Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 8 Chapter 12: .The War of the Gods

Valarjar in the sky fortress, the floating air battalion built by the guardian Odin specially for his hero army, and the huge building below are collectively called the hall of heroes.

This is a city floating in the sky. In the eyes of the local Vrykul, this is the best place to go after fighting and dying. Of course, few people know that the Hall of Valor itself is actually Odin using his own power from the Titan City. A part of the city intercepted by Ulduar.

Odin himself, as the strongest guardian left by the Titans, is also the leader of the Guardian during the war. According to law, he should be stationed in Ulduar's headquarters, but between him and the Guardian The disagreement has existed before the Titans left.

Tyr helped the ancestor dragon at that time defeat the powerful ancestor dragon Clone Gala that was infected. He felt that he wanted to guard the prison of the ancient gods and defend against the invasion of the elemental monarch, and he had no time to clone to maintain the stability of the world. Therefore, Tyr came forward. Asking the Titan to grant the ancestor dragon Titan power, this is the reason why the five guardian dragon army appeared.

But Odin did not trust these natives of Azeroth. To be precise, he felt worried about their highly free wisdom, because Odin knew that the more free wisdom, the easier it is to be seduced by ancient gods and other dark forces. Determined to build a powerful force of complete loyalty to maintain the stability of Azeroth.

Other guardians thought that Odin had done nothing, and even a fierce dispute broke out. In the end, Odin ran out of anger and intercepted a part of Ulduar to make the Hall of Valor, and used the Vrykul who was loyal to him, powerful in combat, and extremely tough in soul. Own source of troops-heroic spirits.

In fact, the final fall of the Black Dragon King, the guardian of the earth, Nesario, also proved that Odin's views are not all extreme and wrong, but in general, Odin is a guy who makes people unlikable.

In the face of existences that are not recognized by him, he appears arrogant and rude, and those that have been recognized by his own strength will receive his courtesy.

And his only indicator of the value of a creature is power! ** The power of the soul, the power of the soul!

This is also the reason why Gavincent Skovald can be recognized by him. The kind of strength and will that this Vrykul has gained in thousands of battles is simply the perfect fighter in Odin's mind.

But now, Valarjar fortress in the sky, and even the entire Hall of Valor, are caught in the flames of war.

This is a battle against the gods and the Vrykul heaven, and the opponent is naturally a god.

The mist was shrouded in the once glorious golden sky, the mountains carrying the base of the Hall of Valor were burning, pale flames licked the walls of this glorious golden temple, and the roar of giant beasts, and those who walked out of the mist The dead, expressionless, the power of shadow exuding all over the body.

On the other side, the Vrykul warriors who rushed over from Skod Aishir and Hedashar, also wearing simple armor and holding weapons, rushed into the battlefield of life and death enthusiastically, filling the sky. In the black smoke of gunpowder, in the blood of wild dance, pursuing the supreme glory they desire.

"Defend Odin! Defend the Hall of Valor!"

A roaring Vrykul warrior with a horned helmet, his whole body covered with blood-red anger and blood, he dragged a double axe out of the front line full of corpses, and threw his eyes at him. The dead soul of the Vrykul like the fog of Buddha was chopped into pieces, and he himself was pierced through the heart and abdomen by three gray-white spears pierced from the fog, roaring the name of Odin, carrying it to death. After his injuries rushed into the fog, there was no more life.

The opponent who was chopped by him, similar to a magical creature, is not easy to deal with. In fact, the moment he was chopped into pieces, he was reborn in the fog of another place, and then chopped to pieces by another soldier. .

After going back and forth three times in this way, this misty Vryku talent is truly dead.

In fact, he had already died again.

These misty Vrykuls are the dead souls of the Vrykul rushed out of Hoswald and Michao Harbor. They have an evil name, Kovadir, which is the "death of death" in the language of the Vrykul. The souls of the kingdom", they are undead creatures that are very similar to the undead, and belong to the death **** Hela of the kingdom of shadows.

Hela bestowed these Vrykul warriors with misty bodies and near-immortal will. Every hundreds of years, they would drive them to attack the Hall of Valor, farther away, on the sea that had been completely covered by mist. , Bony battleships were lying horizontally in the fog, and they were lonely surrounded by the fog, looking very lonely, but not like this.

Among those tattered battleships whose exteriors were filled with seaweed and bones, which were about to sink into the sea in the next moment when the Buddha was placed, a nearly endless army was juxtaposed on its severely damaged deck.

They were all the color of rotting flesh and blood, with wet hair attached to their cold and pale faces, wearing armor made from the bones of sea creatures, and holding spooky bony spears in their hands. , The sea was frozen by the cold breath.

In the looming fog, this army set Buddha is a steel casting of death, gloomy, and exudes a chilling chill. They are the elite of Hela's command, the undead army in the Cordeva camp.

This is much more spectacular than the Undead Scourge of the Lich King, and frankly speaking, the strength of this army is much stronger than the Undead Scourge. If it is this army that invades the civilized world, even if one Dick comes, it can only be desperate. Waiting for death to come.

This is not an army that belongs to the world, and it will not appear in the world.

This is a war that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

The mist shrouded the entire large square below the Hall of Valor. This square that was once used to worship Odin has become a flesh and blood battlefield filled with death, and the mist has enveloped this land, constantly eroding the square. , The brave Vrykul warriors swear to fight to the death, but still can't conceal the fact that they are retreating steadily.

But even so, they still haven't lost their fighting spirit, and they can't even see the slightest discouragement, but they are even more fanatical.

Putting the Buddha is... Putting the Buddha is looking forward to something.

