Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 8 Chapter 1: .The Army Suppresses the Realm Shattrath

All the days are not good, especially when you are full of hope, you are likely to get a bad time, but let the years go, you will find that, in fact, those years have taught you a lot, anyway , No time is meaningless, remember this.

The high-ranking priest Isana stood on the large platform of Aldor Heights with a staff, and she quietly looked up at the sky.

Draenor is already a broken world. There is no hope here, but there is no despair. Everything is hovering in hope and despair, just like the world itself, which stops on the road of complete destruction, and can never touch hope. newborn.

This is a half-dead world.

Isanna knew this for a long time, but in her memory, Delano was once a beautiful place, like her distant hometown of Argus. When she was young, she would always be with her parents. In the city square of Argus, playing with other children, beautiful pigeons are flying in the sky, in the world of the blue spar tower, everything is so beautiful, so... so desirable.

The white dove in the sky soared freely, passing by Isana’s eyes, giving her a trace of long-lost happiness on her face that didn’t look old, but the next moment, the good memories turned into smoke with the white dove. It made Isanna stunned. There was only a starlight in front of her eyes. That was the only thing she was familiar with.

That is the only connection between this lonely world and Argus.

That...the same starry sky that is no longer young.

Astrologers can get information about the future from the evolution of the starry sky. Lord Velen was once the best astrologer of the draenei, and Isana was the second best, so Lord Velen took the soldiers to rescue the Naaru After Mulu's path, Isana became the leader of the draenei in Draenor.

This burden made Isana a little breathless, but at least in the City of Light, Shattrath, at least here, the powerful and wise Adal guards the last hope, how can there be a council composed of the Naaru, It is precisely because of their existence that the draenei can continue to exist in the massacre of the orcs more than ten years ago.

It was also because of them that, when the world of Draenor was about to end, they saved Shattrath, even though it had become a ruin.

Refugees from all races gathered here, ogres, arakkoa, broken people, and cunning ghosts, people with different beliefs and different living habits gathered together. It was like a disaster, but they survived. In the face of despair, many things can be abandoned, but there are also many things that cannot be abandoned.

For example, the hatred of the orcs!

It was the orcs that ruined this world. They were tempted by demons and ruined their own world, and also ruined the world of these refugees. When the curse code set by the great warlock Gul'dan blocked the elements of the entire world, and attracted After the evil energy and demons have invaded, this world...there is no more hope.

Isana also hates those horrible, stupid, grumpy, and savage orcs, but they have disappeared. The bloodthirsty butchers who are still living in Draenor are those who have returned to the elemental beliefs, to be precise, from The "clean" orcs who have not accepted magic power, and even the simple orcs, the refugees are resentful, so this city refuses the orcs to enter.

Isana sighed. The starry sky tonight has not changed, which means that the difficult years are not far away. Her eyes turned to the distance on the ground. The new masters from Outland, the powerful demon hunters Illidan’s Illidari and Naga The coalition forces have blocked all the roads of Shattrath. This is the 43rd day. No one knows what those demon hunters, armed broken ones, and fierce naga want to do, but anyone who tries to escape , Will be forcibly sent back to Shattrath, and even lost his life.

Therefore, now, the whole city is full of the atmosphere of war and despair. Isana still retains hope, because Lord Velen had a letter to come, although I don’t know how the letter crossed the distance between the two worlds to reach Sha. Tas's, but Isanna learned from that letter.

Lord Velen has found another place of existence for the draenei, and with the help of the ruler with powerful power and noble soul, the draenei can start a new life there.

Of course, as a high-level astrologer who followed Velen from the world of Argus, Isana also read another exciting fact from that letter. Lord Velen found hope...returning to Argus, Destroy those rebels, and even defeat the Burning Legion, hope!

This is really an exciting fact, but things are not that simple right now, at least the draenei can't go anywhere until the Illidari are repelled.

But just as she turned around and was about to go to rest, a meteor dart across the sky, which caught Isanna’s attention, but she didn’t pay much attention, because meteors falling to the ground are very common in Broken Delano. Yes, the world barriers of this world have been destroyed by the Big Bang, and any wandering celestial body can enter this world at will.

Moreover, these celestial bodies will not have much influence on the astrology.

But just after Isanna cheered up and recalculated the astrological signs, a hint of shock appeared on her lavender pretty face..

At this time, in the dark starlight of Draenor, a Sin'dorei elf wearing golden armor, strode forward to the edge of Shattrath City, where there is a broken bridge leading directly to the city’s Holy Light Hall. , After the handsome Sin'dorei, are two silent demon hunters.

Less than 500 meters behind them are the elite of the broken ones who were re-armed to the teeth by Illidan. These twisted draenei who have lost their will are gathered in the name of revenge by the demon hunters. They are in the battle against the devil. They also found their own new value. Now, these poor eggs, who were once weak as bugs in Outland, are the craziest army under Illidan's command.

