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Chapter 815: at any cost

  Chapter 815 At any cost

   "Dahe, what's the plan?"

  Of course he would not answer how many times he had just chatted with a certain beautiful artist with a good figure, Zhou Anan asked back.

   "I made a game tonight, do you have time to come over and play?"

   "No, I have something to do, I'm not in Hangcheng tonight."

  Buddhism time is coming, Zhou Anan must have a good rest tonight.

   As for Feng Erdai's game, young models are naturally indispensable.

   Just looking at it but not eating it is simply an insult to thousands of dicks.

   Therefore, Zhou Anan, who could not turn a blind eye, felt that refusing to participate was the best choice.

   out of sight, is fine.

"Okay, let me tell you something again. A few of us chatted casually while playing golf today, and we plan to jointly open a chain hotel with a four-star rating or higher. When we go out for a trip, we can stay in our own hotel. You Are you interested?"

   It was the first time, and Feng He, who was rejected for the second time, was not too surprised, and directly talked about the topic that was discussed during the chat today.

  If they can really open a four-star chain hotel, then their club is really awesome.

  The most important thing is that he is not very satisfied with the dishes of his own Qianbao Hotel, and he is going to start anew to create a chain hotel with a better reputation.

   "Opening a hotel? I'm not interested in this industry for now."

  Hearing the other party talk about the idea of ​​opening a hotel, Zhou Anan immediately remembered an interesting incident he saw on a certain entertainment news in his previous life.

  Feng Erdai once went to stay in a hotel owned by himself, but the experience was extremely bad, so he directly posted on Weibo that "the most regrettable thing in this life is to open a ** hotel".

   It rushed to the top of the hot search list in a short period of time, and the limelight was the same for a while.

  Although I don't know if it's an alternative publicity, Zhou An'an doesn't have much feeling for the chain hotel that pays back very slowly.

  Has that fund, isn’t it good for him to buy more TX stocks?

   "Well, I see, let's drink together next time."

   There was no meaning of reluctance, Feng He hung up the phone simply after chatting for a few words.

  Don't think about any investment matters, Zhou An'an took a nap for a while with the soft girl Jinxi in her arms.

   When Zhou Anan woke up, it was already half past six in the evening, and the girl in his arms was still deeply asleep.

   "Restaurant? Deliver it to me."

   After ordering dinner, Zhou Anan walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

   After he came out of the wash, he sat in the living room and read the newspaper news for more than ten minutes, when the doorbell rang, and two waiters walked in with a dining cart.

   "Is this from the hotel?"

  Yang Jinxi, who just woke up and was wearing a nightgown, walked out of the bedroom and smelled a faint smell of food. Following the smell, she walked to the restaurant, sat next to the boss's lover and asked a question.

  Eight dishes and one soup, the taste is not bad.

   I didn't expect the big hotel here in Kuaiji, which was a little surprising.

  In comparison, the three-star hotel where her crew stayed was a bit dwarfed by comparison.

   "I was just about to call you. The food has just arrived. Let's eat it while it's hot."

  Holding Jinxi's slender waist, Zhou Anan said with a smile.


   Accompanied sister Jinxi for dinner, Zhou Anan didn't stay long, and rushed back to Lucheng overnight.

  For Zhou Anan, who has nothing to worry about, the campus life is dull and pleasant, and a week passes by counting fingers.

  Perhaps it was because of repeated attempts that had no effect, and there were no more moths in the Yu family's big house, but Zhou An'an would not easily forget the trouble Ruan Chenghai brought to him.

  At this time, Xia Qiudong, who had returned from inspecting a milk powder company in Australia, non-stop reported to Boss Zhou the important news of an investment company that he had been paying attention to.

  "Qinghai Investment has acquired 30% of the equity of Liulu Milk Powder, and it is suspected that it will resell it to foreign milk powder companies at a high price."

   "Thirty percent equity?"

  Hearing the news delivered by Xia Qiudong face to face, Zhou An'an couldn't help but take a deep breath.

  He paid a little attention to it before. As the current leader of domestic milk powder companies, the market valuation of Liulu milk powder is more than 20 billion.

   Even if it is underestimated, 30% of the equity will cost four to five billion.

  Great work.

  The other party acquired the equity of Liulu Milk Powder and then sold it to a foreign milk powder company. Zhou Anan, who had a general understanding of Qinghai Investment, was not too surprised.

