Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 10 Chapter 42: .I stabbed you from the heart of hell

The silver angel...let's call it the angel of order.

This special form is a form of power unexpectedly discovered by Dick when he was confronted with Hela on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Shadows, apart from the fusion of Anvina’s power. The conditions for its appearance are extremely harsh. Only when Dick and Anweina reach the limit of the output frequency of the Holy Light at the same time, and are consistent, this change in life form can occur.

And when this form of the Angel of Order appeared for the first time, it only lasted less than 10 minutes in the Kingdom of Shadows, but facing the special rules of the Kingdom of Shadows, it overturned the master of that ghost place, Hela.

The Angel of Order is currently Dick’s true killer, but he will not actively use it until the most critical moment, because...uncontrollable!

This form will extract part of the soul of the Paladin as the carrier of will, but not all of the soul. Therefore, it is not under Dick’s control. At least at this time, it’s not working... Dick can feel that if If his rank is raised again, he should be able to fully grasp this special combat form.

But for Arthas, the monster that appeared in front of him was an out-and-out formidable opponent, especially when the other people who had been freed up, the soul power from the Soul Forge and Hall of Reflection had been sealed. , Although the undead of the entire Icecrown Glacier, under the command of his will, madly rushed towards the Icecrown Fortress, the eyes of the Lich King were still cold at this moment.

Even though he had an ominous hunch for the first time, maybe... he would lose, and he would lose miserably.


Saurfang wiped the blood on his face, drew his axe from the frozen ground next to him in a stride, and put it on his shoulder. Uther also moved his body that had just been burned by the light, squeezing. The death verdict stood in another position, then Old Fording, then Mograine, and Velen walked to Vol'jin and helped up the weak Shadow Hunter.

Five people, five directions, sealed all Alsace's retreat.

The icy wind was still blowing, and snowflakes slid down on the ground from everyone's side. The entire Ice Throne had been turned upside down. The original solemn and heavy scenery was now broken and desolate, just as Alsace was at this time. Right scene.

"I have to admit, you did a good job..."

The Lich King moved his wrist. He stretched out his hand and threw aside the black cloak that had been torn apart by the fierce battle. His arms stretched out. Facing the upcoming battle, the dead lord also has to fight to the death. With his courage, he no longer kept his hands, and completely spread the power in his body to the platform under his feet. The next moment, the awakened undead soldiers crawled out one by one from the solid frozen ground, guarding him by his side.

Arthas knew that in this level of battle, these ordinary undead creatures could not play any role except as cannon fodder, but what he needed now was cannon fodder. They turned towards the other four at the moment they appeared. All directions rushed to win the last time for their owner.

As for the most threatening one, Arthas decided to do it himself.

His fingers gently rubbed the edge of the blade of Frostmourne, and the beating blue flames continued to fly on the blade. At this moment, there was a trace of awe-inspiring air around Arthas who decided to fight desperately. Before becoming the Lich King, he was also a brave Paladin, a conscientious prince, he never lacked due responsibility, and never lacked the courage for the last fight.

He let out a sigh of relief and hung down the blade. The blue icy flames flowed slowly along the blade, forming a diffuse light on the ground. He no longer paid attention to the undead being slaughtered, he just Looking at the silver creature in front of him, he gestured at him.

"Come! My life is here, if you want... come and get it yourself!"

Facing this provocation, the Angel of Order tilted his head. His face under the hood was dark and expressionless, but the next moment, the light wings fluttering behind him spread out slowly, and at this moment they flew behind him. The rising silver light flashed across the icy whistling air like lightning, and Arthas also raised the magic sword at this moment, and the singing of the wind and snow became intense again on the throne.


The warhammer and the epee collided, and the shattered white halo swept across the surrounding ground, rushing the snow that had been stirred up in all directions.

Juli and Juli are dispersed in the air, and the whistling produced by the collision of the two forces is like the roar of two giant beasts when they are fighting. The black sky seems to be torn apart by the swaying light, even the starlight is a little unclear. Now, the silver angel's figure was slightly repelled in the air, and there were also two retreating scratches under Arthas's feet. This blow is irrelevant!

The dead lord laughed wildly and swiped his palm across the ice wind, like a big icy hand slapped at the opposite order angel. The impact of the cold wind was like a substantial blade, shining with a deadly cold light, and Alsace was lingering behind. The shadow shook violently, and his legs exerted force, which stirred up broken ice cubes on the thick frozen soil under his feet, flying around, and the six silver-white light wings behind the Angel of Order were also beating the air, facing Arthas. The charge, the creature made up of light seemed to retreat without understanding, and once again rushed up head-on.

Collision, staggering, fighting!

Two creatures with power far beyond the imagination of mortals, fighting desperately in the darkest part of Azeroth, the silver order, the scorching holy light, the dazzling thunder, the howling cold wind, and the cold falling snow , The ubiquitous darkness, every inch of power on this battlefield has become a weapon for these two guys to fight, and every inch of the earth has their power to spread.

Of course, it's not just them...there are others.

Saurfang was holding a sharp battle axe and rushed out from the last two Vrykul. The red anger burned like a substantial flame. After he rushed out, the dead body of the Vykul Divided into four halves, in the name of a warrior, he had had enough to be repelled by Arthas time and time again. He was like a blood-red shooting star and smashed into the battlefield where Arthas fought with the Angel of Order, in Arthas. The moment Si was repelled, the sharp spine battle axe was like a death sickle, completely ripping the armor behind Arthas.

"This axe is for the dead soul of Angatha!"


The Lich King who suffered a surprise attack waved his left hand, and the power of the ice instantly froze half of Saurfang who succeeded in the attack. Before completing the next attack, he was hit with a hammer by the Angel of Order. On his chest, silver sparks flared up on his chest, like a heavy punch, and the hitting Arthas flew out towards the rear.

