Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 9 Chapter 6: .diplomatic language

In the K3 base in the Cliffs of the Storm, Dick is sorting out his trophies.

Well, this place didn't have a name, but Dick decided to call him K3 to satisfy some of his little evil tastes.

He sat in the command hall carefully constructed by the earthlings, looking surprisingly relaxed.

In fact, it is true. The Heroic Legion is under the command of Heimdall. He does not need to worry. The fight against Thorim a few days ago did not win or lose, but it made Thorim feel threatened. He mobilized his family members, the Frost Vykul people living in the village of Brunhilda, and launched an attack on K3.

Because of their worse living environment, these Vrykuls are more powerful in combat. They can also tame giant bears and fight wild ancestor dragons. However, in the face of the heroic army that cannot be handled by common sense, these fierce Vrykuls can only eat continuously. After losing the battle, Dick did not slaughter them, but just sealed them in the village of Brunhilda, um, the village in name, the actual fortress.

As a result, the eastern front of the Cliffs of Storms was pushed to the vicinity of the Temple of Storms all the way smoothly, and then encountered the obstruction of the Iron Legion from the Snow Stream Plain there.

Ulduar also reacted, and a great war would inevitably erupt there soon.

But Dick was fearless, because the Creator's engine had fallen into his hands. Although the energy source was locked by Ulduar and could not produce soldiers, it could at least contain Ulduar's army.

In the west, the Mogu Legion led by Jianxi and Taixi also carried out smoothly to expel the frost giants. Except for the frost giants entrenched in Danny Fenley that have established a country, it is more difficult to deal with, other wandering in the big The frost giants on the ice sheet were almost wiped out. Of course, Dick would not kill them cruelly. These big guys with low IQ were best used for coolies.

It is precisely because of their participation that the construction of the K3 base can be so fast.

Ulduar has built a second line of defense, waiting for Dick's arrival, and Dick is also waiting, waiting for his legion to reach the strongest state.

For Ulduar's war, Naraksha's engine has been fully activated, and nearly a thousand Mogu soldiers join K3 every day. The Titan energy stock there is also rapidly decreasing, but as long as Ulduar is defeated, everything is worth it. .

However, while waiting, the Paladin would also have some fun for himself, such as the heavy firearm he had just maintained in front of him. This was the spoil he had accidentally obtained when he searched the Temple of the Storm.

The dark green gun body is full of power, and the streamlined gun body structure is almost perfect in the hand. On the top of the black slender barrel, there is a golden aiming groove, and the bottom is also made of metal. On the armrests, on both sides of the trigger, there are mysterious magic pattern pendants.

The whole gun exudes special magic power. Obviously, this is a rare magic gun. The most important thing is that from this gun, Dick can feel the familiar smell, the smell of Titan creation.

This is not a weapon that mortals can make. Obviously, it comes from mythology.

This thing is called Titan Strike. It is a weapon made by Ulduar’s master craftsman Mimiron for Thorim who loves hunting. It is said that in its complete form, this gun has the power to smash the ground. It actively moves from the air. It absorbs free energy to charge, and Thorim’s power of thunder is almost the perfect energy source for this gun.

However, after Torim was infected by the ancient gods, it seemed that even his IQ had dropped a lot. Such a weapon of magic weapon was thrown in the corner of the temple of the storm hundreds of meters high. Dick seized the opportunity to give Torri. Mu came to a ruthless note, the guardian in charge of the thunder, riding on the wounded mount Veranas, the ancestor dragon queen of the cliffs of the storm, flew in the direction of Ulduar.

Dick did not chase, he was afraid that there would be an ambush ahead, but when he returned to the Temple of Storm, where Thorim had been living all these years, he found this artifact that had been covered with dust, yes, this was the three hunter artifacts. One of the powerful weapons.

Now that the Titan Strike is connected, Dick already has five spare artifacts in his hand: Toure Naaru’s Beacon, Eagle’s Spear, Earth Guardian Scale, and Raiden’s Fist. Among them, the Eagle’s Spear It was when he left from the restored Kingdom of Shadows that Dick killed the Shadow Leopard named Kadar. That poor fellow was also transformed by the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows. It’s no wonder that Doro Gaoling was so brave. The great chieftain also died in its hands.

As for the Fist of Raiden, it was discovered by Dass, the dragon man, while wandering around on the top of Thor. Dass gave it to Dick, which was considered a paladin's trophy.

The Paladin placed these five artifacts on the table in front of them in turn, slowly beating their fingers on them, different powers permeated this hall, each artifact is special, they may contain the essence of special power, Or simply the history from a powerful creation or a certain myth.

It is not mortal, nor can it be acquired by mortal.

So how to deal with these idle artifacts has become a matter for Dick to consider at present. It can be seen from Darion, who has recently started to hit the hero rank, that a pair of artifacts can definitely be used in a short time. A hero who is strong enough to stay in the history is created within.

Or simply a villain who has been stinking for years, such as Arthas...Frostmourne is also one of the artifacts.

But when Dick put down the Titan Strike in his hand, his gaze fell on the letter on the stone table in front of him.

That was a secret letter sent from Borean Tundra yesterday. The two landing points of Icecrown Glacier have been discovered, and after a week of running-in, the counterattack of the undead was temporarily suppressed, Mograine felt It's time to start preparing for the "ice breaking".

