Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 7 Chapter 41: .Yongchun Terrace

In Pandaria, the ancient mogu and panda people created many great buildings. The glorious Panlong spine is just one of them. There is also the palace on Kun-Lai Mountain, the four **** temples, and the hidden in the fog-shaded plank road. The palace of the ancient emperor was called Yongchuntai.

The life-containing water from the Valley of Eternal Blossoms flows there, making the palace spring like spring all year round. It is also the most beloved palace of every generation of panda emperors in the panda dynasty that has stretched for tens of thousands of years. Of course, in the last panda emperor After turning into the fog, it became a refuge for panda people to spend occasionally in disasters.

But they can only live in the stonemason’s folly outside of Yongchun Terrace, because the real Yongchun Terrace has been wrapped in the deepest mist. According to legend, that is Shaohao’s last stay. The panda people believe that the one who sacrificed himself The emperor who came to protect his people stayed there in the end, so no one would bother him.

As a result, the Wusha Plank Road has become a place with a sacred taste. Occasionally, panda travellers will go there for pilgrimage, but they will not stay for long.

Except for some weird people.

Now that Pandaria's commerce is monopolized by the land spirit, there is actually a part of the transaction in the hands of the Pandaren, which is a transaction that the cunning land spirit can never go deep into.

The black market is an underground trading field with a hint of darkness, but unlike its name, the black market is not hidden at all. It exists in the deepest part of the veiled plank road, on a cliff. It is said that when the weather is good, You can even see the cliff from Kun-Lai Mountain.

But not everyone can come here. Anyone who tries to get close will be blocked by the burly and indifferent panda warrior. Only those distinguished guests who have been approved by Mrs. Guo Ya can enter it at other times when the black market is opened in a month. .

In fact, the legend of the black market has been circulated in the panda society, but apart from the real adventurers and samurai, almost no one will go to that place. Most of the pandas with good personality hate violence, and chaos is also something they can't avoid. Things, like that kind of black zone, are actually deserted most of the year.

The owner here, Mrs. Guo Ya, is a mysterious female pandaman. The black market is his family property. It is said that it has existed since the rule of the Mogu, so many people can ignore the influence of the black market, but no one He would be disrespectful to Mrs. Guo Ya, who was the real boss in the panda society.

Just like Qorazzi and Prager, stomping will cause an earthquake. Oh, yes. In addition, Shuiyue Manor, the closest to the sea in the Jade Forest, is said to be the property of Mrs. Guo Ya.

But today, the mysterious Mrs. Guo Ya dismissed all the guards in the house uncharacteristically, and only took her guards. The powerful and mysterious Mr. Chu stayed in her house. The freshest marine fish from the Jade Forest came from Kunming. The fattest beef in Laishan, the most delicious bamboo shoots from Krasarang, the sweetest honey from the Mantis Plateau, and the sacred tree fruit from the Fear Wasteland. These ordinary pandas can hardly enjoy them, and they are sent to the wife’s house like running water. , Seems to be... an extraordinary guest is here.

Dick sits on a table in the garden. Beside him, there are carefully carved rockeries and flowing water deliberately drawn in. There are also a variety of rare flowers and plants. A little farther away, the crane rests comfortably. , There are fish in the water, and in the deepest part of the manor with winding paths, Mrs. Guo Ya is entertaining guests from afar.

No one would force her to do this. In fact, Mrs. Guo Ya is always happy about it. Look at her guest, a prince out of the mist, a prince who is said to be the most famous hero in the world, and a real big figure in the local area. , Lord Zhu of the Shado-Pan faction, Elder Zhou Zhuo of Lorewalker, and Elder Jialu, the representative of the Golden Lotus Sect, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the four gods who attended the meeting, the legendary Homo emperor, God, even when Mrs. Guo Ya’s family was the strongest, they could not invite such guests, and now, the wish of the ancestors is Mrs. Guo Ya realized it. For this meal, Mrs. Guo Ya should spend all her savings, and there will be countless people willing to do so.

But only this shrewd lady did it.

Of course, Mrs. Guo Ya will not be a silly bag for being able to take charge of a place like the black market. She is very clear about her position, so she and Mr. Chu are only responsible for today’s hospitality. She will never spend anything that shouldn’t be heard. Time to listen.

Too many secrets will kill many people. This is a truth.

"I will take the heart of evil, and I will take it away from Pandaria forever."

Using his chopsticks skillfully, Dick picked up a piece of beef carefully cooked by the best chef in Mid-Levels and placed it in his mouth. The taste almost made him feel confused, and he hummed comfortably. After a fierce battle, there was nothing. Better than a delicious meal.

He still has the aura of battle remaining on his body, but in fact, fighting the Sha of Proud is no more difficult than Sha of Hatred. After getting rid of the difficult spiritual torture, Sha of Proud is just a stronger chaotic creature. In the face of the power of order, it has no advantage at all.

Even the last pride was dispelled, and Y'Shaarj's dark heart did not make senseless resistance. In fact, when the emotional sword lost its effect, facing Dick, it had nothing to do.

The heart is now properly stored in Dick’s storage ring, and the power of order is entwined on its surface. Before seeing the observer Algalon, he didn’t intend to let the heart reappear, that’s too It's dangerous.

