Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 8 Chapter 4: . Memories of Old Times

Just when Shattrath's refugee team finally met with the defenders of Honor Hold after a night of arduous trek, another special team also arrived in front of the Dark Portal.

A brown-skinned young orc carrying a fierce battle axe, respectfully supporting an old orc grandmother, walked to the front of the cold dark gate, where more than 30 warlocks in black robes We are waiting there, busy, debugging the magic line, gathering energy in order to activate this dark door.

In this 30-meter-high gate, all made of hard obsidian, tens of thousands of orcs are quietly waiting there. These are the only remaining orc tribes on the Nagrand steppe, Draenor. In the world once dominated by orcs, there are only so few indigenous people left.

And the old orc grandmother, who was supported by the young orc and with two heavily armed young orc warriors by her side, leaned on a simple walking stick, dressed in the traditional costume of the orc, and decorated with the mane of the beast, near the darkness. She stubbornly threw away the support of the young orc when she was closing the door. She stared at the door in front of her, as if she wanted to maintain her own resistance and indomitableness in front of this iconic building of the old era.

"Last time...the last time I came here, I sent away my sons, and then they never came back..."

The old grandmother’s bright eyes were filled with indispensable sadness and pain. She looked up at the icy black giant door with difficulty. As a witness who had personally experienced the transformation of orcs from noble to barbaric, from simple to violent, it’s hard to say Does she have any special feelings for this dark portal, such as hatred.

The black warlock who had just met General Danas bowed respectfully and stood in front of the old orc grandmother, but the old grandmother did not want to talk to a warlock. As the most common old-school orc, but also the most respected grandmother among the orcs. , She has an extraordinary aversion to the root of all the orcs' disasters, warlocks.

"Dear Grandmother Goya..."

As soon as Kanrezad spoke, he was interrupted by the young orc behind Goa. The orc who was seven points similar to Grom stared at him viciously.

"Don't speak, Warlock, there is no place for you to speak here. The grandmother may not care about your offense, but we will care, very much..."

The gloomy warlock looked at the orc from the corner of his eyes with no emotion, he let out a deep laugh,

"Garrosh Hellscream, I have seen your father. It is a pity that you have inherited his power, but obviously you have not fully inherited his spirit. Mother Goya is qualified to speak to me like this, but you... haven't This qualification."


When the young orc was excited by the warlock’s words, he could not help reaching out and holding the handle of the battle axe behind him, but was drunk by Mother Goya.

"Garrosh, step back! Don't forget that when you took this axe, you promised that human warrior!"

This rebuke made the orc a little frustrated. He gave the warlock a vicious look, but under the stern gaze of the old grandmother, he still obediently stepped aside. Grandmother Goya's eyes remained on the dark gate, as if this gate Aroused her too many thoughts, until half a minute later, the old grandmother’s eyes turned to the darkness on the left side of the door,

"Kagas, my are here, why don't you come out and meet me?"

The old grandmother’s voice is weak and deep, but there is a kind of pressure and aura that people can’t ignore. In her eyes, a distorted, tall, full of hideous bone spurs, and a heavily armed red-skinned evil orc from hiding. He walked out of the shadow, and he strode out a few steps, suddenly making Garrosh and his brothers who were guarding Mother Goya nervous.

This is a tough guy, especially his right arm, connected to a black metal glove, connected to a fist blade that makes the whole body tremble when you see it. That guy is, Kargas, Kargas. ·Blade Fist!

The old monster that survived the last era! A butcher!

But just when Garrosh and Delanos wanted to rush to protect their grandmother, they were stopped by the old man. She watched Kargath slowly approaching with calmness, and finally, five steps away from her. There, Kargas stopped, and then half-kneeled on the ground.

He lowered his proud head, and his black hair was scattered all over his body, making him look wild.

"Old lady, I'm here, but I have no face to see you. We failed and ruined thousands of warriors, and I was a running coward. When my brothers were fighting on the other side, I ran away. , I abandoned them, I have no face to see you."

