Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 11 Chapter 3: .Divergence


A fist hit the stone table, huge force smashed the stone table out of a crack, and then there was an angry voice,

"Enough! I said, no!"

The scene immediately calmed down.

This is a meeting that took place in the Angasa battlefield headquarters. There were less than 15 participants, all of whom were high-level commanders of the coalition forces. The war has been over for nearly 3 months, and most of the troops have withdrawn from Angara. Sa, only the last legion is still stationed here, as the last armed force to monitor the undead and natural disasters... the night watchmen legion.

However, this does not mean that the coalition forces are disbanded. In fact, after the end of the War of the Dead, Northrend’s new colony still needs armed forces. Therefore, in addition to the veterans who are really retired, there are some troops scattered throughout the entire Normandy. In the territory of Sende, follow-up security operations are carried out. It is foreseeable that they will stay on this land for a long time, and even some of them will settle here.

After all, the neo-colonial tax laws are very loose. Living here is much less stressful than at home. However, what these high-level leaders gather to discuss today is obviously not about people’s livelihood, but about a very sensitive issue. .

It was Mograine who slapped the table just now. As the premier nobleman in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, he is currently the governor of the Borean Tundra Province. He presides over the administrative affairs of the Borean Tundra as a duke. This fully proves that Ka Queen Liya's trust in Mograine, sitting next to him is Old Fording and his son. The war has ended, but Old Fording can't leave yet.

There are Saurfang, Vol'jin and others next to them. They are the rulers of the Alliance Horde staying in Northrend, and sitting opposite them are two death knights with indifferent faces, Thassarian and Ku. Eldila, as Uther's special envoys, came to discuss an important matter with the high-level coalition forces.

"The corpse of a warrior must not be desecrated!"

Mograine was like an angry lion, flapping the table, roaring at Sassarian and Kuldila, "Is Uther's brain affected by the **** helmet, he actually wants us to let Out of the coalition are crazy!"

Sassarian was not afraid of this roar. After Mograine's roar, he explained,

"The meaning of the night watch is not to encroach on the necropolis. We just want the warriors who died in battle to have another choice. Compared with this eternal silence, I believe that there will always be some warriors who are willing to continue to contribute to the world after death. Give out your own power...just like the "Dead Man's Agreement" reached between the Allied Forces and the Knights of the Ebon Blade during the war."

Kuldila also said, "We will not force the soul of any warrior. This process can be carried out completely under the witness of the coalition forces."

After speaking, he observed the faces of the heroes on the opposite side, and then said, "The main reason is that Arthas released all the souls of his high-level undead before his death, which led to the current high-end battle of the Night Watch. Li Qique, considering that the opponents we will face in the future are just the lowest level undead, it is obviously not enough."

"Then I think you should go to the world of Draenor quickly instead of staying in Azeroth!"

Mograine sat back in his chair and snorted coldly, "There is a protracted war going on there. You can get everything you want there. In short, the warriors of the coalition army, no!"

"Well, Alessandro, we discussed this together, and Uther was also forced to help."

Seeing that the conversation had reached a stalemate, Old Fording knew that it was time to come forward. He stood up, walked a few steps by the table, raised his head, looked at Sassarian and Kuldila, and said in a deep voice,

"On this matter, Alessandro and I actually agree. We don’t want the warriors to be disturbed, so we reject Uther’s proposal! But... from today, I think it’s true. The "Dead Persons Agreement" can be carried forward."

Old Fording’s eyes cast out the window. The blood and fire on the battlefield of Angatha have been completely calm, but what is left on the battlefield is definitely not just a simple death. A monument is standing upright in the cold wind and snow of Angatha. It is also a handwriting from the Brotherhood of Stonemasons. It is as tall, holy, and conspicuous as the "Quicksand Eternal" monument in Silithus, which has now become a famous tourist destination.

It is like a true memorial, who wants to engrave everything that happened here in history forever.

Old Fording retracted his gaze and continued the topic just now.

"The Dead Man’s Agreement is a very good way to balance life and death, and the Knights of the Ebon Blade have proven that they are trustworthy with sacrifice and glory. So I will formally request Queen Kalia in the near future to make the Dead Man’s Agreement a better The way people accept it is extended to all the armies of Lordaeron, but...I hope you can bring my next words to Uther."

Thassarian stood up immediately and took out a runestone emitting blue light from his arms. After the activation, Uther's low and hoarse voice came over, and those who came together, there was also the cold thoughts, even if all Everyone knew that he was on the righteous side, but this feeling made people unstoppably reminded of the death lord who had just died.

"Go ahead, Fording, I'm listening."

Old Fording exchanged glances with Mograine and the Duke of Berval in the Kingdom of Stormwind. After a few seconds of silence, he organized the language, and then said,

"Uther, the truth of the Night Watch Legion has been reported to the rulers of the various forces. After learning that you will leave Azeroth forever in the near future, all the monarchs have expressed their acceptance of this, but I believe you too I know that the people’s fear of the undead still exists, so I hope you will be careful when you act... I know that you have sent special envoys to look for powerful undead around the ancient tombs of various kingdoms, but this has already aroused the people. Talk, I hope you can recall them!"

"We will help you complete the search for the Gulin, but be careful... only for the dead who have not been recorded in the official records! If things really develop according to Dick’s words, I don’t think it will be more than 20 years old. Will accept your presence...So, Uther, I hope you can stay calm and don’t do things that the people cannot understand during this process."