When facing Dick’s words, Yulong, who was comfortably wrapped around a special stone pillar, responded,

"That couldn't be better, but I still have to ask, are you really sure you can handle the trouble? Dick, that is after all..."

"I don't know, but at least I have a plan. It is definitely better than putting it here."

The paladin put down his chopsticks, the deliciousness made people feel happy, especially when the secret of his heart was completely released, his mood was very good now, Lili sat on the table next to him and yelled and ate, but Very weak Anduin sat with Varela, the relationship between the special mother and child improved a lot, and Old Chen discussed some knowledge about spirits with Kritik.

Anvina-sama is holding a juicy grilled fish, sitting on the rockery, sharing this deliciousness with her new friends, but Immersus seems to be unable to taste this special taste, try to bite After one mouthful, the whole body was uncomfortable by the smell, and she circled around An Wei Na who was laughing.

Yes, Master Anvina eventually abducted this lonely water spirit, although only a small part of Immersus was separated, and the strength was very weak, and the Valley of Eternal Blossoms could not be separated from the nourishment of Immersus, but At least Anwina had new friends, which also gave Dick, who had been quarreling with her a headache, a moment of peace.

"This is not a reassuring answer."

The wiser Chi Jing sighed and glanced at Dick. "But as you said, it’s better than staying here and letting it evolve into an uncontrollable disaster, so please, Dick. ."

The Paladin nodded.

"I know the seriousness of this problem, and I will handle it properly."

"Then about the sha demon and the mist...I feel that the sha demon has not disappeared. If I guess right, even if the heart of darkness leaves Pandaria in a short time, it will not dissipate, right?"

Xuenu cared more about the current affairs. Facing its inquiry, Dick nodded, pondered for a moment, and said,

"The Heart of Darkness is just an introduction to the appearance of the Sha Demon. The weird creatures can still exist even if they are separated from the Sha Heart, but without the supply of Sha energy, they will definitely dissipate completely for at most 100 years. This requires you to continue. Maintained and vigilant, but at least within 5 years of the rapid weakness of the Sha demon, Pandaria is not suitable for large-scale entry of foreigners."

The Paladin glanced at Yongchun Terrace, which was shrouded in mist in the distance, and then at Emperor Kritik, the holy emperor.

"But at the request of the Monkey King, this fog will disperse today."

"It should be. Shaohao sacrificed everything for this continent. It has been ten thousand years. He should take a break."

Niuzao's voice is deep and strong,

"We are not opposed to the dispersal of the fog. It is not a good thing for Pandaria to be isolated from the world for too long. Even if we are careful, the Pandaren will eventually go to the whole world. We can't protect them forever, and they don't need us. Protection forever."

"So, after the fog clears, I will ask Theramore, Orgrimmar and Stormwind Kingdom to send envoys as soon as possible. They will serve as the forerunners of the civilized world, but a new continent may be a piece for everyone. New treasures, especially the treasures that you occupy the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Valley of the Four Winds, which any forces desire the most, these five years will be very difficult five years."

This was what Dick said to Zhou Zhuo, Zhu Taran, and Jia Lu. The Four Heavenly Gods had already not interfered with the development of Pandaren society, so these things would fall into the hands of their specific rulers.

"We are not afraid of anyone..."

Taran Zhu groaned and looked at Dick and Anduin, "In the past two days, Zhou Zhuo also talked a lot about the outside world with the little prince and others. We know that the world is now divided into two camps, but I am curious. The thing is, you, to be precise, you, Dick, are you on the outside world? Alliance or tribe?"

"No, my friend"

Dick raised his glass and drank it. "I'm not on either side. I'm on Azeroth's side. Anduin will do the same in the future. In fact, if you find it difficult to weigh, you might as well join me. This side."

Taran Zhu, Zhou Zhuo and Jia Lu exchanged glances, and finally Zhou Zhuo, who has the best relationship with Dick, said,

"Thank you for your invitation, Dick, this is not distrust, but we have to be responsible for the people, so please give us some time to observe, but I can guarantee that you will always be our first choice."

Dick was not surprised by this decision. The Pandaren have inherited wisdom for tens of thousands of years. Even the four gods cannot change their decision on such a matter of race survival. He is not in a hurry, he believes. , The wise panda people, will eventually make the right decision.

"Actually, I have one last question."

Dick turned his head to look at Yulong, his brow furrowed, "The evil of doubt, what's going on?"

"According to Liu Yanxin's return, everything is normal in Qinglong Temple."

There was also a hint of doubt in Yulong’s voice, “But I didn’t go back to check it myself. The chaos in Kun-Lai Mountain caused by the Sha Demon riots has not yet calmed down. I have to stay here for a while. Liu Yanxin is a reliable person. I believe her. , So I suspect that the Sha of Doubt may have been suppressed by others. You must know that there are many strange people and strangers hidden in the land of Pandaria."

Dick nodded. Although there was some suspicion in his heart, he sensibly didn't ask any more. He looked at Kritik who had stood up from the ground. He knew that he should fulfill his promise to the holy emperor.

Release Shaohao, disperse the fog, and let Pandaria truly return to the embrace of Azeroth.

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