Goya tremblingly walked towards Kargath with a cane. She stretched out her hand to support Kargath’s shoulder, her voice trembling with pain.

"Is that why you haven't come to visit me for so many years? Kargas, do you know? I never blamed you, it was Gul'dan's fault, not yours, nor the black hand, he let us Fallen, the devil makes us lost, but Kargath, I am disappointed...You are still using the power of the devil. Haven't the mistakes of the past awakened you?"

Facing the problem of Goya, Kargas raised his head, his blood-red eyes were full of stubborn madness.

"No, old lady, we do use the power of the devil, but not for ourselves! I want revenge, I want revenge for the old brothers in the past, revenge for the demons, we use their power to deal with them, this is what we follow The reason for Illidan, old lady, take these children to Azeroth. We will stay on our land and continue our revenge. The children of the Shattered Hand clan are not afraid of sacrifice, but we are worthy of death!"


The old grandmother slapped Kargath on the face. She was very old and she didn’t have much strength in her body, but Kargath could not help but open her eyes wide, and then he heard Goya. The grandmother said loudly,

"Whether it's revenge! Or something else, the child is innocent! Go, bring over the children of the Shattered Hand clan who have not yet received the blood, Kargas, as an adult orc, I cannot interfere with your choice, but remember , The Shattered Hand clan that you built by yourself cannot be destroyed in your hands, go, bring the children over!"

After finishing speaking, before Kargas could answer, Grandmother Goya looked at Kanrezad, the warlock she hadn’t seen before, she spoke for the first time.

"Then, Warlock...Can I bring some more children?"

Kanrezad hurriedly replied,

"Of course, old grandmother, this is your freedom, but I have to take the liberty to remind you that time is running out, Chief Thrall is waiting for you on the other side, you know, his real name is Guyer... Yes , Your grandson."

Mother Goya nodded. When she heard Thrall’s name, her face had a hint of pride. Then she turned her head and said to Garrosh and the two young orcs,

"Garrosh, Delanos and Jorin, take the boys to help Kargath and take those children over. We are running out of time. By the way, you must respect Kargath, especially You, Garrosh!"

The young people quickly left the Dark Portal under the leadership of the three leaders, rode on the wolf, and ran towards the Hellfire Citadel at the end of the path of glory. The rest of the people were preparing to cross the largest in the world. Portal.

Obviously, the big shots do not want the orcs to meet with other migrants, which may cause unnecessary trouble, and this is part of the big shots’ agreement and must be completed.

Mother Goya looked at the quiet waiting crowd, she turned around and said to Kanrezad,

"Thank you,'s hard to believe that I will express my gratitude to a warlock, but I hope that this gratitude can be conveyed to the big people behind you. I have one more question...Is there a chance to come back in my life? "

Kanrezad also maintained his due respect for the old orc who even Dick admired. He pondered for a moment, and shook his head with regret.

"It's a pity, but it may not work. Draenor will become a huge training ground, in order to deal with those difficult enemies, including the guys who have hurt your sons, demons... You know, we can't Has been passively beaten."


A touch of sorrow appeared on the wrinkled face of Grandmother Goya, but soon it turned into a smile.

"If this is the reason, then I am willing to give up my hometown, warlock... promise me, slaughter those demons, don't show mercy!"

"Of course! This is what we all want to do."

Kanrezad bowed his head and saluted, then turned and left. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. A green light flashed in his eyes. He shouted to the busy subordinates,

"Time is up! Recharge! Let this door come alive, we only need it to keep breathing, it only takes half a day!"

The Black Scythe Council absorbed all the best warlocks in Azeroth. Only the most outstanding can be allowed to enter Karazhan to practice, and then go to Draenor to learn higher shadow magic under Illidan’s command. What's more commendable is that in Draenor, where there is no barrier to the world, it has become extremely easy to summon demons, and the number is endless. Illidan does not worry that demons will become a problem.

