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Chapter 811: 'Lizhou Andy' is very self-aware

  Chapter 811 "Lizhou Huazi" is very self-aware

  In order to demonstrate the aggressiveness of the Datang Club, Feng He, as the founder, donated the top three floors of a Qianbao Building located in Shanghai, as the venue for the club’s daily activities.

  Follow-up, the three-story building will be remodeled in an all-round way, with an estimated investment of 50 million yuan.

  Therefore, each of the 20 members present had to pay a membership fee of 500,000 yuan. After that, the veteran-level members were exempted from the annual fee, and the annual fee for the rest started at 300,000 yuan.

   New members after    need to be invited by a senior member of the first rank or invited by two members of the second rank to join the club, and the annual fee is 1 million.

  By the way, in order to highlight the uniqueness of the Datang Club, Feng He established a nine-rank membership hierarchy modeled on the official ranks of the Tang Dynasty, from the lowest nine-rank ordinary member to the highest first-rank veteran member.

  The members who came here today all started at the second rank, and the five veterans are directly at the first rank.

  The judging standard seems to be that the father's worth exceeds 10 billion, and if it is less than 10 billion, he can only be ranked second. This is thanks to the newly established club.

  According to the statement of the founder Feng Erdai, new members who join in the future, even if they are worth more than 5 billion, have to start from the fifth rank and upgrade their level based on their contribution to the club.

"I think…"

  Feng's second generation had just finished speaking, and Zhang Heshan, the second female generation, made some constructive suggestions.

  The rest of the first-rank elders also spoke up to show their presence. Only Zhou Anan, who is a Buddhist, sat there and just echoed the opinions of others.

   Be low-key and low-key when doing things.

  Anyway, it’s just a club member. It’s best to share resources with someone, and don’t force it without him.

   To be honest, Zhou Anan felt a little ashamed of the ninth-rank membership system established by Feng Erdai, it was too pretentious.

  However, as a top first-rank qualification, he was inexplicably a little bit elated.

   "Okay, then I'll ask someone to come up with a simple charter. It's almost dinner time, let's chat while eating."

   After everyone had finished their opinions, Feng Erdai asked everyone to go to the restaurant to eat.

   It is not a formal organization. The rules and regulations are for the benefit of everyone, so there is no need to be so formal and rigorous.

  For the club’s first gathering, Erdai Feng asked people to vacate the restaurant of the golf club, set up a buffet, and specially called in two chefs of Chinese and Western food.

   In Zhou Anan's words, rich and willful.

   "President Zhou."

   Zhou Anan, who was picking up a big lobster, heard a shout, and turned around to see a young man in white casual clothes.

   "President Xu."

   Zhou Anan paid special attention to the young owner of the Star Group, after all, where the other party's net worth is.

  Before, he was still thinking about finding a relationship with the other party, but he didn't expect that with the help of others, he would meet the party today. The world is really amazing.

   "The previous cooperation with Blue Whale Entertainment was stranded. On behalf of Xingxing, I would like to apologize to you."

   Speaking of his company's temporary repentance due to some external factors, Xu Letian expressed his apology with frank sincerity on his face.

  Although Feng He only introduced the identity of the founder of the other party's celebrity group, the limited senior executives of the Star Group also know the identity of the major shareholders of Blue Whale Entertainment.

   "President Xu, you're being polite. In matters like cooperation, we should pay attention to your wishes. As long as the agreement is not signed, it is wrong for neither party to withdraw."

   Regarding the temporary repentance of the Star Group, Zhou Anan, who knows the inside story, can understand the other party's actions, but he is always a little upset.

  Because someone took action to suppress it is one thing, but it is another thing when the other party backs down.

  Anyway, everyone is not familiar with it, so there is no need to be arrogant. People are creatures that hold grudges.

   Given the opportunity to express his anger, Zhou Anan felt that he would definitely not miss it.

   Of course, these things have nothing to do with his acquisition of the private high school under the stellar banner.

   "Mr. Zhou doesn't mind, that would be the best. Hangcheng Yuren High School under our group can offer another 20 million discount."

   Seeing that the other party didn't mind, Xu Letian saved 20 million for the other party as soon as he opened his mouth.


  Sure enough, the rich second generation of this kind of background are not good for money, and they are very talented in making money.

   Originally, Zhou An'an was still thinking that the other party might not be very clear about his cooperation with Ye Huai'an in acquiring Yuren High School. Who would have thought that a rich second generation with a big family and business would pay attention to such things.