Dick’s gaze rested on the five artifacts on the table again. He rubbed his chin and leaned on the chair, accompanied by the strong smoke rising. Soon, a bold and unruly idea appeared in Di. K's mind.

North County, the central area ruled by the Stormwind Kingdom, is close to Stormwind City, but under the obstruction of the Irvine Forest, it has become a quiet place. The area of ​​the North County is about the size of a town, which looks like an ordinary countryside, but Every inhabitant of Stormwind Kingdom knows that there is no ordinary person living in North County.

This is one of the three holy places of the Holy Light Church in the East Continent. The Wrynn royal family of the Stormwind Kingdom is also indissoluble with this small place. The North County Monastery attracts many pilgrims to pay their respects every day, the famous Faao Mianxia had planned to build the Silver Hand here, and the first generation of Paladins also stepped out from here.

This is enough to prove the deep heritage of North County, and the old people living in North County know that there are many large houses near the waterfall of Dolly’s Vineyard, which are the manors of the great nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom, local people. Rarely disturb those nobles.

People from two worlds will not have anything to do with each other.

But today, the arrival of a letter broke the silence here.

The old Sir Maximilian looked at the letter carefully with magic eyes. He paid more attention to the seal at the bottom of the letter. That row of seals almost dazzled his eyes, Lordaeron, Stormwind City, Quel'Sala The seals of Si, Nordrassil, Orgrimmar, and Kul Tiras are in one piece, and below are Theramore, Zandalar, Silver Hand, Scarlet Crusade, Silver Dawn, Cenarion Circle, The seal of a series of organizations such as the Ring of Earth.

The significance of this letter is obvious. It represents the will of the entire civilized world, but unlike its glamorous imprint, the content of it is a little bit ridiculous.

The old Sir put down the letter, stretched out his hand, rubbed his eyebrows, and the loyal old butler stood aside, waiting for the order.

"How is the situation with King II?"

Judging from the old Sir's tone and headache expression, this "Second King" was obviously a guy who made him exhausted. The butler immediately replied,

"The young master "fighted" a fight with the People’s Army Mill in the Western Wilderness yesterday. He himself was intact, but the mill was torn down. The day before yesterday, the young master “cracked” the murlocs on the Long Beach. The day before yesterday, he went after him alone. The jackals who did evil in Irvine Woods were affirmed by the defenders of West Spring Fortress."

When the old Sir heard this, his eyes widened, "Why would he fight with the mill? That thing is not evil!"

Hearing this question, the old butler was also a little embarrassed. He touched his nose, "The young master regards the mill as a giant...Uh, it is said that he is planning to go to Kalimdor recently. A troubadour told him, Ann. The Goro Crater protects the Devil's Tyrannosaurus from the invasion..."


Hearing this, the old Sir couldn't help it anymore, and slapped a palm on the table, "Damn troubadour! Damn tyrannosaurus! Didn't the second always dream of protecting justice? Then send him. Borean Tundra, let him have a good fight with the undead! Anyway, there is still Mr. Derijek who can watch him!"

The old man got up from his chair out of breath, and the butler handed him a cane. Only then can we see that he is missing a leg. This is obviously a trace of the war.

He is also a veteran.

"I heard that Derijek sent his only nephew over?"

The old Sir asked, and the butler hurriedly replied, "Yes, the ship that Master Baron took 7 days ago left Stormwind, but master, do you really want to send the Master there? I heard it is...very dangerous."


The old Sir looked at the quiet manor outside the window, took off his glasses and wiped it with a handkerchief. "Prince Anduin has set off for Northrend three days ago, and the king will let the prince experience this inevitable history. In the First World War, what can I not worry about? The Second World is a good boy. You and I know that he is eager for war and must be a good fighter. Instead of confining him on this peaceful land, let him see The cruelty of war, the Maximilian family, rose during the war."

"I'm old, and it's time for King II to go his own way. Didn't he always call himself a "Knight of North County"? Then let him become a real knight on the Dark Continent."

At the same time, on another continent, in a thicket of grass in the Desolate Land, Rexxar was lying leisurely under the shade of the tree with the emerald roots in his mouth, leaning against the resting bear Misha, Hofer, the wild boar. Lying on his feet, groaning and biting a fat bug, the Falcon Spire soared in the sky, guarding the surroundings for his master.

He apparently had just carried out a successful hunt. A piece of fleshy thunderbolt lizard meat was roasting on a campfire, sprinkled with the secret orc spice, and it was ready to eat soon. He threw his axe at hand. It can be guaranteed to be held in your hand at any time.

This wilderness prodigal didn't hear that the orcs had participated in the Northern Expedition, but Thrall didn't come to him, which meant that the situation was not terribly bad, so he was not in a hurry.

In fact, he enjoys this carefree life more than war. Compared to humans or orcs, Rexxar believes in his pets more, they will not betray him, let alone dislike him.

Rexxar's ears moved, and he felt the vibration from the ground. It should be the movement of the cavalry, but Spire did not warn, indicating that he was an acquaintance. The hunter sighed. He knew his peaceful life. ended.

I just don't know whether Thrall's messenger is here or another troublesome guy.

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