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Chapter 808: "Umbrella in the Rain" Ms. Song Er

  Chapter 808 "Umbrella in the Rain" Second Miss Song


   Regarding this question, Song Qingshu said without hesitation.

   "Okay, boss, two bowls of soy milk, one bowl of sweet and one bowl of salty. Two pancakes with deep-fried dough sticks, for those who want meat, two drawers of Xiaolongbao and two deep-fried rice dumplings."

  After hearing Miss Song Er's words, Zhou Anan quickly ordered a bunch of breakfasts, without any intention of consulting the other party.

   Woman, please stay away from ordering.

  After the waiter who ordered the order left, Zhou Anan noticed the disgusted eyes of Miss Song Er on the opposite side, and asked with a smile: "Why, can't you eat?"


  Shaking his head, Song Qingshu didn't feel strange because the other party ordered too many things, but felt that the other party's initiative to wipe the table was a bit more gentlemanly.

"what is that?"

   "Salty soy milk is heresy."


   Instead of arguing with Miss Song Er about the advantages of sweet party and salty party, Zhou Anan gestured with his eyes to the two bowls of soy milk that were brought to the table.

  Looking at the appearance, the salty soy milk wins.

   Mustard mustard, shrimp skin, fried dough sticks, shallots, seasoned with soy sauce, with the aroma of bean curd, it looks very appetizing.

  Based on this point, this store is worthy of being a time-honored brand for many years.

   Compared with his salty soy milk, although the bowl of sweet soy milk smells sweeter, it is rather monotonous.

  He can drink sweet soy milk, but if he wants to eat more, salty soy milk is more appetizing.


  Looking at the other party's salty soy milk, Song Qingshu muttered unconvinced, took a sip of his own sweet soy milk, and squinted his eyes in satisfaction.

   Sure enough, sweet soy milk is her favorite.

   "Dead duck. Swan has a hard mouth."

   After taking a sip of the delicious salty soy milk, Zhou Anan retaliated **** for tat.

  Anyway, he is not going to talk about life with the other party, so why hold back his temper and spoil the other party.

   Inviting a guest and being picked and picked by others, who has such a good temper early in the morning.

"What did you say?"

   Song Qingshu, who ate a small steamed bun, glared at the other party.

   "I said the white swan is not as beautiful as you."

  Recalling the export resources held by the other party, Zhou Anan went against his will and flattered the other party.

  There is nothing more important than making money.

   A few good words at best, nothing to lose.

  Manly man, able to bend and stretch, not ashamed.

   "Hmph, the man is duplicity."

   Seeing the other party change his words, Song Qingshu didn't expose the other party, and happily ate the breakfast that tasted pretty good.

   Not to mention, other things tasted pretty good, which whetted her appetite.


   If you can't bear it a little, you will make a big conspiracy, I will bear it.

  Resisting his urge to hate others, Zhou Anan accompanied Miss Song Er to finish breakfast with a smiling face.

   "Shall we go have some morning tea?!"

   After Second Miss Song put down her chopsticks, Zhou Anan made a suggestion.

  Although this eldest lady has a mediocre temper, her appearance and figure can be regarded as pretty and delicious, so she wiped out all the food with her.

  There are also those greasy uncles next to them and the middle-aged and young people who are rushing to work. Their eyes are really not afraid of cross-eyed, which is considered hard work.

   "Okay. Ah."

   Burped in satisfaction, Song Qingshu expressed satisfaction with today's breakfast, but she would not thank him.

  From this year to now, she has never had such a full breakfast.

  Hmph, it's because the stinky man on the opposite side ate too much, which whetted her appetite.

  However, this looks pretty good.

  Since Miss Song Er is invited to have breakfast, she must get a professional tea house.

   Whether it is expensive or not is second, the most important thing is to be formal.

  For example, there must be storytellers and tea masters.

  Of course, once the artistic conception is established, so is the price.

   "Ms. Song is going to handle it herself, or introduce someone else."

   After drinking the tea made by the plain-looking but good-looking tea artist, Zhou Anan smiled and asked about the business.

  He is a little curious. The Song family, who has initially been involved in the film and television industry, can really get export channels?

  Even though the Song family is an established family with deep roots, it doesn't mean that they can get the right to speak in any field.