There was silence, a silence of up to 3 minutes, Uther’s voice came from the other side,

"Yes. But Fording, I sent to the messenger of Broken Angel in Draenor. I experienced the landing battle of Mardun Demon Star. I want to say, you, you, may really underestimate what is happening in Outland. , Through the complete battle record, I finally understand what kind of war Dick and the King of Outland are fighting, I can easily join it, I can also wait...but and death There are two lines. Once crossed, many things become meaningless."

"I will send carefully selected Black Blade knights to various forces as a recruiting point for the night watch, and a protocol for the dead. Since you want those warriors to rest in peace, then I will not force it anymore. Enjoy peace time, Fording , Alessandro, I'm one step ahead, but war will always come, get ready!"

"Goodbye to the cliffs of the storm!"

Old Fording nodded, "Goodbye to the cliffs of the storm!"

Uther’s communication was hung up at the next moment. Thassarian and Kuldila stood up, took the sound transmission stone back, and then they were about to leave, but Saurfang stopped them.

"Wait, Lieutenant!"

Thassarian turned his head and looked at Saurfang with a silent curiosity. The Orc Warlord looked around, and then asked,

"This is a question that satisfies my personal curiosity. A week ago, one of my lost Wyvern scouts broke into the airspace of Icecrown Glacier, and then accidentally saw... a war, well, a black striker. I am curious about the civil war between the knights. What is going on? Is it because the night watchman has a problem with your internal control?"

Thassarian was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about whether or not to answer this question, but the next moment, when the voice in his mind sounded, Thassarian said,

"It was just a "purification"."

"Huh? Purification? It doesn't sound like a kind word."

The Woking interface asked, "Who is the object of purification?"

With the permission of his superiors, Thassarian no longer concealed it at all, and told the original story. "The Ebon Knights themselves are united for the goal of revenge on Arthas. We don’t ask about the origin. Ask the race, don't ask the past, just move forward for this goal, and after Alsace's death, this goal disappeared, and the analysis that had been suppressed by hatred before appeared again."

"Some people are unwilling to follow the night watchman, and some people just want to go to eternal death. The conflict has naturally erupted, but that is already a thing of the past, and now the matter has been resolved."

Thassarian briefly said the ending, "Please rest assured, the Night Watch still maintains control of the Night Watch, and the Ebon Knights have never been so united."

"You killed those who rebelled against Uther?"

Old Fording asked the last question, but Thassarian did not answer. Kuldila added indifferently, "There can only be one voice inside the night watchman, nothing more."

The death knight turned and left, leaving behind a group of big guys with big eyes and small eyes, until a few minutes later, Mograine restarted the conversation.

"How to put it, I feel more and more that it was a mistake to let Uther wear that helmet. He is doing things more and more that I can't understand."

Old Fording sat back in his seat and shook his head.

"Don't think about it, Alessandro, the night watchmen will eventually leave. Their justice and evil have nothing to do with us."

After speaking, the old knight turned his head to Saurfang.

"The Grand Warlord, based on the fact that we used to fight side by side, there are some things we have to talk about. Regarding the dragon roar orcs who have been active in the Twilight Highlands recently, they have seriously threatened the border of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Wildhammer dwarves. It has also been affected to a certain extent. We are not our respective leaders, but we are generals in control of the army, so I hope we can talk frankly and honestly."

Old Fording stared at Saurfang tightly, as if he didn't want to let go of any of his expressions, he asked in a low voice and solemnly.

"I only have one question, do those Dragon Roar Orcs have anything to do with Orgrimmar?"

Facing this calm gaze, Saurfang moved his body a little uncomfortably. He and Woking glanced at each other, and Woking replied,

"Yes! But... not what we meant."


"A few days ago, in order to cope with the attack of the undead natural disasters, we had to admit some Dragonmaw Orcs who took the initiative to take refuge in us. They were also very cooperative in the war, but after the battle was over, they were in Orgrimmar. There was a lot of trouble. In fact, Chief Thrall has been busy with this matter recently."

Woking played with the bone rosary in his hand and whispered, "No one wants to war, but it is a pity that there are some people in every race who fear the world will not be chaotic, especially the orc clans of the new tribe. After the clan, within them, there has been some dissatisfaction with Thrall's voice."

Saurfang took the conversation. This veteran warrior would rather fight to the death on the battlefield than wrangling with his comrades who had fought side by side on this occasion, so he summed it up in a way unique to the orcs.

"We will take care of everything, but it will take time, and...Since the Duke of Bourval is here, let's just make it clear. Orgrimmar needs to accept the remaining Blackrock Orcs in the Swamp of Sorrows. The war caused everyone to lose too much manpower. We will try our best to ensure that those compatriots do not do anything to destroy the peace. Also, the Alliance camp in Stonetalon Mountains..."

"In the experience of fighting side by side, I personally want to believe your promise...Saurfang."

The Duke of Bourval in the tuxedo took a deep breath and looked at the orc warlord, "But my country, my king, and my people are probably unwilling to accept your proposal. The camp in the Stonetalon Mountains, we can not Further expansion, this is our bottom line!"

Saurfang was also silent. As Old Fording said, they are just generals, not leaders. Some things will not be useful even if they reach an agreement. So after the atmosphere is silent for several minutes, they have not done anything. The prince of the dwarf coughed softly.

"It seems that we need to organize a leadership meeting as soon as possible...if you really want to seek peace."

The mixed-race female anchor forgot to turn off the camera after the live broadcast. The life video was exposed! Please follow the WeChat public account to watch online: meinvmei222 (long press for three seconds to copy)!!

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