The next moment, light, endless rays of light, the haze brought by piercing the fog, is like a long spear of light falling from the sky, sweeping away all the cold and cold, when the extremely rampant fog touches this light, It seemed to let out a substantial scream and wailed and fled.

And the surviving Vrykul warriors below did not care about the surrounding fog and dead spirits, regardless of the dirt on the ground, with blood and scars all over, bowed down on the ground sincerely, bathed in this golden light, Their expressions were fanatical and serene.

"Odin! Odin!"

The surviving Vrykul still had blood on their faces, and the scorching light in their eyes could melt the steel, and in their expectation, the golden flying horse neighed through the earth. It was the female riding on the golden flying horse. Valkyrie, they have golden wings behind them, wear wing helmets, and wear brilliant armor all over their bodies. They hold light war spears, and the blood-red banners wrapped around the war spears hunt and wave in the air.

The golden light covered the sky behind them.

More than a dozen Valkyries lined up in a sharp, charging formation in the air. Under the leadership of the largest, most majestic, and most powerful Valkyrie, they cruised through the air. Where they rushed, those who died heroically The soul of the Vrykul was embraced by the light from the dead body, turning into a beam of light and rising to the sky.

In the tradition of the Vrykul, they call this ritual promotion, which is the greatest desire of a Vrykul warrior and the most glorious glory.

"With Odin's will, you are accepted, warriors, you will fight for Odin in endless time!"

The golden Valkyrie, that is, the sonorous voices of the Valkyrie gods spread all over the sky. At the top of these light beams, the dazzling light appeared as a golden giant gate, like a black sword separated in the center. In the divided rift, there is endless light.

Like a giant gate separating the world from heaven, there is a shining bridge in front of it, dotted with lights of various colors, like a rainbow, straddling the clouds, and the glorious hymn spreads everywhere when the gate appears. After this battlefield, these are rendered like a battle of myths.

Those are the Supreme Gate and the Rainbow Bridge, the most widely acclaimed miracle in the Hall of Valor. Those promoted souls step on the bridge that really looks like a rainbow, and they turn into dots of golden light, like the enthusiastic streamer in the golden ocean. The same, rushed into the gap of the highest gate.

And the next moment, countless rain and light fell from the sky. It was a taller and stronger giant than ordinary Vrykul, wearing gorgeous armor, and enchanted weapons, and his skin was glowing with gold and silver, just like The warriors in the mythology, their faces are firm, and their eyes have turned icy blue.

They are just those Vrykul warriors who have just been promoted, but after the baptism of the Supreme Gate, they have become another creature-heroic spirits!

That was the salvation army originally prepared by Odin for this world, but now he has been forced to plunge into the endless war with Hela.


These newly-born heroic spirits slapped their metal bodies and held their weapons high. Under the leadership of the golden Valkyrie Valkyrie in the sky, they took the surviving Vrykul warriors to launch a counterattack, and Hela's side was gray. The mists of death dissipated, and the ordinary Vrykul undead returned to the Kingdom of Shadows under Hela's will, replaced by the elite Kvaldir warriors on the dilapidated ghost ships.

That was the elite soldiers formed by Hela in almost exactly the same way to deal with Odin's Heroic Legion.

Thus, among the glorious war drums and chants, among the diffuse death and screaming, the army of brilliance and darkness collided together. After the war of mortals was over, the game between the gods began.

The heroic spirit and the undead collided together, and the energetic storm of energy wiped out everything in this square. Those mortals could not survive this kind of war, and then they were guarded by Val'kyr into the hall of heroes and died in battle. Kvaldir's elite was also swallowed up by the mist again, and the Buddha was put in a ridiculous cycle.

This war did not become more noble because of it, but it seemed...more **** and cruel.

On the edge of the golden cloud palace, beside the rainbow bridge, a tall figure stood there, flame-like light gathered around him, making him with a unique horned helmet look even greater, with a handful of silver in his hand. The white spear, looking at the war below, his face was neither sad nor happy, the beard that looked like scorching magma scattered on his chest, and the shiny one-eyed, all made him look like a real god.

That is Odin, the chief administrator of the Titan Guardian, the leader of the war, and the most powerful guardian.

Beside him is a heroic warrior wearing heavy armor, carrying an epee and holding a horn. It is the first servant made by Odin himself, the bravest Heimdall, the leader of the heroic legion, Valarjar Gatekeeper.

On the other side of Odin, was the most powerful Valkyrie, the high-ranking Valkyrie, all the leaders of Valkyrie, and Odin's armed maid.

This is the leader of the Hall of Valor, and at the end of Odin’s eyes that have seen through the mist, in the deepest part of the mist, under the chaotic ocean, a pair of hazy eyes are also looking at the three people on the cloud, she twists and turns. The terrifying body and tentacles are entrenched on the real throne made of bones. Behind her throne are the souls of the Vrykul who drowned in the ocean, which is the manifestation of her kingdom.

The ruler of the kingdom of shadows, death, Hela.

Also... Odin's adopted daughter.

Where Hela’s fingers stroked, there was a white skull, with three twisted heads, six eyes, and a giant fear dog with a body larger than a dragon. It was rumored to be the gatekeeper of the kingdom of shadows. Gao Hm.

Hella was and is now a pet.

The two most powerful forces in the Broken Isles and in the entire world are fighting desperately in this narrow war, like two beasts trying to kill each other, but this war will never end before the power of one side is completely exhausted. .

The creatures living in the Broken Isles never consider the justice and necessity of this war.

It's like no one knows, Odin and Hela, which side is the real evil.

On the battlefield where life is passing, these are the stupidest questions.

Perhaps the only ones worthy of pity are those Vrykul who fight each other for their faith. There is no life, no death, only fighting... and only fighting.

But that is never where the glory lies. 8)

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