Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 7 Chapter 28: .The Wisdom of the Mantid

There are indeed soldiers under Thor in Thor Island, but in terms of quantity and quality, they cannot be compared with the Titan creations that Dick just activated from the engine of Naraksha.

Jianxi and Taixi’s frontal combat effectiveness may not be as good as that of guys like Gavincent, but their performance in group battles is terrifying. Just their weight and their strength are enough to be two unshakable. Gaoshan, not to mention, Dick still has a legal assassin like Eragon in his hands.

The belly of this starlight dragon contains the power of Titan and Thor. Although it will become less terrifying without the engine of Naraksha, under the full power of the starlight breath, no matter if it is a group of quilin statues. , Or those strange creatures hidden under the Thunder God's Palace, but none of its opponents.

What's more, there is the addition of Zandalari trolls.

In fact, in just two days, Dick almost cleared 80% of the entire Thor's palace, and he was only one step away from entering Leiden's cell.

Have a good conversation with this great guardian who has sealed himself for hundreds of thousands of years. This is definitely what Dick wants to do most now, but the Mogu warlords Iron Qiong and Mogu Shuang, who are always loyal to the Thor, are left behind by Thor. The creatures made by oneself took the last of their talents and stubbornly resisted.

But it's okay, it's been so long, and Dick doesn't care about waiting for another day.

Also don't care about one or two days, there is Dick's "old friend", holding Mr. Bigworth's Kel'Thuzad who just returned from the wandering in the wasteland of fear.

At this moment, he was sitting on his gorgeous magic carpet, hugging the cat, humming, and moving fast in the direction of the Jade Forest. The scene of the Valley of the Four Winds was exactly the same as the one he had seen before. This is for everyone. They are all beautiful places, but for Kel'Thuzad, there is no attraction at all.

All he was thinking about was all his previous experiences with those mantids.

After accepting the news from his subordinates before he died, he came to Pandaria from Twilight Heights. This originally seemed to Kel'Thuzad like a journey. In his first real "life", he experienced a lot. This trip, but how to say, life is full of surprises, this trip he got much more than previously expected.

For Kel’Thuzad, the fog that enveloped Pandaria was indeed a very tangled thing, but with the guidance of Sataras, who had recovered a part of his power, the great lich almost circled the entire Pandaria. Xiaohuan finally landed from the Krasarang Wilds on the continent that had been sealed in dust for thousands of years.

As soon as he landed ashore, Sataras told him that there was an ancient god's breath nearby, which made Kel'Thuzad more than ten points of vigilance. Although the same ancient gods, these five landed on Azeroth. The relationship between the guys is not very good, and Sataras was even eaten directly by her four brothers. This is an embarrassing thing, but after Kel'Thuzad entered the Zhuhe Temple as a traveler, check it out. He only understood the history of those pandamen.

He and Sataras are undoubtedly hitting great luck. The ancient gods here should come from Y'Shaarj, the strongest ancient god, but it has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, so you only need to find With the wreckage left by Y'Shaarj, Sataras was able to regain part of his power again.

This was extremely lucky for her and Kel'Thuzad, but until Kel'Thuzad broke the seal of the evil spirit and released the evil spirit, both of them were silent.

They made an oolong.

Although the evil spirits also have the power of the ancient gods, they are not ancient gods, and they are not even clones. They are just the reverberations of the ancient gods after their death, and they are infected by Shaohao's emotions, and then a chaotic monster derived , They are even completely two kinds of creatures with the ancient gods.

This discovery made Sataras who had been enthusiastic about some blows, so Kel'Thuzad got a period of "leisure".

Sataras is a very "lazy" guy. She wouldn't ask Kel'Thuzad to do this or that until she encountered something she was really interested in. With such a boss, the pace of life of the Great Lich is still very good. Yes, so he made a journey from the Valley of the Four Winds to the Wasteland of Fear.

But it was this trip that allowed Sataras to find a new target. To be precise, it was news about Y'Shaarj's remnant.

That was when Kel'Thuzad had just entered the Wasteland of Fear. He saw the creatures that were turned into mantids by the pandamen. He thought that the pandamen were right. Those guys did look exactly like the mantis, with the same body and branches. Powerful, but with human limbs and social groups far beyond animal hunting.

Kel'Thuzad became interested in this creature, but soon he discovered that the ordinary mantid had very poor intelligence and could only passively accept orders from superiors, without fear or retreat. It was simply a perfect war. Machines, and the number of mantids is amazing. The big lich only calculated a little, and found that if the mantid came out in full force, it would not be a problem to flood the entire Pandaria.

What is it that makes them full of restraint in their food?

That's right, pandamen, yaks, lizardmen, and even mogu, these existences are just food for the mantid.

Kel'Thuzad thought this question was very good, and it gave him a kind of desire to continue exploring, but on the second day, an accident happened. Kel'Thuzad found a special piece of amber in a swamp, and it came from it. Very weak life will, in curiosity, the big lich unlocked the amber, slashed and rescued a mantid hero who claimed to be Kerruk the Wind Reaver.

Kerruk was very friendly to his awakener, especially after Kel'Thuzad found enough food for it, the wind raider took him to a mysterious place, which was in fear and waste. In the depths of the soil, a place called Karaxivis, translated as Karaxis Council, where the elders of the mantid were.