"Alsace! Eat me with an axe!"

Old Fording, who was surrounded by 10 soul lights, came out of the group of dead souls, and saw Arthas staggering to his feet. The old knight didn't think, and in an instant the holy light mastered him, raising his battle axe and slashing up. .


The magic sword of the Lich King collided with Shadowsorrow. The unsteady Death Sovereign retreated. Old Fording gritted his teeth and activated the San Luo Wanxiang again. The purple soul lingering on the edge of his body was at this moment. It exploded, making Arthas' counterattack slower, and Shadowmourne’s sharp axe brushed his chest. Arthas took two steps back, and his body had completely chopped down the broken armor. Two halves.

A burning golden epee struck from behind Arthas at this moment. The Lich King suddenly turned around and grabbed the Ashbringer who had burst into his heart. At the moment of desperate death, the dark energy burst out completely. At this moment, even the holy flame on the surface of the burning Ashbringer was extinguished. The dark storm that blew up also forced the old Fording who was trying to attack again, and the long bone-white hair of the Lich King was blown in the black and white storm. At the beginning, he looked at the same angry Mograine, his voice was full of irritability and depression.

"You can't kill me! A weak living person can't kill me!"

"Well said! It's a pity... I'm not a living person!"


The black bat wings suddenly pierced the dark storm around Arthas at this moment. Just as the Lich King’s voice fell to the ground, the death verdict roared with a weird buzz, under the will of its owner. , Like a black light and shadow, rushing to the sky from below.

Uther's body flew past Mograine and the center of Alsace, together with Alsace's right arm, the right arm that was cut off by Siegen flew into the sky, in Uther, Mog In the energy collision between Lenny and Arthas, they were crushed into powder in an instant.


Arthas's cry of pain sounded in this dark storm. The Frostmourne in his one hand slashed towards Mograine, who continued to rush forward with the storm of fury. At this moment, the gray-haired old knight Having completely put life and death away, every inch of his skin is enduring the pain of being tortured by the storm of death, but the victory is right in front of him. The pain and loss of the past are anxious in his heart. How can he give up?


The silver light tore through the dark storm just before the two sides died together, the warhammer in the hands of the Angel of Order accurately blocked Arthas’ magic sword, not weaker than the power of the Lich King to make the buzzing magic sword. Stopped above Mograine's head.

Then what sounded was the body with three sharp blades pierced into the body.

"Puff puff"

The burning epee pierced the dark shield and pierced through the abdomen, the dark bone sword pierced into the chest, and the ice-bound battle axe cut in from behind.

The three figures maintained their respective postures. Three magic weapons penetrated the body from three directions, completely fixing Alsace in the center. The beating silver light also stopped in the air at this moment, and the light wings behind him continued. With the flapping, the weight of the magic sword came from the tip of the warhammer, and Arthas did not die immediately.

The black death force continuously spilled from the wound of his broken arm, like blood rippling in the water.

Alsace's gaze could still see everything in front of him. The undead body allowed him to maintain his physical activity despite such suffering. He grinned, that shouldn't appear in a dying person. The expression on the face, but he just laughed wildly, he looked at everyone in front of him.

"I wave death, I chant death, I won't... just die like this..."

"Everything today will be buried, I may not be able to win, but I will never lose!"

"Roar! Frostmourne, I will no longer suppress...your anger!"


This battle went to the last moment, the real last moment, outside the Icecrown Glacier, in the deepest part of the cold hall called the Dark Cathedral.

All the undead in this gloomy place have rushed to the Icecrown Citadel, seemingly empty, but in fact, in such a place, lucky people can always find the most valuable treasure.

There are also things that are not just valuable.


The light of the portal dissipated, and Malygos wandered into the deadly dark cathedral. The expression of the old blue dragon at this time was as silent as before. He was not a guy who liked to laugh.

He stood in the darkness of the dark cathedral, closed his eyes, and the magic of obedience began to beat at this moment, searching for what he needed for the great king of magic.

"Oh...found it!"

Malygos hurriedly walked beyond a closed wall, with his fingers deep inside, lightly tapping on the wall, the next moment, under Malygos’s will, the entire wall in front of him was completely complete at this moment. Break open.

It was a secret room, a small secret room, and a box was placed in the secret room. The Blue Dragon King stepped forward and pressed his finger on the box wrapped in hundreds of magic runes. The blue streamer flashed by, and the magic on the box All patterns are ineffective.

He opened the box, a fist-sized heart wrapped in crystal clear ice, gray and white, like a hideous and weird artwork, that was the heart of Alsace... Dick I have seen it in the abyss at the bottom of Icecrown Glacier.

Malygos looked at the heart that was no longer beating, and his mind flashed through the words that Dick, who had rushed to Cordara in secret, before the start of the Angatha battle, said to him.

"You will not be less angry with Arthas than me. Even after the death of the Blue Dragon Queen, she should not suffer such humiliation, but your identity determines that you cannot intervene in mortal wars, but this does not mean You can’t get revenge...There is such a thing, you just need to gently stab in front of you at a certain critical time...

"I can destroy your last hope..."

Malygos's left index finger stretched out, and the hard dragon scales and dragon claws appeared in the palm of the human form at this moment. The old blue dragon turned his head and looked in the direction of Icecrown Citadel. There was a thick and crazy purple storm. The black soaring tower has been completely shrouded, that is the howling of death, that is desperate mania... that is the soul! Howling soul!

A look of loneliness flashed across the old blue dragon's silent face, and his left hand stabbed down hard, and the powerful magic power poured into that heart at this moment, covering every inch of it, transforming it, and finally annihilating it.

"Unscrupulous mortal, do you think I will forgive everything you did to Sindragosa? No... I won't..."

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