After the female manager finished speaking, the two blue cheongsam waitresses who stood there nervously apologized quickly.

   Not much to say, but the sincerity of bowing down and saluting is not bad.

   "Forget it, I won't pursue this matter any more."

   Didn't say anything else, Zhou Anan let the matter go.

"In order to express our apologies, you should have been exempted from this consumption. It's just that Mr. Jin has already paid for the consumption of your box in advance, so our hotel has specially prepared a consumption card for you and several VIPs. This card There is an unlimited consumption quota of 100,000, please accept our hotel's sincere apology."

  Handing over a golden consumption card with both hands, the female manager was afraid that the other party would reject it.

   "What do you guys think?"

   I didn't expect Jin Meizi's cousin to settle the bill in advance, and he didn't expect the other party to be so generous that he directly gave 100,000 consumption credits. Zhou Anan smiled and asked the girls next to him.

  The right to decide was transferred to Li Yiyi, who was looking directly at Zhou Anan. The female manager and the two waitresses glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes, waiting for the final verdict.

   "Brother-in-law, why don't we forgive them."

  Looking at the other party coming to apologize twice, Li Yiyi, who felt uncomfortable and mostly disappeared, advised her, but the other three women were a bit uncomfortable to express their opinions.

   Besides, judging by the appearance of the two waitresses, they no longer had the complacency they had when they were gossiping behind their backs, and the appearance of bowing their heads in apology looked a little pitiful.

  Perhaps, their unforgiveness will cause the other party to lose the job.

   "Since my sister said she forgives, that's it."

  After listening to the opinion of the school belle, Zhou Anan took the consumption card and handed it to the school belle: "This card is for you. I will bring my classmates over for dinner when I have time."

   "Thank you brother-in-law."

  Gladly took the 100,000 gold card, Li Yiyi thanked her sweetly.

   "Then I won't disturb the dining of several distinguished guests."

  Seeing that the other party accepted the consumption card, the female manager felt relieved.

  At least what the distinguished guest told his sister-in-law proved that they, Hong Yujing, hadn't been blacklisted by the other party, and the hotel's reputation crisis was over.

  It can't be done again. After this incident, the female manager decided that after going back, she must strengthen the quality management of service personnel, so that such incidents must never happen again.

   "Okay, we're almost done eating. I asked someone to arrange a yacht, and let's go see the night view of Shanghai."

  The red wine bottomed out. After drinking two glasses, Zhou Anan felt a little hot on his face, but his mind was still clear.


  Hearing that it was a night cruise on the Huangpu River on a yacht, the girls nodded excitedly.

  Bringing four rosy-faced girls, Zhou Anan got into the Mercedes-Benz RV specially arranged by the housekeeper and went to the location of the yacht.

  He is not good at driving after drinking. Both Maserati and Phaeton are crowded.

  On the road, Zhou Anan, who was a little hot-faced, opened the window to let the late spring night wind blow in, sober and sober.

   "Write poetry for you, stand still for you, do the impossible for you."

  The Mercedes-Benz RV was slowly driving on the road by the river. Zhou Anan heard the singing, and subconsciously looked at a mobile female singer who was performing on the roadside, and saw a somewhat familiar face.


  (end of this chapter)

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