He let go of those warlocks to go crazy, and even offered to help, so every warlock who can reach here will thank the king of the Outland for his generosity. They can even be extravagant to choose the strongest from the many summoned demons, or Those who have the most potential for contract, can also find the most suitable for them to learn from the so many spells that are dizzying, and even everyone has the opportunity to write their own magic book.

This is an unimaginable luxury in Azeroth. So soon, the Black Scythe Council, which has this special channel, became famous in the dark world. If it weren’t for the Black Scythe Council’s strict censorship of recruiting newcomers, this emerging Only need to expand at full speed for a period of time, it will easily surpass Shadowcastle and become a holy land for the warlocks of Azeroth.

But even now, Kanrezad is sober, he knows who gave him all this, although in occasional fantasies, he will become the real top boss, but it is only an illusion, Kanrezad is a Really smart person, so he will not challenge his impossible power.


The ground began to shake, and the giant mana gemstones filled with mana were pushed into the center of the magic circle by the strong demon guards. After the five heroes closed the dark gate, the magic circle here was destroyed by the soldiers and the warlocks were busy. For half a month, wipe it barely repaired, and after getting a new supply of energy, these mysterious runes were lit up one by one, spreading from the ground to the top of the dark gate, like a green snake. Keep climbing.

It’s like this red barren spot is lit up. There are at least tens of thousands of magic patterns all over the gate of darkness. Kanrezad can’t imagine how much manpower and material resources were used by the orcs back then to build Well, this huge and immortal portal that penetrates the two worlds.

Probably seeing Kanrezad’s doubts, Mother Goya opened her mouth and explained to him,

"That was the eve of the collapse of the entire world. All the clans could only watch the world die. No one knew why. Everyone could only obey the guidance of the warlocks. At that time, the orcs of the entire world were concentrated here, for Countless people died here when I was building this **** door. I can even see those grieving souls howling and the draenei who were captured by Gul'dan. They... they are very pitiful. , I played with the draenei kids when I was a kid, they are very kind, like us, they shouldn’t suffer from this... Gul'dan, I still don’t understand how the shaman who was originally upright and a little weak At this point, he became a real demon..."

Kanrezad nodded. The words of Grandmother Goya did not cause him too much throbbing. In fact, for a true warlock, life is nothing but a consumable item, whether it’s someone else’s or it’s One's own life is used to pursue the necessary depletion of higher existence.

On both sides of the door body of the Dark Portal, there are two tall sword-bearing men in black. Kanrezad thought it was just an ornament, but after the magic pattern on the entire door frame was ignited, the two swords Under the hood of the stone statue of the black man, two frightening shades of dark red were also lit up.

"That is the dress of the Shadow Council. They always come in the dark, like spreading fear."

Grandmother Goya closed her eyes, picked up her bone rosary, and kept praying to the already silent elements of Draenor. This is the inherent habit of their generation. Time is stubbornly living in this place for too long. , Living too tired, but living very great old people left traces of it, but in the most difficult moment, Goya never gave up, but after all the young and middle-aged have left, it is difficult With my wisdom and love, I gathered the little orcs who were displaced and raised them with difficulty.

On the Nagrand Prairie, Grandmother Goya continued to gather orphans who lost her family in the war in this way. In the end, the old grandmother established her own tribe.

The orcs who stood behind him, the young orcs who prospered and became strong again, they no longer divided clans, and no longer commented on the high and low by blood, they truly became a family.

Grandmother Goya is their chief, the weakest chief in orc history, even unable to pick up a weapon.

But this does not prevent her from becoming the greatest chief, a perfect chief who will always live in the hearts of the orcs, and even an unruly person like Kargath will surrender in front of her.

She belongs to the old age, the last bell of the old age of Draenor, where she has walked, the new dawn has begun.

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