  However, considering Ye Huai'an's age, Zhou An'an felt that it was normal for the two to know each other.

  Showing a sincere smile, Zhou Anan took a glass of juice and touched the other party: "Thank you, Mr. Xu."

  He originally wanted to call him 'Brother Xu', but he thought it was too snobbish.

  At any rate, he is worth tens of billions, but it is a bit shameless to change his name to brother because of 20 million.


   After clinking glasses with the other party, Xu Letian chatted casually and then went to chat with others.

  Everyone is an adult, it takes time to turn a war into a friendship, and it is impossible to really settle down and quickly become good friends. At best, they will not develop in the direction of becoming enemies for the time being.

   What's more, the fields they are involved in do not overlap too much. If there are really mutually beneficial projects, it will not be too late to become friends again.

   "Mr. Zhou seems to be very familiar with Xu Letian."

  Just as he took a pile of food and sat down to eat, Zhou Anan heard a slightly magnetic female voice next to him, and turned around to see a capable and dignified beauty standing within two meters with a dinner plate.

   "I didn't expect that Sister Zhong would care about me, an ordinary person like me."

  Compared to the previous second-generation Xu who had no grievances, Zhou Anan was very polite to this long-known beautiful second-generation girl, and specially put down the prawn that was about to enter his mouth.

   If he remembers correctly, the father of this second-generation woman will win the throne of China's richest man several times in a row in the next few years.

  I still remember that when Zhou Anan was working as a temporary worker, he was attracted by an exaggerated headline news.

   It was the family history of the richest man who sold bottled water, and the second-generation beautiful female worth tens of billions, that made him and his colleagues in the office marvel that marrying each other would save at least ten lifetimes of struggle.

  In recent years, the big brother in the bottled beverage market is unmatched.

  Therefore, when Ms. Yu mentioned that Wachacha Group was going to acquire her bottled beverage business, Zhou Anan had no objection.

  If the bottled beverage company, which has made a good comeback with its packaging, is not acquired, it is likely to face the copying attack of the Wachacha Group, and it will be worthless at that time.

  While the baby is just looking for a good price, hello, hello, hello everyone.

   "If Zhou Xiaodi is considered mediocre, there is no other man present who can be called good."

  Hearing the other party's modest words, Zhong Yunli, who sat directly opposite and put down the dinner plate, smiled slightly, she was quite satisfied with the other party's address.

  This young man is much more interesting than she imagined.

   "Sister Zhong's food intake is a bit low, are you taking care of yourself recently?"

  Looking at the few vegetable foods and a small bowl of millet porridge on the other party's plate, Zhou Anan asked after eating two mouthfuls.

   In comparison, the food in front of him was a bit much.

  With the other person's slender body, it is definitely inappropriate to ask about weight loss. The concept of keeping in good health that has recently emerged is quite practical.

   "Do you think I'm about to reach the age of self-cultivation? Do I have wrinkles?"

   Touching the corners of his eyes, Zhong Yunli asked worriedly.

  “.No wrinkles.”

   Startled by the other party's inexplicable showman's upper body, Zhou An'an didn't know how to respond.

  A dignified second-generation female who is worth tens of billions, why is she not at all stable.

   Not to mention, this is a little more cute.

   "I was almost scared by you. I eat less because I am afraid of getting fat."

   After glaring at the other party, Zhong Yunli talked about the reason why he ate less.

   "Sister Zhong usually has a lot of work. If you eat less, you should pay attention to your body."

   "Are you teaching me the concept of self-cultivation?"

   "Well, I don't know much about self-cultivation."

   Signaling the huge seafood on his plate, Zhou Anan will not treat his stomach badly because of some **** nutrition concepts.

  Life lies in exercise. As long as you keep enough exercise in the evening and morning, you will naturally not be afraid of getting fat, and you don’t have to worry about the short life.

   "I really envy you, you are not afraid of getting fat after eating."

  Looking at the other party's unscrupulous eating, Zhong Yunli said with some envy.

  Counting it all together, among the young talents she knew, the figure of the other party could be considered above average.

   "Miss Zhong, do you need me?"

  Noticing the vaguely betting gazes of others, Zhou Anan decided to get straight to the point.

  He doesn't think that his ordinary "Lizhou Huazi" can be so handsome that the other party will take the initiative to send him to the door. To be a person, one must be self-aware.

  (end of this chapter)

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