Under the orders of the Great Warlord of the Broken, they can bear nearly complete casualties, and the rest of their twisted lives seem to be spent in the name of revenge.

One night elves, the other is also the Sin'dorei elves, they have no tops, their tops are naked, dark green magic patterns are entwined on their bodies, and their thin faces are covered with black cloth strips, appearing to be hazy and solemn. Illidari, this is the elite force formed by Illidan after arriving in Outland. The Avengers who have completely lost everything in the invasion of the devil will be absorbed into this force.

Only one-tenth of them can survive the difficult transformation and the erosion of magic power, but those who survive will become the strongest and sharpest knives against the devil, just like Illidan, and these The guy also showed their characteristics when clearing the demons in Draenor.

Insidious and vicious, they tried every means to kill the demons, never relented, and it was because of their "hard work" that Illidan's work of clearing the Outland went very smoothly, at least the original Outland Lord Ma was under house arrest. After Seriton, Illidan had become the true master of this broken world.

No one knows what he wants to do, even the devil doesn't doubt it, because fighting for power and gain is not uncommon in the chaotic demons by nature, Illidan is already considered soft.

But what does Illidan really want to do?

Haha, no one knows...

"I'm here to meet your leader, Adar!"

With his characteristic arrogance, the Sin'dorei Elf raised his head and said to the draenei defender who stood in front of him. These two strong draenei looked viciously at the Sin'dorei Elf in front of them, and they were fully armed. , The armor was full of traces of battle. They didn't believe that the demon's running dog in front of them, Illidan was rude to clean up the Outland, and it was inevitable to accidentally hurt them. These accidental injuries were the root of the hatred between the two sides.

The fel-powered siege weapons behind them, and the fierce and silent soldiers, gave this audience a feeling of not being kind.

This is always the case. Force will distort many things, and peace is just a wait between two wars.

In the past, Gasios had already picked up his weapon and killed the two impolites, but as Illidan's special envoy, as a person on the secret mission of Quel'Thalas, he can only suppress himself now. The anger, patiently explained to the draenei defender who was full of anger in front of him,

"Enough, don't look at me like a villain, I brought the secret order of Lord Illidan, understand? The order for the survival of Shattrath, so you better take me there!"

At other times, this kind of two-party meeting did not attract the attention of the refugees living in the city, but it is different now. The demon hunter’s army has been besieging the city for more than a month, and the refugees have long been anxious. Things will be expanded and associated. At this uneasy moment, when Illidan's envoy appeared at the gate of Shattrath, the refugees soon got the news.

It's going to war! Illidan wants to destroy Shattrath!

Therefore, during the few minutes of the confrontation between Gacios and the garrison, hundreds of strong refugees armed with weapons rushed to the gate and stood with the two isolated and helpless garrisons. At this moment, the whole Shattrath's hatred was over them.

That is the common hatred between different races. The arakkoa and the ogre are standing together, and the broken one is standing together with the draenei. Everyone’s faces are angry, unconcealable anger, and Gasios is not afraid of this. Because whether in the war of Azeroth or the war of Outland, the losers have this expression.

While following Lord Dick on an expedition to Mount Hyjal and killing those demon servants in Outland, Gasios enjoyed those time, but now, the Sindorei elves have taken a step back. They are only refugees in front of them, they are not warriors. .


The Sin'dorei Demon Hunter took a step forward, and the sharp blades in both hands were already in his hands. This was the same ferocious moon blade as Illidan's Azzinoth. It was a standard weapon for demon hunters. Used, but extremely powerful alien weapon, Xin'dorei's face was cold, full of a certain kind of irritability from the heart,

"If I were you, I would choose to retreat. You are not fighters. Don't try to do what a fighter can do. Retreat! I will only say it once!"

Dark green evil energy entangled Sin'dorei, and then was stopped by Gasios.

"Well, Kane, don't scare them."

The night elf demon hunter on the other side also grinned, showing a weird smile.

"I can smell their fear. It seems firm, but in fact, it's a complete mess. You only need to kill one of them...or two, and they will fall apart in no time."

Gasios didn't like to perform tasks with these cold demon hunters. They were like a group of saboteurs, but the mission on his body made him have to settle down and negotiate with these stubborn guys.

"I won't step into your city until Adal makes a decision, but be careful... my patience is limited!"

In the dark night, the holy light in Gacios's hand seemed warm and eye-catching. This same source of power as Naruadal made the expression of Delaney's garrison a little more calm, and one of them stopped the refugees behind him. The restlessness, the other stepped forward and put away his weapon,

"I have to make sure first, do you have good intentions or destroying malice?"

Gasios raised his brows.

"Of course it's the kind you dream of... Go and inform Adal, I'll wait patiently."

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