  Qinghai Investment, which made its fortune by reselling the shares of domestic private enterprises, is best at buying shares of domestic companies at low prices, and then selling them to foreign companies at high prices, earning a huge price difference from it.

  Investing in Qinghai is just a middleman earning the price difference, absolutely not self-management, making money is so easy.

   "We have no way to find out the specific transaction amount for the time being."

   Regarding this point, Xia Qiudong is also a little helpless.

   It was because Qinghai Investment and Liulu Group’s senior management were too secretive, and his informants had no way of knowing the specific transaction amount.

   "No need for this, do you have any clues about the case information I have collected?"

  Didn't care about the amount of the transaction, Zhou Anan focused on asking about another thing he had asked before.

  After learning that Qinghai Investment intends to acquire the shares of Liulu Milk Powder, Zhou Anan asked Xia Qiudong to collect some things.

   "I have collected 18 cases of infantile stones that you brought me to pay attention to, and they come from several provinces."

   Xia Qiudong was a little confused about the strange request of the big boss, but he let his subordinates fulfill it without any discount.

   However, while he was briefly introducing the case, his hands trembling while looking at the information.

  He didn't pay attention to other things, but 80% to 90% of the case information introductions contain four words.

  'Liulu Milk Powder'.

   "You also found out? I saw a post from a netizen on Tieba earlier. His little nephew died of stones less than a year after he was born."

  Noticing Xia Qiudong's expression, Zhou Anan made up a half-truth and half-fake story.

  In my previous life, as an amateur street writer, it was easy to write a short story. I am an old driver.

  The "Liulu milk powder" incident that will break out this year, even Zhou Anan, an outsider who doesn't drink milk powder and has no children, knows something about it. After all, his female classmates have personal experience of buying Liulu milk powder.

In order to occasionally chat with female classmates, he went to the Internet to check the information when he was bored afterwards. He knew that there were many infant cases in the months before the Liulu milk powder incident broke out, but no one contacted them. stand up.

   Now, it happened that Qinghai Investment had a big business, Zhou Anan decided to let Mr. Ruan taste what is meant by 'big loss' and what is meant by 'loss from the sky'.

  By the way, it can also better save some infants and young children, and accumulate virtue for the children that may appear in the future.

   Killing two birds with one stone, it couldn't be better.

   "Mr. Zhou, if this kind of thing is true, it would be shocking. How many babies in the whole country grew up on Liulu milk powder?"

  The words of the big boss confirmed his guess. Xia Qiudong, who was extremely shocked, said indignantly that he wished to spread this news to parents all over the country immediately.

   "Mr. Xia, don't get excited, this is just my guess. Next, you need to collect more cases as soon as possible, and find a way to get milk powder samples from the families where these cases are located."

   First comforting Mr. Xia who was a little excited, Zhou Anan let the other party continue to do enough work.

  Since you want to make a move, you need to strike with thunder, and don't give the opponent any chance to stand up.

   It is estimated that Mr. Xia still doesn't know that the Liulu milk powder incident will affect the entire milk powder industry in China, causing the Chinese people to completely lose confidence in domestic milk powder companies.

  After that, foreign milk powder companies took the opportunity to occupy the domestic milk powder market, and then took the lead by a long way.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, I have a duty to do this. Today I will contact my colleagues and friends from all over the world, and I will complete your request as quickly as possible at any cost. I will not charge any fees for this commission."

  As an upright and promising youth in China, Xia Qiudong vowed.

   "I believe in Mr. Xia's ability, but I still have to give you the fee. Let me tell you something, this is my entrustment to you."

   Zhou An'an, who is now worth a lot of money, will naturally not let the other party pay for his work. After all, his ultimate goal is to fight against the dog-legged forces on the side of the Yu family.

   "Okay. Mr. Zhou, over there at the 611 convenience store."

   After calming down, Xia Qiudong remembered his mission, and then reported the specific information about Qinghai Investment's acquisition of 611 convenience stores.

"Well, let's put the information on the 611 convenience store first, and focus on Liulu milk powder. Of course, the milk powder company in Australia will be confirmed as soon as possible. Then I will lower the price to fill the vacancy of domestic cheap milk powder. .”

  (end of this chapter)

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