At this point, Kel'Thuzad finally understood the social composition of the mantid. As the Great Lich saw, the mantid’s social group relies on a kind of Kaipa sacred tree that only grows in the wasteland of fear. It is An indescribable magical plant, but according to the short-lived research of the Great Lich, that thing only has an effect on the growth of the young mantid, and their use of sound waves and hormones opened Kel'Thuzad's eyes.

The last is their society, which is divided into three levels. The lowest level is the mantid civilians or soldiers who don't have much wisdom. Their responsibility is to serve the upper level and die in battle.

The second rank is the wise but not very knowledgeable mantid sergeants and nobles. They form the backbone of the mantid society and are responsible for the operation of the entire empire and act as commanders during battles.

The third position is the Empress of the Mantid, the nominal ruler of the Mantid Empire, the symbol of the empire, the most powerful female, and the queen’s think tank, which is the great Karaxivis Council. The ruling on the face of the Queen, the Council of Karaxivs, is the real reason why this empire can exist to this day.

This council is composed of wise mantid elders and brave mantid heroes. Kel'Thuzad rescued the wind raider Kerruk is a member of the heroes. To be honest, if it weren't the shape of the heroes, the lich would even Think of them as knights in the human empire, these guys actually have the same "sense of honor" as human knights!

Hell, especially the wind-predator Kerruk, this guy's insistence on "honor" even reminded Kel'Thuzad of Dick, the guy who made him want to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

And Kel'Thuzad also discovered that the Karaxivs Council might have some secret contradictions with the Grand Empress Shek'shir, but this has little to do with him. After all, he is just a trustworthy "foreigner". By".

Here, Kel'Thuzad, who was also nostalgic for the past, was treated by the cruel and wise elders of the mantid, and he finally understood the origin of the mantid.

Like the Qiraji who was wiped out in Silithus, the mantid also came from the Aqir Empire that was destroyed by the Zandalari in ancient times. They are one of the three survivors of the Qiraji. Came to Pandaria, and was also captured by another ancient god.

The Qiraji were loyal to C'Thun, and the hapless guy had been killed by Dick.

The mantid is loyal to Y'Shaarj, yes, Sataras and Kel'Thuzad guessed wrong, and the records of those Pandaren are also wrong! No, it can't be called a mistake, but the record of the mortal race is too one-sided.

Y'Shaarj is indeed dead, but the ancient gods are not so easy to die completely. Especially for the strongest ancient gods like Y'Shaarj, its death is carried out in stages. Now the Sha demon under Pandaria, It's just that Y'Shaarj's last breath was full of fear and malice. According to the mantid's records, they could always hear the voice of the great master.

Y'Shaarj also has its own consciousness. It has been calling its servants to release itself from the cage, but the mantid can’t tell where the cage is, but it just knows that someone in Pandaria This place, and Y'Shaarj’s call is time-interval. He will call once every 100 years. At that time, all the missions deep in the blood of the mantid will make them rush to the Great Wall of Pandaria and try to enter Pandali. Asia inland.

But not once, so the great ruler is still imprisoned somewhere in Pandaria, and the mantid's once-in-a-hundred-year migration has never stopped.

Regarding the credibility of this story, Kel'Thuzad actually only believed two-thirds. He would not believe that every failure of the Great Migration that the elder mantid said was the reason for his lack of strength.

As mentioned earlier, as long as the mantid is willing to really work hard, it is only a matter of time before the mantid drowns Pandaria. The reason for the failure is probably the same reason for the conversation with the Pharaoh and Dick of the To'vil.

Who would want a real "master" in his head?

Especially for a race like the mantid that has been passed down for thousands of years, the wisdom of the mantid elders of Karaxivs even Kel'Thuzad would be amazed. Such a council of 11 wise men would naturally understand it. Once the "master" is truly found, what kind of future the mantid race will face.

So this time the failure is just acting.

Maybe the Pandaren themselves didn't know that they had a history of fighting against the mantid once every 100 years, and they only performed a drama with the mantid for thousands of years.

Kel'Thuzad had no intention of participating in the drama of the mantid and the Pandaren. What he really cares about, or that what Sataras really cares about is only a dominator's cage. Where is that stuff?

Sataras can be sure of ten thousand percent. That lord is the wreckage of Y'Shaarj. You only need to find that thing. She is only two steps away from the true "perfect body" of the ancient god, and once she gets it Y'Shaarj's power, Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth, were no longer her opponents at all.

Not only can it avenge the revenge that was eaten hundreds of thousands of years ago, but it can also complete the "sacred" mission given to them by the Void Lord. Sataras said this is really great!

So she frantically urged the Great Lich to act quickly in Kel'Thuzad's mind to help the great Sataras find the remains of his enemy Y'Shaarj.

In the face of the completely mad master, Kel'Thuzad could only say goodbye to the mantid elders who had a good chat, but the great lich still remembers that when he left, the mantis named Karaksivaek The demon elder, is also the chief speaker of the Karaxivis Council, the smartest wise man in the entire mantid population, that meaningful sentence.

"You and I are both poor people bound by destiny and reincarnation. We have persisted in searching for dominance for thousands of years. This is our mission. You also need to persist in this way. And only this kind of firm will will let you in any situation. , To preserve the existence of self, outsider, if you want to find the existence of the ruler for us, I suggest that you can go to the Pandaren’s Qinglong Temple, the smartest place hidden in the Jade Forest, you will definitely find what you want to find Something!"

"Remember doubts, that is your worst enemy, but sometimes, it is also your help!"

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