   No matter how powerful the family is, there are some people who will not buy it.

  The Song family in Shuzhong, the premise is that it is in Shuzhong.

   "Your company's two films are packaged and sold to me, that's fine."

   Speaking of business, Song Qingshu didn't continue to joke, and replied with a straight face.

   "What about the price?"


"Well enough."

  Hearing the quotation from the other party, Zhou Anan remembered the data reported by the beautiful secretary before, and compared it, he didn't think it was outrageous.

  The original exporter’s estimated package price for the two emotional urban films "If You Are the One" and "Predecessor" is about 25 million.

  At this time, the other party cut 5 million, which is not considered a robbery.

   After all, several powerful exporters have been scared away by the name of the big house of the Yu family, and no one will take over for a while.

   As for Blue Whale Entertainment, the 20 million is considered an additional net income.

   "However, I can increase to 28 million acquisitions."

   Seeing that the other party did not counter-offer, Song Qingshu, who was in a good mood, added another sentence.

  It is comfortable to discuss business with such a young boss who understands the situation.

   "What condition?"

   Not being stunned by the other party's 8 million price increase, Zhou An'an asked the other party's conditions while drinking tea.

  There is no love for no reason in the world, and there must be something to ask for under the ceremony. He doesn't think he is handsome enough to make a beauty pay 8 million, but it is normal to pay 500,000.

   "I want the export agency rights of all TV series produced by Blue Whale Entertainment this year."


  Hearing the other party's real conditions, Zhou Anan couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

   You should know that the TV series "You Who Came from the Star" produced by Blue Whale Entertainment last year was sold well in many countries in Southeast Asia and sold a full 45 million copyright fees.

  A certain exporter earned no less than 5 million agency fees from the export channel of this TV series.

   What's more, Blue Whale Entertainment has no fewer than eight TV series on their schedule this year.

  Based on the quality of the series he knows, the channel dealer can make a lot of money just from the profits from the export of this TV series.

  However, the account cannot be calculated in this way.

  Although Blue Whale Entertainment produced several popular dramas last year, the two dramas that were best-sellers in Southeast Asia were "You Who Came from the Star" and "Bubu Gongxin".

  From the perspective of Ms. Song Er's channel business, she can bet 8 million to bet that the TV series produced by Blue Whale Entertainment this year will be a big hit in Southeast Asian countries.

   In this regard, Second Miss Song deserves to be from a big family, she is full of courage.

   "I'll make a call."

Without directly agreeing to the other party's request, Zhou An'an dialed the phone number of General Manager Feng: "I have a friend here who is willing to pay 28 million for the export copyright of two movies. She wants to act as an agent for all the export copyrights of the TV series produced by our company this year. .”

   "Then you must agree."

  Feng Jiming, who had just been frustrated in negotiating with two Taiwanese exporters, immediately agreed to the good news from the major shareholder.

   It's not a copyright package for export, it's just an agency right, and their company has no loss.

  Who is an agent, not an agent.

   "Okay, let me make a decision here, and you can ask someone to follow up."

   Seeing that General Manager Feng had no objection, Zhou Anan made a firm decision.

"Wish we can co-operate well."

   Waiting for the other party to hang up the phone, Song Qingshu picked up the teacup with a sincere smile on his face.

  The professional team under her estimated that the export copyright of the two films under Blue Whale Entertainment could earn between 33 million and 35 million. The 28 million she paid was slightly higher than the market price, but it was not a loss.

  In addition, Blue Whale's TV series have always had a good reputation, and the agency right guarantees a minimum profit of 5 million.

  One-third of the 30 million profit that her brother set for her before was completed, plus the 20 million profit that the theater chain already had in hand.

  Just move your hands and get it done easily.

  Although it was a coincidence that Blue Whale Entertainment was targeted by some people in the Yu family, and no one was willing to offend the other party, which gave her the opportunity to pick up the leak, but she cannot deny her talent in business.

   "Pleasant cooperation."

   Clinked glasses with the other party, Zhou Anan drank a small cup of warm Tieguanyin.

   It is not necessary to know the calculations behind the other party, and he has no reason to refuse.

  Parting from Miss Song Er who was "bringing an umbrella in the rain", Zhou Anan met with a certain rich second generation who took the initiative to contact him.

  (end of this chapter)

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